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Introducing the Crazed mind of FUR



So this is the blog section huh? I like it! So why'd it take me so long to post in here you might be thinking? Well, to put it simply, I was over-thinking things about what topics to write about and whatnot, causing me to become paranoid over whether or not people are gonna even read it if they don't care about the topic of discussion. I didn't want to become the crazy guy talking to himself. But I've come to the conclusion that it's ok, because basically everyone else is too for the most part, so I'm in good company. Hey you, where you going? Sit back and relaaaaax, I told you I was "introducing the crazed mind of FUR", and you clicked the link. So now, as a consequence you gotta sit through this garbage whether you like it or not.

I got you attention there didn't I? Even if I really don't have your complete 100% attention, that's ok. I wanna talk about what I want to use this blog for. Since there's actually a "category" feature, I want to organize my thoughts a bit better than they would be if I were to simply post rants on the main forum every now and then and have most of them ignored. And to be honest I'm surprised I haven't received the TLDR; reply in a long time. At least now with blogs, I can talk about stuff and not go off topic, since i'm the one determining what the topics are going to be. Everyone and their grandmother knows I go off topic mid rant on the forums way too much, so hopefully I can curtail that to an extent regarding miscellaneous topics.

Oh no, I did it again! You see what I mean? Oh my goodness, and now here I was about to rant about a rant. Wait a second, did this blog post even have a topic to begin with? I don't know anymore, and you don't probably don't know either, so I'll just go with the flow. You know you just gotta love that point in time where you hit a wall, and it seems like you have literally nothing in your mind worth worth putting down on paper, or in this case on a blog, so you sit there wallowing about thinking as hard as you can hoping that some idea will pop up that will amaze people and grab their attention. Right now, I'm not doing a very good job of that, or am I? If you're still reading this, you're either incredibly bored and tired, or I'm a genius. I'm willing to bet it's the former.

And THAT is your introduction to the crazed mind of FUR. PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE :troll:


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