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Scott Harvery

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Rest in Peace, Satoru Iwata.



Lately, I've tended to avoid making long walls of text in public places these days.. But hearing the news, I thought It was time to put my thoughts out there.

On July 11th, 2015, Nintendo's CEO Satoru Iwata passed away due to complications from a bile duct infection. Iwata was an iconic figure in Nintendo's community, joining Nintendo's HAL labrotory in 1989 as a programmer, he helped produce many of the company's work, such as Balloon Fighter, and Earthbound, before becoming a Director in 2002, and eventually It's fourth President in 2003.

As a Nintendo fan from childhood, I am thankful for all the years he's put into driving the company to where it currently stands--Still creating new, and fun experiences for gamers around the world. He had a personality that certainly left an impact on everyone he met, and as I write, and see the articles and tweets that pop up, he seemed to have the same on the world of gaming. He was very passionate about his work, and I can say with my heart that he will be deeply missed by everyone.

Tonight, I will be lighting a candle for the him. He shaped a company that made a real impact on my life, and love for the industry, and the type of person I aspire to be like. I only hope one day I can be like you.

Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata. Our thoughts and Prayers go Directly to you, and your family. We will never forget you.


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