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If you had another little shot...


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I guess that many of you have a long history with videogames.

Let it be NES, SNES, N64, PS1, DREAMCAST, portatiles or any other old school games, many of us have used or owned these as a kid. For those whose consoles didn't survive time or any other reason, became unable to play them again.

Which old-school game or otherwise game who you're unable to play would you want to play on these days?

NOTE: If you can play them emulated, it doesn't count. It's not the same when played on the original thing.

I wish that I could try again my Nintendo 64 or my SNES, most notable for:

-SNES: Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, even weird games such as Wheel of Fortune and association football.

(On another note, my mom misses playing the hardest game of Dr. Mario... she completed it liek a boss)

-N64: Both games of the Banjo-Kazooie series, Donkey Kong 64. Most of these I miss are games that I haven't played in-depth or never even touched:

Star Fox 64

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask


So, which games do you miss the most?

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NOTE: If you can play them emulated, it doesn't count. It's not the same when played on the original thing.

You can emulate -anything- old school. Thus, I can't fairly answer this question as I get my oldschool fix every week.

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I'd like to have a second shot with my.... Wait... None of my old school systems are broken. They all work perfectly fine and in only slightly worn condition(The SEGA logo is half worn on my Genesis) but other than that, my NES works fine, my SNES works fine, my Genesis works fine, PS1, Gameboy, Gameboy pocket, Gameboy color, just not the SP, the triggers didn't survive on that one... So yeah, I guess it'd be that, I'd like to have that SP back with working triggers, most notable for every gameboy color and pocket game I had at night time, and for Cartoon Network racing.

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All of my retro consoles (NES, SNES, Genesis, Dreamcast, GameBoy, Atari 2600) are still in working condition, though there is one console that I've always wanted to own/play with in person; the Vectrex. It seems so interesting; vector-graphics, built-in monitor, and just that old-school charm! :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish I could have a PS1 again

The games I miss are:


Strikers II 1945

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage

Metal Slug

I also want my SNES back, for classics like Contra, Super Mario, and Megaman

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All of my consoles still work except for my old NES, I have TWO of them and they're both broken, the third actual working one I sold to get an SNES on my 13th birthday.

Still old NES games, I have most of em on VC for 3DS and Wii, but the games I can't play anymore that I wish I could.

Duck Hunt

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the Arcade Game

Super Mario Bros. 2

And even though I have em on VC there's nothing like playing them with an NES controller on the real thing

Ice Hockey


Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Wario's Woods

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You can emulate -anything- old school. Thus, I can't fairly answer this question as I get my oldschool fix every week.


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My N64 works just fine so I'm cool... wait... I forgot the PS1! I want to play crash warped, I LOVED that game.

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