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Kickstarter Double Fine (Psychonauts creator) Adventure


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Basically, Double Fine is going to make a point-and-click adventure game made entirely on donations from "Kickstarters." Donators also get the game when it comes out so it's also a bit more of a pre-order. Anyway, their goal was $400,000, but as of writing this it's $1,247,221, but the more money they have to work on this the better the game will be as the money will allow them to do multiple system releases, better soundtrack, better voice work, more content, all that good stuff. So if you're interested, have at it.

Know that saying, "I'm throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening," well here's your chance for something to happen with it.


Also related, they are apparently negotiation with Notch about receiving funding for Psychonauts 2.

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