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Crack a Joke

Geo Stelar

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Don't argue with an idiot. He will eventually drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience :lol:

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A drunk Adolf Hitler walks into a bar and says, "Give me a drink!"


and so the bartender answers, "What do you want? We have Budweiser, Heineken and Bass."


"How dare you!" says Hitler.


"Excuse me?"


"I asked for a drink, not a prisoner exchange!"

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"I'm sorry, sir", said the local librarian over the phone. "But the items you requested are still not available. The one who borrowed the book on getting organized lost it and the book about speed reading is overdue"

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Knock Knock.... fix your doorbell

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A homeless man, a businessman, a ironman, a merman, a beastman, a frogman, a hawkman, a Jamaicaman, a protoman, spaceman, a glazed ham, a yes ma'am, a guy named Sam, a steam tram, a vanilla ban, a garbageman, a uglyman, a doorman, Darth Vader, Mr. Spock, The Doctor, Shuttle Endeavor, MIR station, the moon, Jesus, God, the holy ghost, Satan, Dante, his inferno, Pizza, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Koopa, Goomba and his best friend Dave enter a bar...


Damn, I forgot the joke. 

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They say, "If you can't beat them, join them". I say, if you can't beat them, beat them, because they expect you to join them, and you will have the element of surprise

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Hi I'm Dark Lombardi, and this picture in itself is, ah, a joke


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How do you tell the difference between a run over dog and a run over lawyer?

There are no brake marks before the lawyer

What do you do when you see three lawyers buried to their necks in sand?

Get more sand!

If a Lawyer and and IRS agent were drowning and you could only save one... Would you go to lunch or read the newspaper?

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A drunk Kim Jong un walks into a bar screaming and crying, "WHY?!"


The bartender replies, "You look upset."


"My missile doesn't work." he sobs. "It falls apart, falls over and blows up too early."


So the bartender says, "Does sound like you have a problem. How can I help?"


and Kim then says, "No. theres nothing ANYONE can do...




If my Viagra can't work, nothing will."

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*Drops a fish* Oops, looks like I just dropped the Bass :lol:

Why even have a fish. They're dangerous. :P

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Gravatational mass is identical to inertial mass.  That is, the amount of inertia something has and the amount of gravity it has are effectively the same.  What's interesting is that there doesn't seem to be any reason this should be true.  One could imagine an extremely large object with lots of resistance to force and no gravity, or vice versa, but this is never observed.....


You know what?  I'm gonna skip the rest of the buildup and say it.  


Yo mama's fat.

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What do you tell someone with two black eyes? Nothing, they've already been told twice XD 

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Yo Mama is soooo fat...


...when you're caught in her gravitational field, you need escape velocity. And in the panic you use too much speed and BAM! the Break Away factor and sent back in time!

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Once there was a 62-year old couple who were very sweet with each other. One day, a fairy appeared before them and told them they each have a wish for her to grant. The wife went first, saying, "I want to travel the world with my husband :love: " and *POOF!* two first-class ship tickets appeared. The husband said, "This is sweet and everything, but what I want is to have a wife 30 years younger than me". The wife and the fairy looked very disappointed, but a wish is a wish. The fairy waved her wand and *POOF!*


.... the husband became 92 years old.

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Kim Kardashian and an American Idol reject are very different of course.


One is a flashy attention-whore with no talent or reason to be on TV...


and the other is an American Idol reject.

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Why did the girl fall off the swing?

She had no arms.

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Bill O'Reilly and a chimpanzee are very different of course.


One is foul creature that goes around screaming, rolls in its filth and throws sh*t at people...





...and the other is a chimp. 

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What's the big difference between a Furry and your average young-adult?


One is a obnoxious overdramatic, completely insane and alien creature that is slowly losing its humanity factor by falling into the worst possible customs and trends known to man, with its completely nonsense plethora of indiscernible lingo and 'cute' terms for the most vulgar things imaginable and a bit further than that, noteworthy that most are turning pervert.


The other is a Furry.

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If Johnny has 50 candy bars And he eats 45, what does he have?


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If Johnny has 50 candy bars And he eats 45, what does he have?







   A Whovian, a gryffindor, a Trekkie and a Warsie walk into a bar and remarkably nothing happened.

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Me wife and I figured out the secret to a happy marriage. We go to a fancy schmancy restaurant two days a week.

I go on Mondays and she goes on Fridays.


Doctor! Doctor! I swallowed a roll of film!

Well, let's hope nothing develops.


Doctor! Doctor! I keep thinking I'm a tepee or a wigwam!

You must be two tents!


What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover Vacuum?

On the Harley, the dirtbag's on the outside.


What's the difference between a cactus and a BMW?

On a BMW, the prick's on the inside.


How long have I been in comedy?

Welp, when I was born the doctor told my mom, "That's a funny-looking kid"

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Why did the man fall of the bike?


A boy wanted to be first in line for a video game, but he was too hung up in tying knots.

Looks like he will knot be in the front of the line!

How many elephants does it take to change a lightbulb? None, their hands are too big, and they don't have thumbs.

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A sword, a dog, an ice wizard, a boy, a princess, and a colorful magic land.

What time is it?

Psychiatric sanatorium time, you're not fine.

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