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Animation thing I made that definately needs work...

Talyl Landmaster

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Recently, I made an animation for StarFox's 20th anniversary (late, BTW :D ), and I put it on my DA. I wish I could post it up here, but you can check it out in the link here instead: http://thedudewhodrawsstuff.deviantart.com/art/Star-Fox-20th-Anniversary-Animation-365371454?q=gallery%3Athedudewhodrawsstuff&qo=0

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It may not look great, but I like the concept behind it! It's neat to see the arwing progressing through the cockpit.

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It may not look great, but I like the concept behind it! It's neat to see the arwing progressing through the cockpit.

Thank you. :D Yeah, I wanted  to do an infinite loop thing, and I decided to add a barrel roll for good measure. I was going to have characters pop up on the white screen, but I didn't have time to add it.

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You can post it here. Just need to upload it to a image hosting site like imgur.

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You can post it here. Just need to upload it to a image hosting site like imgur.

I don't follow. How u do it?

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Go to a image hosting website (I REALLY recommend http://imgur.com)
Upload the .gif file.
Come here.
Use url to insert picture.



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EDIT: :ninja: 'd


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Go to a image hosting website (I REALLY recommend http://imgur.com)

Upload the .gif file.

Come here.

Use url to insert picture.



There was an error. It didn't work. Thanks anyway.

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Ninja post. Look it up.

Huh. What does it have to do with this?

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Huh. What does it have to do with this?

DZ was answering your question, but he saw that High Executor had already answered it before he had a chance.

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There was an error. It didn't work. Thanks anyway.

I didn't know Imgur has a 10MB upload limit. Phooey.

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