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Dinosaur Planet Music and Dialogue

Karruna Niara

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Dunno if this has reached the ears of the Star Fox community, but a prototype E3 2002 disc of Star Fox Adventures recently made it's way into the hands of a RustedLogic denizen.

Surprisingly, there's a handful of Dinosaur Planet remnants on the disc, namely instrument samples, MIDI sequences, and over an hour of unused dialouge right out of DP (though some Star Fox bits are amusingly shoehorned in the dialouge bit, surprisingly).

The reconstructed music samples can be found/downloaded here, while the dialouge can be listened to in this video. I'm working on transcribing the latter, but that's going to take a while.

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I am about half way through the set of music samples that you posted, and it seems Nintendo at least kept with the somewhat tribal music genre that Rare was initially wanting in their game (even downright keeping some of the tunes)...Though I admit this sample music seems a bit more intricate has more depth to it.  Wonder what it would have been like to have it fully orchestrated and applied to a better version of Adventures than what we got :D .  It would be like a completely different game!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this thread is old, but the dialogue clip was just posted on GoNintendo.com, so it is relevant again in a way.


As I've been preaching for years. The more I hear about how great this game was going to be, the more sad I get. :(

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