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Starfox Assault Easter Egg


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you will never believe this,but I found a cool new Easter egg in SF Assault. When your on Corneria in multiplayer grab an Arwing an fly over the water at the edge of the level and if you look at the reflection in the water it shows a Starfox Assault version of the blue Marine. I tried it with the Wolfen too and it showed a Starwolf version of the Blue Marine. Try it and see,it's really cool.

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I don't have Assault, but I tried to look up this and I can't find any sources. I'm thinking this isn't true, unless you can put your money where your mouth is and show it in some way.

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Are you sure it isn't just a reflection of an arwing or a wolfen? The reflection could be skewed because of the water's surface or something

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I just looped around the level 5 times and all I saw was a reflection of the arwing without it's wings...




Thanks for settling that - I would've been far too lazy to go and search for my Gamecube which is probably hiding in a box somewhere. :P

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Blue Marine was even coded into Star Fox Assault? Sprite glitch?

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I think it could be. And I will try to prove it just give me some time.

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I know I'm late in saying this, but I'm pretty sure it's just a graphical glitch. I remember playing my friend's copy and it just looked like the Arwing fuselage without the wings while flying over the water. You have to remember that the fuselage and the wings are two different objects because you can rip them off if you crash. It was the same way in SF64, so it's likely that they just forgot to make those reflect in the water.

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Can we conclude that this theory of an Easter egg is debunked yet?

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considering who started this thread, that should've been obvious from the beginning.

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considering who started this thread, that should've been obvious from the beginning.

I'm not sure how necessary it is to make a post only to attack OP.  Sure, it wasn't an actual easter egg, but it happens a lot where someone finds a really cool thing they really want to share, and then don't fact check or anything.  It wasn't his fault, he just got excited.

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this is hardly the first time he's come here to make a post without any sort of evidence to back up his claim about something that turns out not to be true.

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