Zukaro Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Hello, I am new. I AM A ROBOT FOX. :3 (created by GalaxyFox :V (on Earth)) I love the Star Fox series (partially because I can play as a fox and partially cuz it's just a really fun game (and I love foxes more than anything in the metaverse (the amount I love foxes is infinite, so much so that it's literally impossible to explain or express how much I love foxes))). Anyways; I think the first Star Fox game I ever played was probably Star Fox Adventures, as I never had a SNES or N64 (I got a N64 a few years ago and then Star Fox 64, which is one of my favourite games). Basically I had a NES, and then I had a GameCube. The GameCube was the system I really grew up with, so I had both Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault (I actually never owned Star Fox Adventures until more recently; basically what would happen was I would just constantly rent the game back when game rentals were still a thing :V). Star Fox Adventures was one of my favourite games of all time, although that being said, I can probably rant on about it for awhile just because it could have been 100% perfect rather than 98% perfect (the beginning and ending didn't really fit (by beginning I mean the part where you're introduced to the Star Fox team, and by end I mean when all of a sudden Andross)). Other than that though it was a great game and I loved it a lot. Star Fox Assault was also a lot of fun. While it did have some parts which weren't so great it was over all a really good game. I used to just go on that Dinosouar Planet mission and pretty much do absolutely nothing but fly around in the Arwing for no reason, making sure to kill some enemies in the sky from time to time so that the game wouldn't end. As to why, I don't know. But I did a lot of pointless stuff like that in games when I was little (where I'd just hangout in the game and do absolutely nothing but fly around or drive around or whatever). I've never played the original Star Fox game as I lack a SNES, but I recently ordered a USB SNES controller off Think Geek and I'mma set up an emulator so I can play it. I also need to get a N64 and GameCube USB controller. :v Cuz I want. ;^; But ish liek, $20 each or so, I'm broke, and they're also out of stock on the GC and N64 controllers. Aaaaanyways, nao onto a new subject; EVERYTHING I OWN DOES NOT WORK. ;^; I need to fix everything. Cuz it's all liek "nawp, nawt gonna work today". Basically my desktop computer Windows side is all like "?!" and is just a mess (I need to do a fresh install) and lags in games which it should not lag in and is now stacking icons on the desktop (I put ONE ITEM on the desktop, and then it all went to hell and now icons are under icons :v). On my Linux install (which is my prefferred OS (all my other computers only use Linux, such as my laptop (which works really well other than the bluetooth and also I need to organize the files))) it sometimes just stops listening to the keyboard. :v I have no clue why and it only seems to do this with my new mechanical keyboard (I'm using PS/2 but I can use USB if I want, but I luv PS/2 ;^; you can has infinite key roll over (N-Key roll over ish called) (as in, I can press ALL THE KEYS AND THEY WILL ALL REGISTER) AND you can set up in the BIOS to wake up the computer upon pressing certain buttons (I set mine up so I can press CTRL-ESC and mai computer will turn on; only problem is I never turn off my computer anyways and if I did I'd be more likely to use WoL to turn it on again)). I can fix it all, but I dun wanna. ;^; Currently the things which work are: my new tablet, my laptop, my server (sorta). I has an ownCloud server (ish GalaxyFox themed (basically it has the logo of a fictional company I came up with that made Zukaro Travon, a robawt fox )) and it mostly works. The way I have things setup is I have Ubuntu Server 13.10 as the host, and then another Ubuntu Server 13.10 install for each virtual server. Currently I have a Minecraft server and an ownCloud server. I should fix my Minecraft server though, as it doesn't automatically start the server like it should (as I never bothered to finish setting it up). As for my ownCloud server, it complains to me about something but continues to work. I don't wanna fix it. ;^; AND EVENTUALLY I need to get around to setting up the host server to listen to the UPS so that if the power goes out it'll shut down properly rather than stay on and potentially run outta power and corrupt files. That's probably something important I should get around to doing but likely will never get around to doing. Also need a way of having it turn on again once power is restored. Also my Android phone suddenly decided that FireFox will never work again. So I probably need to uninstall and reinstall that to maik it work. Everything likes to not work. ;^; I can fix it all and make everything work perfectly, but that would require a complete overhaul of EVERYTHING. ;^; One day I might, but we'll see. I only recently got around to half cleaning my room (I moved stuff out into the hall which I need to move back into my room :v and then moved the mess around so the mess is now mostly on one half of my desk than everywhere ). I still need to hang up all the pictures of foxes I has. (I has liek, 20 toy foxes in mai cabinet thingeh (I need more though cuz now that they're all in one cabinet the fact that they sorta fit in it makes me nawt happy cuz they need to nawt fit cuz I need to have so many <3)) And I have forgotten what I was saying. ;^; If I ever get around to actually finishing my room it will be amazing. But I should probably also fix everything too, so that things will be 100% amazing rather than 75% amazing (it's only 75% amazing cuz hardly anything works and I still need to setup a thingy so I can video gaimz in bed (I can do that with my laptop as I have a stand thingy for that, but the problem is I need my laptop every day at college and putting it in the bag takes forever so I dun wanna take it out at home ;^; )). So I wanna get a small lil computer, put SteamOS on it, and stream games from my desktop to that little PC in mai bed and have a wall or ceiling mounted monitor and a keyboard and mouse tray thingy which can just go against the wall when I want to sleep. I'd also like a mini fridge, but I have no where to put it. But that's never stopped me. :V I found a monitor in the garbage, and I took it and now it's on my desk. Cuz it works, but I don't use it unless testing computers and stuff. So basically it's on my desk and set up so I can work on computers and test them with that monitor, rather than having to attempt to use my main monitor (which is impossible to access the wires and such for). It's a really shitty monitor though. It has liek, 8-bit colour depth (probably more than that, but it looks really low). And now that I got my mechanical keyboard I have a spare keyboard. Unfortunately it's a shitty mesh keyboard, so touching it pains me. ;^; Once you've used a mechanical keyboard you cannot ever touch a mesh keyboard again. It just hurts. ;^; So much. I might have to bring my keyboard with me to school every day, but it's really loud, so I doubt the class would appreciate that (especially in my Java programming class, where I'd be doing a ton of typing really fast ). Java programming ish fun. I currently know very little about it however, but I think I'm ahead of the class (or close to it). Basically I seem to know a lot about it. I HAVE A LINUX CLASS NEXT SEMESTER. :V It's going to be either fun or super boring. Cuz I literally already know just about everything about Linux (I know there's still a lot I don't know but I know more than enough and certainly don't need a beginner's course in it :v). Basically I've been using Linux for a very long time. It's more or less my primary OS (I sometimes use Windows due to games, and sometimes use it a lot on my desktop because everything is broken, but that's a little less sorta broken not really but sorta kinda idk maybe (works with my dual monitors though)). My desktop is the only computer I own which has Windows on it. And I have a lot of computers (more than 7, although I don't think most work cuz I found most of them on the side of the road or in the electronics recycling place :V (the computer I use to run servers on I found on the side of the road with the case kicked in right on the motherboard (so that the motherboard was bending a lot) so I took it home and ran a server on it for half a year (it was a farily recent computer and was much better than that 13 year old computer I was using previously, plus it had a 1TB HDD with it); anyways, that ran for about half a year before dying (I think what killed it was the 13 year old power supply from the old computer :v), so I went and bought a new motherboard for it as that's all that was dead and nao it works again (I did put it in a new case too though as the old one was obliterated, as well, I gave it a new PSU cuz the 13 year old one is probably not good))). Currently in my room is 4 computers if you don't count the Raspberry Pi and Tablet I has and Smart Phone. I am turning 20 as of May 5th. ;A; I've never been 20 before. ;^; I don't know what it's like. ;A; Of course, I've never been 19 before my last May 5th birthday either, and it was exactly the same as 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 (I don't remember past 3). So I assume 20 will be the same. AND NOW I REALIZE THAT SPELL CHECK IS OFF. THEREFORE I MUST GO BACK AND FIX THE NON-INTENTIONAL SPELLING ERRORS. ;^; And I've run out of words. ;^; I don't know what else to say, ask me stuff if you want. Here's a picture dat I drew of Zukaro Travon: '> (linked just in case it goes off the screen) And the GalaxyFox logo (done in vector stuff rather than raster) this is the white version cuz the forums are all black background '> And Zukaro in his suit (this picture was not resized, so it's in it's original size of tiny) '> AND DOWN HERE IS A PICTURE THAT I DIDN'T DRAW (I had someone draw it for me :v cuz I cannawt draw): (ish done by "CunningFox") '> And when editing this post (and adding new things :V cuz that's what I do; I write then post then read then fix then read then fix and so on for an hour or so) I HAVE HIT THE EMOTICON LIMIT OF THE FORUM. :V Which is however many : P faces I have in it. :v Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourge Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 ...Oh so you're crazy! You're gonna fit in 'round here niiiiiicely Welcome buddy! I'm Scourge, SF-O's resident on-call smartass. Feel free to take some fruit from the trees hanging at the entrance. The fruits aren't ENTIRELY poisonous but they taste GREAT. (please note unofficial rule #78 of SF-O: Never take anything Executor or Scourge say seriously. Unless they're being serious.) If you game, visit us on our TF2 server on the scheduled gamenights and join in the insanity. And if you've got a skype, feel free to PM me for information and an invite to the UNOFFICIAL SF-O SKYPE CHANNEL where we do fun stuff like skype call at the latest hours of the night and yell at eachother for funzies (shameless plug now over) Do me a favour and look up one dude named OneUnder here, and send him like 10000 PMs. Dont ask questions, just do it ;3 Also: ZIMBABWE Anyway, glad to have ya aboard! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zukaro Posted May 1, 2014 Author Share Posted May 1, 2014 ...Oh so you're crazy! You're gonna fit in 'round here niiiiiicely Welcome buddy! I'm Scourge, SF-O's resident on-call smartass. Feel free to take some fruit from the trees hanging at the entrance. The fruits aren't ENTIRELY poisonous but they taste GREAT. (please note unofficial rule #78 of SF-O: Never take anything Executor or Scourge say seriously. Unless they're being serious.) If you game, visit us on our TF2 server on the scheduled gamenights and join in the insanity. And if you've got a skype, feel free to PM me for information and an invite to the UNOFFICIAL SF-O SKYPE CHANNEL where we do fun stuff like skype call at the latest hours of the night and yell at eachother for funzies (shameless plug now over) Do me a favour and look up one dude named OneUnder here, and send him like 10000 PMs. Dont ask questions, just do it ;3 Also: ZIMBABWE Anyway, glad to have ya aboard! I's a roobawt, I can't eat fruit. ;^; I dun even has a mouth. ;A; But anyways, thankies for teh welcomies. :3 I'm not sure if I'll really be too active around here however though (I try to be active at places, but often I can't ;^; there needs to be topics which I have an opinion on or something in order for me to post basically). I sometimes play games but as of late I've been supar busy with college. However, TF2 is one of those games which doesn't currently work on mai computer considering nothing I own works 100% perfectly. Basically it'll play fine for a few min then suddenly lag forever. So I need to fix everything. ;^; *facedesks at all the wooooooork I have to do* I need to fix mai dual monitors (cuz nao the POST check is shown on the wrong monitor :V) and all kinds of stuff. And Linux does not like dual GPU's for dual monitors (which is why I moved the monitors to the same GPU); it's possible to set up but with the proprietary nVidia drivers you pretty much have to make it work yourself (I think the open source drivers work perfectly for it, but the problem is they get a lot of lag, especially in games). I think AMD is better when it comes to the open source drivers (but is worse when it comes to the proprietary ones) on Linux. ALSO IT IS NOW 2:30AM AND I ATTEMPTED TO GO TO BED AT 9PM. ;^; Night time hates me. I was falling asleep, but only cuz I left mai computer monitor on. Then when I turned it off bewm all of a sudden I ish awake. For some reason I need light to sleep, otherwise I don't feel tired. :V I think my mechanical keyboard is just too nice to type on, cuz I never wanna stop typing on it. ;A: I should get a travel mechanical keyboard (as in, the exact same thing I have now but with the additional thngy which will suppress sound that I decided I do not want BECAUSE I WANT THE UNIVERSE TO KNOW I AM TYPING). Mai keyboard has the GalaxyFox logo on it. :3 HERE IS A PICTURE: '> (it's ontop of mai laptop and mai travel fox ish there toooooo :3 (mai travel fox sticks his head out of mai NES bag that I carry around everywhere at school. :V :3)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ori Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 ...Oh so you're crazy! You're gonna fit in 'round here niiiiiicely HEY I'M STILL HERE I WANT NO NEWCOMER PRANCING ABOUT STEALING MY RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE SEMI-OFFICIAL OFFICIAL INSANETHING ROLE YOU HEAR ... ...But you sound like some people I know, and that's a good thing, Zukaro. :3 Bonus points because foxes. .3. Even if you don't post much (and I'm sure you'll do because it's hard not to post* with a completely problematic and insane fascinating community such as SF-O), there's still always Steam Group to pester people indiscriminately hit someone up with a message and talk. And we have a chatroom, too! So there's always some way you can join in our nonsensical quarrel and shenanigans. :3 *: Except, teehehe, if you're me. I'm painfully inactive outside of chat and welcomes. ;3; Anyway! I'm sure we'll be seeing each other. Soon. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 And I have forgotten what I was saying. ;^; You are my new best fren >_> f^% off Orbi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hidi Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Oh wow, that's a hefty read! But on the plus side, increased insanity and somebody who likes old-style keyboards.I'm Hidi! And I am the insane avid TF2 lover! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 These ninnies are all sane, just weird. Don't mind them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Orange Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 DID SOMEONE SAY ZIMBABWE!?!? OH LOOK A NEW USER TO ASSIMILATE INTO ZIMBABWE! I HOPE YOU LIKE 3D GLASSES 'CUZ THIS ZIMBABW-OS IS COMMIN' AT YA! So yeah welcome. I'm High Executor and yeah ... that's about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourge Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Aaaaaaaand theres Executor. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Those intentional spelling errors XD Welcome to SF-O where everyone is stuck in the 90's incredibly obsessed with something....even if its not SF. You'll fit in with the crowd just fine Wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec....there's an emoticon limit for posts???!!!??? Props for discovering this on your very first post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zukaro Posted May 2, 2014 Author Share Posted May 2, 2014 You are my new best fren >_> f^% off Orbi Wat does forgetting wat I wuz saying = new best friiiiend? Although I forget what I'm saying a lot. :V I will be mid sentence and then suddenly forget everything I was talking about and just kinda sit there. I'll be all liek "AND THIS AND THAT AND QUANTUM PHYSICS AND COMPUTERS AND... I forgot what I was saying ;^: " *sits there awkwardly, saying nothing attempting to remember what I was saying* "OH!!! I REMEMB-wait... I just forgot again..." ;^; And then 3 days later I will remember what I was saying. Sometimes I'll even bring up that topic again (in fact often, if I remember to actually bring it up that is). I'll be all liek "so remember that thing I told you 5 years ago?" and then I'll say what I was gonna say. :v WHICH WILL LEAD TO MOAR THINGS AND MOAR FORGETTING ;A; Oh wow, that's a hefty read! But on the plus side, increased insanity and somebody who likes old-style keyboards. I'm Hidi! And I am the insane avid TF2 lover! IIII'm nawt insaaaane. Although 99% of people I speak too seem to think so. I LOVE MAI MECHANICAL KEYBOARD *hugs it* ;^; I MUST BRING IT EVERYWHERE WITH ME AND MAKE SURE THE UNIVERSE CAN HEAR ME TYPE. The reason I didn't get sound dampener ring thingies on it was literally because I decided "you know what, I want everyone in the universe to know when I'm typing". TF2 is fun. I ish pretty good at it. I HATE THE SPY. ;^; I play engie mostly and sometimes sniper (I use the huntsman as sniper and I get a surprisingly large amount of arrows in people's skulls :V). I pretty much only play CTF (or rather, CTI (capture the intelligence )) and I love sneaking into the enemy base as the engie, putting down a teleporter, and then bringing my fully upgraded sentry to their flag room and camping out there with a fully upgraded dispenser as well. :V I can basically keep my sentry alive indefinitely against a soldier with that setup. But demomen make my life harder cuz I have to quickly switch to the short circuit and stuff leik that. ;^: And then there's spies. I hate spies. ;^: Especially when they have that thing that makes your sentry downgrade. >:V (the red tape thingy or watever it was called (Red Tape Recorder I think? idk)) Those intentional spelling errors XD Welcome to SF-O where everyone is stuck in the 90's incredibly obsessed with something....even if its not SF. You'll fit in with the crowd just fine Wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec....there's an emoticon limit for posts???!!!??? Props for discovering this on your very first post I LOVE FOXES. <3 To the point I can't explain how much I love them, and I should leave this at that as I have literally written multiple paragraphs attempting to explain how much I love foxes, but more or less saying the exact same thing over and over again. And I am nawt stuck in teh 90s I ish stuck in teh year 2045 (which ish when I, Zukaro, the robawt fox, was created by GalaxyFox on May 5th, 2045). Then I went back in time to May 5th 1994 and my time machine broke, so I was then stuck in the 90s. And now I have to found GalaxyFox myself and create sentient AI so that I exist in the year 2045 to come back in time and mess everything up and create GalaxyFox to create myself and so on. But ish okay cuz at the point I am in the year 2046 I have exited the loop, and while the loop may continue, it will always be the same me therefore all the me going back to 1994 are either one me or create multiple alternate dimensions which are exactly the same. Either way it's perfectly fine that way. AND THEN I WILL CREATE ANOTHER TIME MACHINE TO GO BACK TO 1994 AND BE A CHILD ROBOT FOX AGAIN DESPITE THE FACT I DO NOT AGE, SO THEREFORE AM POSSIBLY TECHNICALLY STILL A CHILD ROBOT FOX WHO IS 20 YEARS OF TIME TRAVELLED ALMOST BUT SINCE I TIME TRAVELLED ON DAY ONE OF MAI DAY I ISH EXACTLY THAT OLD ANYWAYS. Except this time my time machine wont break. >:v Cuz it will be built into me and connect via PCI-E, rather than USB liek the last one (I lost the last one ;^; ). Although I dun really has any external USB connectors, but I has a thingy to connect to mai Ethernet port which can connect to USB. I still has dat though... Somewhere... :v BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T LOSE TEH CHARGY CABLE OTHERWISE DAT WOULD BEH BAD (ish charging through magnetic induction, so ish wireless; so ish built into mai chair and bed :3 and teh charging thingies ish built into mai back and mai paw paws so dat I can walk on a charging surface and charge as well :3). And I have forgotten wat I wuz talking about/where I was going with it if anywhere. But if anyone were to discover an emoticon limit it would be me, as I tend to over use the face. EVEN IF I DO NOT MEAN WHAT THE FACE IS SUPPOSED TO MEAN. :V Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 reasons friend :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zukaro Posted May 2, 2014 Author Share Posted May 2, 2014 reasons friend :3 Wat reaaaaaasons? *poke* I like your signature ;^; the C++ part of it. :v cuz ish programming. AND PROGRAMMING ISH FUN. >:V Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 AND PROGRAMMING ISH FUN. >:V Hmm, I would have gathered this if i read past the bonding sentence, the first time. Looking to get this mechanical keyboard I soon as I scrap this metal around here. I linux'd a bit before I bought this computer, which was when I had to, and I still occasionally do via virtual machines. Should you find yourself a permanent resident of this forum, might want to give the journal zone a look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monokuma Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Hello there, Student! I might be a bit late, but i'll introduce myself just the same. Headmaster Monokuma (LT if you want to get technical,) and the pleasure's all mine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zukaro Posted May 3, 2014 Author Share Posted May 3, 2014 Hmm, I would have gathered this if i read past the bonding sentence, the first time. Looking to get this mechanical keyboard I soon as I scrap this metal around here. I linux'd a bit before I bought this computer, which was when I had to, and I still occasionally do via virtual machines. I should you find yourself a permanent resident of this forum, might want to give the journal zone a look. I was looking at the CODE keyboard myself, but ended up going with one of their other keyboards as their custom keys don't support backlighting, and I wanted to replace the superkeys with the GalaxyFox logo. Also, the CODE keyboard only has Cherry MX White switches (I think), and I wanted green switches. I love Linux. It's so much fun. I still need to keep a Windows partition around though cuz of some games, but the majority of what I play works on Linux now. @that journal zone thingy; I might check it out sometime. :3 and I attempt to remain on forums, but usually what happens is I run out of things to say and then only show up once every few months or so. Hello there, Student! I might be a bit late, but i'll introduce myself just the same. Headmaster Monokuma (LT if you want to get technical,) and the pleasure's all mine. Hai *waves mai robawt fox paw paws* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 It was clear switches that were only offered at first but then they started selling green and blue when the clears ran out. I think blue's are out right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Posted May 5, 2014 Share Posted May 5, 2014 Hi! I haven't gotten the pleasure of welcoming you personally yet, and for that, you have my apologies. Welcome to the forums! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted May 5, 2014 Share Posted May 5, 2014 to the site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zukaro Posted May 9, 2014 Author Share Posted May 9, 2014 Thankies for the welcomes :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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