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Primedonna's Place...


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Welcome to the wacky and wild world of geoprimedonna. Here, everybody is geoprimedonna'd! So, feel free and make this world your own: you can comment about my art and even suggest art, too. Everyday (or not), there will be new drawings for you to enjoy! :D To start look at this one... A Starfox logo!

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"STAFOX." Seems legit.

:hehe: Forgot the "r"... LOLZ :lol:


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Pic of the day.

So Archie Coona, more problems in Corneria, I guess?

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2 pics of the day! Yay! :D

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Lemme guess... A potato person hates turtles, so he goes on a walk with a potato racoon, who gives him a potato skull. Potatolicious!


How about you quit being an unprovoked douche and bully and just leave people to their own devices.

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How about you quit being an unprovoked douche and bully and just leave people to their own devices.

Thanks, Fox Redeemer. As for LazerMaster, I know you like to have fun, but don't exaggerate, though... :hehe:

Today was a very special day for me. When I was drawing today's Pic of the Day at school, a 1st grader with a kid's magazine called Recreio (recess in English) that was talking about the history of video games. He asked me what I know about video games, so I gave him the Pic of the Day later. His whole class and even the teachers congratulated me for the nice Starfox drawing. On it, there was the whole Starfox team. All I know is that they loved it. I made the boy's day! I'll see if I can chat about the game later. So, the Pic of the Day is the boy's magazine cover. Credits to editor Abril.


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