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Anyone Ever Play the Mercenaries Games?


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The Mercenaries games were a little known franchise that debuted on the PS2 with Mercenaries:Playground of Destruction and followed by its sequel Mercenaries:World in Flames on the PS3 and Xbox 360. 

The games were full of interesting (yet impossible) story lines, over the top action, and cool characters. (And to be honest, their personalities remind me of Star Fox team, RELEVANCE IS KEY!!!!!!) 

Anyone else play these games or am I actually hipster for once?

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I played Mercenaries 2 on PS3 extensively.  It was flawed in numerous ways (screw that escort mission with that executive in particular), but I'll be damned if it wasn't some of the most fun I've had in a game.  The vehicle variety was great (even though the majority of them handled like a bar of soap), the airstrikes were impressive, airdrops were fun to call in, and the level of destruction in the open world was unparalleled at the time, and largely still is.  The fact that the entire thing could be played with online co-op made it all that much better. 

In conclusion, BUMPER CARS.

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I played Mercenaries 2 on PS3 extensively.  . 


​It seems we have a lot of interests in common. Although I didn't play as Matthias, I played as Chris.

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I've got Playground of Destruction PS2 under my belt. Some of of the soundtrack screams MEMORIES over some internet absent summer. I recall enjoying the missions and trying to get the alternate subdue animations in quick succession. With the different dialogs throughout, re-playing a campaign with another merc was anything but a drag (even if Chris is the mang[o])





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Played the shit out of World In Flames. The only reason I stopped re-visiting it is because the disc just wore to the point of no longer reading. The destruction of EDF with the open-world of GTA is a recipe for a good time. I've yet to play the original, but it's definitely on my list for when I finally get a PS2.

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