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Zaph is here!

Zaphyr Stone

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Hey, guys!

I should have joined this site years ago. I can't believe I didn't! I am Zaphyr Stone, but Zaph is fine by me.

I've been playing Star Fox since I was a kid. My first game was Star Fox 64, but I vaguely remember watching my dad play the original Star Fox for the SNES when I was even younger. I've played Adventures, Assault, Command (Don't get me started on that game. It's god awful), the 3DS remake, and just recently I found the SNES original and tried that out (it's weird to play after getting used to the newer titles).

I'm an avid roleplayer, so don't be surprised to find me looking for one to jump into, and, being a digital artist, I usually draw out my characters to post alongside their information (even though most of the time they're sketches). I'm big on discussion as well, so you'll probably see me chiming in my two cents on a myriad of topics.

See you around the forums! I'm happy to be here!   :D

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I've already met you, but I'm going to greet you formally here.

Hi, and welcome to the site! Prepared for utter bombardment from the community.

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>raised on SF games


>likes discussing

>dislikes SFC

Vault Boy

Ayy I like your style. You'll fit right in!

Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you'll stick around. :D

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Enjoy your stay here at SF-O! ;) 

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"I've been waiting for you, Star Fox." - Andross, Star Fox 64

I still wish the series had a better quote for saying "Welcome". Oh well. How you doin', Zaphyr? Just call me Angus, 'cause true fact: I gave that away with my Mii description on my profile. Check it out if you'd like!

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Welcome to the fold mate! I'm Clearwater, SF-O's former resident Blue Spix Macaw, British guy and Golden Fre-- (DON'T YOU DARE - Ed).

(Five Nights At Freddy's reference, it's a little 'thing' I'm doing right now. Ask me and/or OneUnder for the details later. :P )

Enjoy your stay here, and we'll be seeing you soon!


Clearwater Halcyon

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