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OTG is Dead And I Don't Feel So Good Myself


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The old  commander slumped down in his chair, nearly sliding underneath the table his interviewers were sitting at the far end of. Light tendrils of smoke curled up from his nostrils and from the end of the cigarette tucked in the corner of his mouth. The larger guy on the left scratched at his chin and read from a few notes he had jotted down.

"..and then what happened?" he asked, peering over the top of his glasses.

"Well..." the old man sighed. "So, Tasker and Stonehenge and I gallivanted around for a while. After that, things get hazy." He smirked. "I probably had too much fun."

"That may be the case," the interviewer on the right said. "What do you remember of the old site?"

The old man paused a bit. "The main memory," he said, then rolled his eyes up at the ceiling. "Hangs on maybe five or forty really crazy threads... There was madness in any direction at any hour. Sometimes it was Prism yapping on about his unprintable novel, or Maverick and Cobalt playing cowboys in that Ohio dirt. There were all sorts of dragons, and sometimes Amtrack trains."

"Now, hold on," the interviewer on the left said. "What do you remember about the RP threads?"

"Oh, a real beauty," the old man smiled. "You had your ups and downs, but sometimes you found a real gem-"

"Your buddy Tasker came through a while ago. He says you and Pyrofox got into a bunch of bad business down south involving a witch doctor, a large car with a trunk full of booze and-"

"Well," the old man interrupted. "We don't need to go into specifics, do we?" 


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:welcome: to the site.  It's always good to see someone that has been around the fandom for quite some time, especially when they craft such a memorable introductory post.

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soon we will have enough oldies to form a cabal


then SFO will be ours


ignore the fact the site owner is an oldie too

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It's always nice to see people from the old sites.

I got started at OTG myself.

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