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Okay my sweeties...

Naza Sutera

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For those of you who pay any type of attention to me in that way, you may have noticed that I have been slipping on my pimping in terms of activity on the forums. Hence why I am making this thread. I'm starting college classes this fall, and as well, business will be picking up for the holiday season at my job. It will be that way until probably the beginning of next year. So, my attendance here will be spotty at best.

I love you all, wish me luck at my job and college!

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Well, as such, I shall wish you luck in that endeavor! And I wouldn't worry too much in the appearance, school and job creates life, so do make sure to put it first in my opinion!


Come back as often as you can, Naza!

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Good luck out there, and try not to get crushed by frantic shoppers this holiday season!

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I hope your holiday season is happy and healthy, Naza.

Kormelia 4eva.

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Do or do not. There is no try.


Also don't die. Study THEN booze and repeat.



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Good luck, Naza! And stay safe in the trenches of holiday shoppers!

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  • 2 months later...

Miss Thing! Girl, I have something to teeelllllll yoooouuuuu!

So as many of you know, I hadn't been as absent as I had thought I'd be due to school because I still managed to spend all day on the site and Skype with you guys. Which is a good thing! Not here is the bad news: my computer crashed. So you may have noticed my AWOLness, especially if we talk regularly on Skype. Now, mind you, I could do everything by way of smartphone... But that crap is for the birds. I can only put up with RPing and whatever I do on a smartphone for too long. So, Miss Gurl, I will for realsies be kinda but not really here. Perhaps while I work on getting my computer together or a new one, I will work on some IRL stuff, like saving up for a house or focusing on this lawsuit thing I have going on. I will post on the site as much as I can stand using my EyeFone, but I'm going to hold off on all day Rp sessions and staying up till 2am. At least until I get this computer thing figured out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are back in business, Miss Honey Child Boo-Bear Sweetness! The kid has gotten himself a new machine, and things are now full swing!

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:welcome: back.  The RP section surely missed your company.

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1 hour ago, Naza Sutera said:

The kid has gotten himself a new machine, and things are now full swing!

We leave him alone for a couple weeks and he starts hammering bars.


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