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The Forgotten Members

Arminius H O Fiddywinks

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After constantly looking at the birthdays of members who haven't visited in years go by, I'm curious: is there anyone noteworthy from before my time that no longer frequents the site (pre-2014)? Because I've noticed that some non-visiting members have a sizable amount of posts on the site.

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This question is subjective, but many users that left an impact on this place have come and gone over the years for sure.

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Oh there's a lot of good history we need to like log somewhere.

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The only two words I'm gonna say here are 'The' and 'Shaper.'

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  • Mr. Krystal - Co-owned the site with me until we had a disagreement about allowing certain posts. He mainly handled the main site.
  • Fana McCloud - She first came into the fanbase back in the 1990s and was quite active on early sites.
  • Sabre - He was our resident Angry British Guy. Until he got a little too angry and we had to ban him.
  • Dermot - Dermot arguably founded the English-language Star Fox internet fandom. His site, Starfox.org, was the main site in the late 1990s. Dermot is gay, and proud of it. His constant talking about it unfortunately led to him having to leave. Sadly this was not without collateral damage.
  • XG Fox - XG was one of the original admins from SF-O.com. He was a genuinely good guy and a pretty good artist. He liked to draw robot wolves with large gun turrets on their backs.
  • TakeWalker - Take ran our RP board for a while, if I remember correctly.
  • HoshiKitsunuki - Hoshi was another old-school fan. At one point she had the largest collection of Star Fox items I had ever seen. Sadly, she started selling it a few years ago. Not sure how much of it she still has.
  • Asper Sarnoff - Asper was one of SF-O's best moderators back in the day.
  • Voice - Voice was actually Mike West, the voice actor for Fox. He stayed around for a couple of days, but I think we scared him off.

There are others, but they escape me at the moment.

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Well there was that one guy.

yeah, the guy with the variety of cells comprising his body

i think his biochemistry was based on carbon too

you'd know him if you saw him

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yeah, the guy with the variety of cells comprising his body

i think his biochemistry was based on carbon too

you'd know him if you saw him


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You scared away Mike West? Now that's something.

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  • Mr. Krystal - Co-owned the site with me until we had a disagreement about allowing certain posts. He mainly handled the main site.
  • Fana McCloud - She first came into the fanbase back in the 1990s and was quite active on early sites.
  • Sabre - He was our resident Angry British Guy. Until he got a little too angry and we had to ban him.
  • Dermot - Dermot arguably founded the English-language Star Fox internet fandom. His site, Starfox.org, was the main site in the late 1990s. Dermot is gay, and proud of it. His constant talking about it unfortunately led to him having to leave. Sadly this was not without collateral damage.
  • XG Fox - XG was one of the original admins from SF-O.com. He was a genuinely good guy and a pretty good artist. He liked to draw robot wolves with large gun turrets on their backs.
  • TakeWalker - Take ran our RP board for a while, if I remember correctly.
  • HoshiKitsunuki - Hoshi was another old-school fan. At one point she had the largest collection of Star Fox items I had ever seen. Sadly, she started selling it a few years ago. Not sure how much of it she still has.
  • Asper Sarnoff - Asper was one of SF-O's best moderators back in the day.
  • Voice - Voice was actually Mike West, the voice actor for Fox. He stayed around for a couple of days, but I think we scared him off.

There are others, but they escape me at the moment.

Seen many of the older names on that list, but never knew who exactly they were. I remember Fana quite well, as she voiced Fara for the SFOCast episodes.

Some of the people I remember from when I joined were Shaper(Zero), Ajc3000fox, Thunderflare, Prince Elite, Romulan Ninja, and Kursed.

Edited by Hidi
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Need to include:

Steve- The great scientist and war hero who fought the great Puppetmaster and came out with Supreme Enchiladas in both hands. Now resides in Zimbabwe with Sarita, where they happily work of finishing all their experiments.

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  • Sabre - He was our resident Angry British Guy. Until he got a little too angry and we had to ban him.

It's a pitiful shame that some people lose control of themselves like that even though they were warned not to. I wonder how many penalties he received before he was officially kicked off.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I still remember Sabre. And Kursed.


Takewalker did have the reigns of the RP board shortly before I did.

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  • Mr. Krystal - Co-owned the site with me until we had a disagreement about allowing certain posts. He mainly handled the main site.
  • Fana McCloud - She first came into the fanbase back in the 1990s and was quite active on early sites.
  • Sabre - He was our resident Angry British Guy. Until he got a little too angry and we had to ban him.
  • Dermot - Dermot arguably founded the English-language Star Fox internet fandom. His site, Starfox.org, was the main site in the late 1990s. Dermot is gay, and proud of it. His constant talking about it unfortunately led to him having to leave. Sadly this was not without collateral damage.
  • XG Fox - XG was one of the original admins from SF-O.com. He was a genuinely good guy and a pretty good artist. He liked to draw robot wolves with large gun turrets on their backs.
  • TakeWalker - Take ran our RP board for a while, if I remember correctly.
  • HoshiKitsunuki - Hoshi was another old-school fan. At one point she had the largest collection of Star Fox items I had ever seen. Sadly, she started selling it a few years ago. Not sure how much of it she still has.
  • Asper Sarnoff - Asper was one of SF-O's best moderators back in the day.
  • Voice - Voice was actually Mike West, the voice actor for Fox. He stayed around for a couple of days, but I think we scared him off.

There are others, but they escape me at the moment.

Ha, I recognize some of these names, though I wasn't around for them all. God I wish Asper would come back, he made one mistake and felt he had betrayed all of SFO's honor and went full Zuko about it. Too_Pure_For_This_Forum.jpg



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Anyone remember Zicka?

I think he was the only person I ever publicly banned with extreme prejudice and image macros.

You can find that glorious moment here: http://www.starfox-online.net/forums/topic/5007-if-you-dont-like-someone-use-the-ignore-list/?page=2#comment-146549

BTW, if any of you think that post was too benign for a ban, I refer to you the chorus of "good riddance" posts that followed. He was an asshat.

Edited by DZComposer
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Anyone remember Zicka?

I think he was the only person I ever publicly banned with extreme prejudice and image macros.

You can find that glorious moment here: http://www.starfox-online.net/forums/topic/5007-if-you-dont-like-someone-use-the-ignore-list/?page=2#comment-146549

BTW, if any of you think that post was too benign for a ban, I refer to you the chorus of "good riddance" posts that followed. He was an asshat.

Holy Gibus. Never thought something could get so heated in a public forum.

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BTW, if any of you think that post was too benign for a ban, I refer to you the chorus of "good riddance" posts that followed. He was an asshat.

Being that I was around for about three months at that point, I can confirm this.

I recall Asper, Vrance Movado, and Showtime 1-1's discussions of all things automotive on here, among other subject matters.  A precursor to the modern automotive thread, if you will.  I can only hope that they're all doing well.  

Rebel_Gunman still drops by from time to time as well, and that's always a plus.  Haven't heard from him in a little while though.   

Do we still have access to the old Friends Lists in our profiles?  I can't seem to find mine, but I'm sure browsing through it will bring back some memories. 

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The Friends List feature was removed in IPS4 in favor of the followers system.

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Thanks for the info; looks like I'll be taking a look at the oldest thread-starter listings I can find.

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Dig through the archive board. Everything in there is at least 5 years old.

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Anyone remember Zicka?

I think he was the only person I ever publicly banned with extreme prejudice and image macros.

You can find that glorious moment here: http://www.starfox-online.net/forums/topic/5007-if-you-dont-like-someone-use-the-ignore-list/?page=2#comment-146549

BTW, if any of you think that post was too benign for a ban, I refer to you the chorus of "good riddance" posts that followed. He was an asshat.


My god I wish I joined to see this guy. This is literally right before me and Milky migrated over here. Damn shame.

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Anyone remember Zicka?

I think he was the only person I ever publicly banned with extreme prejudice and image macros.

You can find that glorious moment here: http://www.starfox-online.net/forums/topic/5007-if-you-dont-like-someone-use-the-ignore-list/?page=2#comment-146549

BTW, if any of you think that post was too benign for a ban, I refer to you the chorus of "good riddance" posts that followed. He was an asshat.

>That feel when only 9 months off.

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Anyone remember Psy_Commando? He was the former head of the Lylat's Last Stand project...?

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