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Wait, it's literally a Front Door


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Sorry about that, I actually got into the RP forum through a secondary link!

Okay, let me introduce myself; I'm Matt, AKA Makori.  I'm a hopefully-future-police-cadet in Southern California, a SPC in the National Guard and overall a general video game nerd of action oriented nature.  The first game I ever played on my N64 as a kid was Star Fox 64.  I have loved the series ever since, and long debated why I could never find much in terms of a fandom online for it.

Well, til now that is.

So, if you'll have me, I'm glad to have finally found you guys, and look forward to many fun times together.

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Thanks guys.  Any recommendations for this newbie?  I'm quite experienced with both writing and RPing and I already have an OC posted.

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Don't just RP, check out the rest of the forum as well! Even if that's what you're here for, a hearty dose of hardcore canon can help make a character work.

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(Oh, and check out the official Polandball thread. It's worth a look.)

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I'm curious, though. How exactly did you come about this site?

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A game I was reading up on while researching the Cornerian Army, looked really cool.  Event Horizon, I believe.  Had a think to this site.  How I got to the RP from there, I can't remember. lol

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Welcome to the site!

I'm Hoobanana, but call me Hoo. Just don't call me banana. Ask what happened to the last guy that called me that, if you can revive him.

Feel free to visit the chat sometime!

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It has been 29 0 days since the last Hoo attack.

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Welcome to your first rank, plebeian scum.

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Talk to me again when you have sixty posts, rather than six.

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Welcome to SF-O! Hopefully I'm not too late to the welcome commitee, but oh well. The name's Clearwater; I'm SF-O's resident British guy and resident Blue Spix Macaw (Don't let my current avatar fool you).

Hope you enjoy your stay here!

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:welcome: to the site. I'll second the recommendation to explore the rest of the site, though it's always good to see more users frequenting the RP section. 

Additionally, your future career goals are admirable - good luck!

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Wow, quite the Welcome Wagon here. 

Welcomw to the site. The Rp area is pretty cool I'll give it that, but you know where the real party is? The lounge area. Check it out.

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Welcome to the site my good man. I'm the Australian guy who posts every now and again.

Hope to see you around.

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I missed the welcoming party.

Now I'm mad.

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