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Hello (Again, Technically)


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Hello all, my name is Erik and technically this is a return. When I was in 8th grade I rekindled my love for Starfox and visited here rather often, but generally I was on my friend's account instead of my own and didn't actually post much due to being too shy. Now I'm a freshman in college and want to get back into the series and try being involved in the community this time.

My main interests are film, production design, Arthurian legends, anime, reading, writing (lately it's been mostly screenplays), music, volunteering, video games, spontaneously traveling, hiking, kayaking, and all things related to the occult (my main interest being tarot cards).

However, I currently don't have much time to pursue my hobbies due to being too busy with school. I'm a production design major at UNCSA, which is frequently ranked as one of the top film schools and with 22 course hours and having 12 hour crew calls on the weekends, I unfortunately don't have much free time, but I still want to try to be as active on here as much as possible. 

I grew up in a small rural town in the south and currently am living in Winston-Salem with my best friend and our kitten and rabbit. If I'm not at school, I'm usually spending time with them and indulging in nerdy things or going on spontaneous adventures.

Anyways, I'm just a pretty laid back guy looking forward to getting back into some of my old interests and making new friends along the way!

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:welcome: (back) to the site, Dulac.

I've always had a little bit of a fascination with film and television production work, and I'd like to wish you luck with your endeavors in the field.

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Welcome back to the site. It's pretty chill here.

Hope to see you on the forums and chat. 

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Thank you, OneUnder! Due to financial circumstances and realizing that the jobs I am most interested in within film don't require a degree (I just love the low-ranking, hands on positions), I am withdrawing after this current semester. I'm planning to get my associates in nursing so that I can be a licensed RN but keep film as a hobby. I've done a few music videos for musicians and might try to stay in that field doing side jobs.

And thank you Dr. Orange, I look forward to it

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4 minutes ago, Dulac said:

in nursing so that I can be a licensed RN

Eyyyyyy Medical field! We need more medical field users here.

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Welcome (back, I guess). The rest of the welcoming committee will arrive shortly.

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Hey there and welcome (back) to SF-O! I'm Clearwater, the site's resident Blue Spix Macaw and British guy.


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