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I am OLD School!

Gray Lancer

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Odds are you probably don't remember me unless you are REALLY old school! I'm Gray Lancer (or should I say I WAS since I haven't used that name online in a good long while), and I was big into the SF fan scene back in 1997 - 2000, back when MouthOff/Papetoon, Area 6, ICQ, Greg Gant's SF Page, Puffy's Page, etc. were a thing. I used to write huge amounts of fanfic, do a ton of fan art, and I was at one point working on two separate fan games. I had a role in admining MouthOff/Papetoon when it was rebranded and brought back, and I created the MouthOff Refugee Camp and kept it up for a while. Don't even remember when that one went down, honestly.

I haven't been anywhere near the fandom in something on the order of 15 years!

I came on here because I was searching for MouthOff on Google on a whim and actually found a thread with people talking about the history of the community. I was there way back in the day, so I made a big ol' post about it over here: 

The SF fandom was HUGE in my life as a high school student. I mean, MouthOff and the people I met there were my life in such a big way. It's crazy, but it's basically tied in with who I am as a person. And back then, the Internet was a huge, amazing new frontier that we were just getting into. It was a crazy, weird time - lacking a lot of the technology and protocol that exists now. No Facebook. No blocking/banning people from everything to stop trolls. No smart phones. No apps. Dial-up Internet. It was a different time and I'm old.

So, yeah. Not planning to really be involved in the fandom since I've had a decade and a half of life between then and now, but I figured some of you might have at least a passing interest in the history of your community - it's a long, storied, sometimes kinda messy one. :)

Seriously, feel free to comment here or PM me if you have questions. I will do my best to answer as well as my memory allows.

If anyone from the old days is interested in catching up and talking life, the universe, and everything - send me a PM and I'll point you to my Facebook and all that good noise.

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Literally only 1 minute had passed and I'm the only one here to welcome the new guy?! Shame, shame... *tuts*

But yeah, anyway, welcome to SF-O! The name's Clearwater, but feel free to call me Clear. I'm SF-O's resident British guy and local Blue Spix Macaw. You need anything, feel free to contact me or the rest of the welcoming party that'll surely show up in a few hours time.

Again, welcome to SF-O, and hope you enjoy your stay!


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Thanks - I don't expect to be active here since so much has happened in my life since, but seeing your history post I couldn't NOT come on here, since it was such a HUGE part of my life back then!

But it is SO cool to see the community I basically finished growing up in still out here online. Nostalgia got me right in the ol' heart seeing that history of the SF fandom post in the Google results!

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Hey Oldie. Welcome (back). The rest of the welcoming committee should be arriving shortly.

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Yep.... Hello. 

Good to see we still have some old fans around.

If you want to talk Star Fox (or James Bond.) I'll never shy off.

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Hahhh, finally! More faces in the community! Welcome to Star Fox Online! I am SF-O's Resident Fanatic.

Everyone just calls me Cintyr, though, so you can too. I've only been around since early 2015, and I am highly anticipating the arrival of Star Fox Zero, coming April 22 this year.

Not sure what to say other than I'm glad there's a new member here in the forums. Please stick around and enjoy yourself!

Take it easy, now!

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No school like the old skool.

Welcome back. We need more oldies here to keep the old ways alive. 


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We're not dead yet!

(let's just hope Zero can bolster the fanbase a bit)

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Welcome! I know you've said that you won't be active, but you should reconsider. You'll find that you can have just as many good times now as you did back then!

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Hey, thanks for the warm wishes, everyone.

Honestly, I just wanted to touch in with the fan group that meant so much to me as a teenager. It's hard to describe it if you weren't online back then, but it was so different than it is now. The sense of community was different, and finding a good group of people was a really big deal for me.

I'll probably be on here periodically to dig up old stuff I have buried in the basement and all.

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Hello there! My name is Kyubey, and I am very pleased to meet you! I apologize for the late response, but I've been busy with other things lately. 

Enjoy your stay at SF-O! :)


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:welcome: to the site.  DZ will surely stop by sometime soon to speak about his experiences in the early stages of the fandom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not nearly as old school as you are (having entered the fandom in 2001 myself) but damn it feels good to see more old blood. Welcome aboard, vet!

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I'm not sure we know each other, but welcome back all the same!

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