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If Mako Iwamatsu voice acted Andross


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I know that Mako passed away in 2006 but Can anyone imagine what the voice of Andross would sound like if here were played by Mako Iwamatsu?

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(And now I wait...)

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I think it'd be pretty easy to imagine if you put him with the original Star Fox's Andross. He'd probably sound like that.

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11 hours ago, Dr. Orange said:





(And now I wait...)

He voiced Aku in Samurai Jack, that annoying pink kitten alarm clock from Duck Dodgers and Uncle Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender. 


So Andross would prolly sound like this.

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Nothing will ever top 64 Andross. Nothing.

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I dunno. Mako would've had a shot at it. Or imagine if 64!Andross and Mako!Andross were used to voice them two clones in the Nintendo Power comic!

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