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GameXplain Highlight Dylan Cuthbert's Star Fox Zero Live Stream

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GameXplain recently posted a video based on Dylan Cuthbert's recent Twitch live stream semi-interview with him playing Star Fox Zero for the very first time. The video includes a few highlights where Cuthbert explains a few things about the original Star Fox game and Shigeru Miyamoto. It's a funny reel, although it may contain some offensive language. Check out the highlight video below, or if you are interested, check out the full live stream of Cuthbert trying too hard to play the game right here.

As the video explains, although Curthbert is a significant part of Star Fox's history, he was not at all involved in the development of Star Fox Zero whatsoever. Enjoy!

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It is amazing that myth about metal legs is still going around after all these years.

Puppets have simple jointed legs so they can pose them without them falling over. It was entirely a practical, real world reason that informed the design but people took it way too literally.


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