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Fortnite - this looks familiar....


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So, watching an ex-coworker play Fortnite. I'm seeing him in a jungle level, flying a blue space ship, jumping between foot, vehicles, etc, and I'm like "I've seen this somewhere before...




WAIT A SECOND! This is Star Fox Assault's multiplayer mode!

Seriously, to this day Star Fox Assault gets critiqued, even by SF fans, and yet it was doing what the current biggest game on the planet is doing, some 15 gosh-darn years earlier (minus online)!

Honestly, Nintendo, can't you just make an online Star Fox Assault title for the Switch? Fortnite is making a killing, and it's F2P. Splatoon is the biggest new franchise by Nintendo of the last decade, and that's basically the same genre. Nintendo sitting on a goldmine yet again...

They could literally release SF Assault's multiplayer mode, charge £50, and update with new levels, weapons, characters aka Fortnite, and be making enough to make Pokemon make a run for it's money!

OK, rant over...


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as a big fan of both games, and as someone who has put like 50 hours of play into fortnite over the past two weeks, i have to say that maybe the base gameplay is similar, but the games play and feel completely differently from one another, but that's just me lol

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  • 1 month later...

i mean if they just rereleased the assault multiplayer as f2p we could get some love for that game :3 i mean on switch as a free app....it would actualy make sense

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