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LEGO! (Warning, lots of pics!)


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  • Owner/Technical Admin


Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter and The Ski Jet from Alpha Team about 3 years ago.


The very first Millenium Falcon built by LEGO ( though now a bit modded inside and yes, MANY different colors!)


A lovely shot of my Y-Wing and a landspeeder ( the new version)


My Broken X-Wing ( Superglued together to keep parts together... I can explain more in detail some other time.) and my Imperial Shuttle.


My Snowspeeder and B-Wing (missing the base.) And yes, you can make out more on the bottom.


My Jedi Starfighter and A-Wing and also Darth Vader's TIE Fighter!


My Dino Tank featuring my LEGO version of General DeArmani (The one Driving) and Anakin Skywalker in the giant turrent.


And the newest model of the Millenium Falcon! (Before the 2007 UCS edition comes out -drool- )

Sorry about the big post, lol. ( EDIT: moved the files and I'm fixing them...)

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  • Owner/Technical Admin


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Whoa...lots of lego...pretty awesome collection there. I used to have some star wars lego to. I had the X-wing, the speeder, and that little hover car thingy from Ep 4 or something...plus I also had, and notice that you don't have the Naboo starfighter! ;_;

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Holy cow, you must have a lot of free time on your hands.  :cool:  That's pretty awesome.  I know I have buckets and buckets of Legos at home, and I used to build with them every once in a while.  Now my dad uses them to build projects and stuff.

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Guest Whirlpool

The Snowspeeder has always been my favorite for some reason. I think it was the Lego Star Wars game. Getting to drag bombs around with the tow cable is friggin awesome....And tripping the AT-Ats is fun =3

*Stares at pictures of UCS Millenium Falcon* I want that thing sooooooooo badly now......

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I do have a Naboo Starfighter, but I don't have all the parts to build it with me currently.

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Now that I happen to think about it, I do have a Yoda Lego sculpture at home made of about 1,400 pieces.  But now, I think there's some pieces missing, I mean, it's been a couple of years since I got it.

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This is probably the first lego model that I've ever built that's stayed together so long... and... it's STILL together...  O.o

Lego Xeloran Eagle II Project

Side View

Top View

Front View

Rear View

Engine Close-Up

Nose Close-Up

Railgun/twin heavy lasers

Vent Detail

Recently taken photo - wings folded up

I also have a lot of those Bionicle Rahkshi and such, but I don't have pics of em yet.  One looks kinda like it should be a mech, if 2 huge cannons say anything...  >.>

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Is that a model you built from a box, or is that your original design?  Whatever the case, it looks pretty awesome, XG.

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That's his Xeloran Eagle.  Original.

Mad props.

I've had to destroy most of my original Bionicle/Throwbot models.  Shame, cause I had a lot.  v_v  Only 1.5 originals from that remain; Raj and Revin.  =J

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Actually that's the Eagle II... however I DID make the Eagle I first... but scrapped it for bigger and better, which you see in the pics there.

Now, once I can find a camera I'll show you some crazy looking Bionicle stuff.  xD


Camera get... catch pics.

One looks kinda like it should be a mech, if 2 huge cannons say anything...  >.>


XG's Bionicle stuff

Shadow Rahkshi

Mech Rahkshi...?  >.>?

FREEZE!  >:}

Better picture of that last one there...

I've actually got a few more, but these were the really good ones that were actually worth showing off.  P:

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Ah, sweet, I love the Bionicle series.  I've got a few sets back at home, but that's the thing; they're forty miles away.  Not to mention they're probably hidden in all the junk in my room.

You should post the rest!  o_O

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I used to have all the original Toa.

I only have Kopaka Nuva, Lewa and Taka Nuva now...

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