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Someone with a vandetta against me and Dwight is spreading viruses around If you get a file uploaded to here or if anyone gets a strange email do not open it I would sugest running your antiviruses anyway and dwight remember this guy knows your on a mac

This is no joke i have already goten a few emails and stoped one virus on another site i am on for some reason he hates you aswell so be careful

Figured for the  sake of everyone I should post this public never know what he might try and if this aint in the right place well what is the right place? XD

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How about we generalize this and say don't EVER open suspicious emails or their attachments. Create a mail filter that highlights in red emails that contain a gif image, since those are also probably spam. Keep anti-virus on at all times. If possible, get a gmail address, since they block out all but about 1 spam email a month. Also, get a mac, no viruses there. :lol:

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Just be careful XD the guy he hates the most is also on a mac and seeing as he has resurficed he has a plan you can bet on that

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Just be careful XD the guy he hates the most is also on a mac and seeing as he has resurficed he has a plan you can bet on that

If you're talking about Karl, I've set up my email account so that he can't even send me messages anymore.

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nope this guy is a rag head and a hippy XD think back to around june all hail allah

Note:rag head is not ment to anyone or any group

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I am tempted to classify this as FUD, but I'll reserve my judgment for now.

The best way to defend yourself against any virus is to be smart, don't open weird things. Also running active AV software is mandatory on Windows machines.

Now, just because you may be running a comparatively obscure OS, like Linux or OSX, doesn't mean you aren't 100% safe and isn't an excuse for irresponsible internet use. You may not need to run active AV software, but you still need to be aware of what you are opening and running.

There have been proof-of-concept viruses written for both of the OSes I mentioned earlier. There is no such thing as bug-free software. The cases I remember all required the user to manually execute the file.

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True you do have to run a exe in most cases to get a virus but not all the other day i found one that used IE to auto run it another good reason not to use IE as for the threat at hand I highly dout we /we being any starfox fan be you furry or not / wil have any trouble from this guy for a while i talked to him and we came to a understanding that what he was doing was very wrong and he should stop before he gets in real trouble over it;

was just being a good member XD sorry if i worried anyone but a good reminder that we are truely never safe from people like this

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oh, that guy......somethin tells me he ain't smart enough to write a "hello world" program with the auto wizard in ms c++, let alone write something on that level of complexity, the scary question is, where might he have gotten said viruses then......

you can't be too cautious, but if it is in fact this karl guy (i've heard of him before), then he's carzy, and stupid enough to try somthin like that

he better not send me any email, I'll just might be tempted to send something nice back  ^_^:P:D :D :D

ps: change your email, if nothing else, he sure can't hack into this places MYsql table, not likely, anyway

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