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I got a job at Walmart


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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I got hired at WalMart as a cartpusher. I get over $7 an hour!

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Wow, that's not bad. Did they increase wages over there or something? I live in Indiana, and they didn't increase the wages.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

It's minimum wage here in NY, I think.

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Congrats! Now, you are on your way to the top!


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is it 24 hour, ours never sleeps.......get there at midnight, and the place is packed.......

congrats man.

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^ You and me both....And I have two nearby locations.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I have no clue lol.

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It's minimum wage here in NY, I think.

That's why.

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Well actually, by agreeing to work there, you're pretty much ensuring we never get any progress in progressing the product distribution area of our economy. :/

I don't know what you guys think of Walmart, but they're right up there with Nike and McDonalds. "Screw civil rights, we want profit!"

It's never good when a company gets to the top by doing the wrong thing. The consumer never knows though. "Hey, a cheap price!"

If possible, I'd suggest instead finding a job at a mom and pop shop. Or, a small chain. Just don't go for the big ones.

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