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Create a Star Fox character.

Bill Winters

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I found this topic on the AL forums, but since I'm too lazy to register there I decided to make the topic here.

Use this format to create a character




Affiliated with:

Rank: (If any)


Relation to Star Fox: (team) (Again if any)

Bio: (can be short or long)

Name: Warren Renton

Age: 34

Occupation: Soldier

Affiliated with: Cornerian Defense Force

Rank: Petty Officer

Species: Feline

Relation to Star Fox: Friend of Bill Grey

Bio: A stern type of person. Officer Renton is not the kind of guy to screw up under his command. Issued only a sidearm Warren has become a proficient shot with pistols. Before he became an Officer, Warren was under Bill Grey's command piloting transport and small attack aircraft. Warren rarely is seen without wearing his navy blue coat and pants, the uniform of most of the officers in the CDF. He managed to join Star Fox when the shuttle he was stationed on, "The Flying Fortress" was bombarded by the adept pilots of Venom. Not having much time to escape, Officer Renton hopped into an escape pod and launched himself (quite luckily) into the hanger of the Great Fox which was watching the battle some 800 kilometers below.

(Ok it's not that good a bio but I'm sure you guys can do better.)

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Name:Aleks Croaker

occupation:General of Amphibis Forces

Gender: Male


Allied with: Corneria, starfox team, Cerinia

species: Red-eyed tree frog

Bio: He is tall and his older brother Count Croaker is leader of the AF (Amphibis Forces). His younger brother Wingnut Croaker is a little (IS VERY) stupid, but when the time comes he becomes smart. Aleks met with the starfox team on a reconissan mission, at first he thought they were against them untill he found out that they were the starfox team. Him and his brothers have the ability to travel in time (with many other strange qualities). They traveld back in time to stop Evok (an evil tyrrant who took over lylat and killed the starfox team.And for unknown reasons he and his brothers have a hate for Panther.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Er, I have a character, but she's kinda boring...

Name: Ryoko Ookami

Age: (this is in relevance to my story) 24

Occupation: Star Wolf Medic, and pilot

Affiliated with: Star Wolf

Species: Artic Wolf

Relation to Star Fox: Krystal's opponet

Bio: Ryoko is Wolf's clingy, and slightly arrogant girlfreind, but she only means well. She's metalokinetic (able to move metal at will), making her a deadly pilot, as she's been known to bend wings into engines. However, she still has quite a bit to learn as far as her overall skills are concerned.

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Name: Wingnut Croaker



Rank:Amphibis forces officer, scout

Occupation:Amphibis officer, starwolf engineer

Relation to starfox:Brothers on the starfox team, rivals of his brothers

Species:Poison Frog

Bio:Wingnut is the youngest brother of Aleks and Count Croaker. He is stupid, but a skilled engineer. He is sided with both starwolf and starfox (which is why he is always coming in and out of missions..untill they found out).Like his brother he has the ability to time travel, but unlike his brothers he studies and uses dark magic. He can also move as a shadow and sneak into any area. Wingnut will usally try and fight his brother Count Croaker.He, like his brothers hate Panther and usally when he makes a joke about him Krystal will beat the crap out of him(lol). He himself is dating Fara Pheinox. His brother Aleks is dating Miyu and His other Brother is trying, but not succeding in trying to avoid Fay. The really only thing that he and his brothers all agree on is that Fox and Krystal should be together, they make plans in trying to get them back together and thats why they had Wingnut join starwolf...and the fact that it was his plan.

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Name: Cassidy Wilson

Age: 34

Occupation: Bartender

Affiliated with: Arc Restaurants

Species: Fox

Relation to Star Fox: None

Bio: A quiet bartender, Cassidy is an adept at persuasion, bartering and using knives. Working from 9 am to 12 am, Cassidy is an expert at staying alert, focused and conscious even when he needs sleep the most. A semi-frequent smoker, Cassidy is an amiable guy, that is if you can get him to talk.

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Name: Count Croaker

Species: White tree frog


occupation:Leader of the Amphibis Forces


Relation to starfox: Member

Affiliated with:Amphibis,Cerinia,Corneria

Bio:Count has never told anyone not even his own brothers his real name. He also told nobody about the scar on his eye. It was his plan to make Wingnut join starwolf and spy on them, but he didn`t plan Wingnut acually joining them. Him and his brothers seem to all have sibling rivalry. When he was only a kid and Aleks was to little to remember and Wingnut was only a tadpole they were teleported from Cerinia to Amphibis by magic so they would not be killed, they all have Cerinia markings on their arms, but they never show anyone. Unlike his brothers Count never studied magic because he never belived in it. He usally has soldier #362 help him with things. He hates Panther just like his brothers do. He may act mean, but always tries to keep people together, he is also the brains in the Croaker trio. He made Wingnut join the starwolf to get Fox & Krystal back together, but Wingnut being as evil as he is, made himself a permanet member. Count is the oldest, the smartest, and the best skilled of the Croakers.

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Name: Shard

Species: Fox (Cerinian)

Age: 22

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Gender: Male

Relation to Starfox: Long time friend of Krystal

Affiliations: Cerinia, Corneria

Bio: Shard has powerful mental abilities including telepathy and teleknesis, although he has trouble controlling them as they are affected by his emotions. While living on Cerinia, he became good friends with Krystal. Both shared similar likes and dislikes and it seemed that they were fated to be together one day. Then the planet exploded and both escaped although neither one knew the other was alive. Shard landed on Katina and with the help of Billy Grey improved his flight and martial arts skills. As a telekenetic, he did not need to learn how to use a gun. Shard currently resides in Corneria City as a bounty hunter. he has no knowledge that Krystal is alive and with Star Fox... yet.


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Name: Evok



Affiliated with:Evoks forces

Bio: Much is Unknown of this evil criminal. All the Croakers have seem to tell is that he has followed them from a few years in the future, he wears steel armor all over him and a red cloak, hood, and pretty much everything else he wears is red. He has no sorrow,pitty,or even carness. His forces have been at war with Amphibis ever since he took over Lylat, the Croakers knew he was too strong and went bakc in time to get aid from the Starfox team, but Evok knew their plan and followed them and tried to do what he did in the future, kill the starfox team and take over lylat once more. He seems to never be able to kill a member when he has the chance right before he does he grabs his head in pain and yells as if he was dying in pain. He is belived to have no emotions except hatered,pain, and regreat. He killed everyone in the future Bill, Dash, Katt, Falco, Slippy, Amanda, Peppy, Wolf, Leon, Panther, and Krystal. It has never been reported that he killed Fox, but anyone who was still alive tells stories and rumors. But it has been shown that behind his mask he has green eyes, just...like..Fox...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Jack “The Bomber” O' Donnel


Occupation: Mercenary / Professional Fighter

Affiliated with: Donna Queen (Manager)

Rank: The Current Corneria, Katina, Fortuna, MacBeth, Zoness and Universe Heavyweight Champion and former Earth (World) Heavywieght Champion.

Species: Wolf

Relation to Star Fox: No relation

Relation to Star Wolf: Wolf's older brother

Bio: Jack “The Anvil” O’ Donnel is, without question, the greatest fighting champion in the entire universe. Weighing in at over 280lbs and over 6 feet tall, The Anvil can easily muscled out his opponents in any fighting sport from boxing to wrestling.

He maybe a huge and ripped bodied fighter with a sometimes unpredictable anger problem, but he is an extremely talented fighter and has been taught to fight in many known and unknown disciplines.

Jack, though, mainly spends most of his career in the Universal Cage Fighting League since that’s where all the money is. His manager Donna Queen was able to get the UCFL board executives to give Jack the biggest and most rewarding fights. In cage fighting he has taken all the championship belts within the ‘Cornerian Controlled’ side of the Lylat System and two in the ‘Venom Controlled’ side during the pre-Lylat War era.

At one point he was the Earth (World) champion but due to his younger brother Wolf’s bad reputation, he was banned from travelling to Earth and was forced to relinquish the belt. Jack has held that against Wolf ever since which stopped him from joining the Venom army during the Lylat War. Jack became and rogue mercenary throughout the entire conflict after the war forced cage fighting to stop.

After the conflict, Jack returned to cage fighting and still defends his championships to this very day. The UCFL already has a place in the Hall of Fame when he is ready to ‘call it a day’.

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Doesn't this belong in the RPG section?

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Maybe, but this isn't a topic that's organizing an RP just throwing character ideas around. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may belong on the rpg section, but its still good enough to have it.

And besides its already on general.

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Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

Name:  Sidney McCloud

Race:  anthropo-vulpimorph

Gender:  male

Age:  4 years older than Fox McCloud

Employer:  Cornerian Defence Force, Naval Branch

Occupation:  captain of CDF Hellfire-class destroyer Independence

Relation to Star Fox Team:  Fox McCloud's older brother

Height: 6 feet, three inches

Weight: 210 pounds

Description:  fur is mostly fiery red, complemented by a milky white muzzle, throat, chest, and abdominals, while ears, lower arms, and lower legs are jet black.  Has piercing sapphire eyes.  Has medium-size yet exquisitely well defined muscles.

Personality:  Loyal to the CDF and the Republic of Lylat.  Sidney is highly critical of his younger brother's choice to remain a private mercenary, but respects his achievements.  Sidney has trouble relating emotions to others, especially the softer emotions.  He is annoyed that Fox gets all the glory, even though he himself has fought hard against Andross, Star Wolf, and the Aparoid menace.  Sidney sorely misses his dead father James and his mother Vixy, and is angered by Fox's claims of seeing their father.

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Name: Lucas Rainforth

Age: 18

Occupation: Mercinary Assistance (Let's just say, I help the StarFox Team in case they need it.)

Allied with: StarFox Team, and The Cornerian Army

Species: Fox

Fur Color: Tan, and White

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel Green

Height: 5 Feet, 4 Inches

Weight: 102 lbs. (pounds)

Bio: Born on the planet Corneria. Lucas was a very brave pup. His father Terry was a soldier in the Cornerian Army. Tery would tell Lucas about the StarFox Team and the crew. Lucas loved stories. Ever since he was about 12, he wanted to fly an arwing or even just a jet. He met Fox and the crew when he was about 14 years old, and had recieved a gift from the team. It was the StarFox Badge. When he went home to his mom Cindy. He said "Mom guess what, I got a badge from the StarFox Team!" His mom replyed, "Thats great, lets see it." She looked at it and said, "Really Cool". After that he showed it to his dad and decided to where it during school hours. His friends would say, "Thats really cool, you actually met the StarFox Team." Lucas just said, "Yeah!" About 2 years later. When he was 16 years old, he did some training to become a mercinary. He took his training at the Cornerian Army. When he first flew a plane. The trainers said that he was a very good pilot. His shooting was about 8 out of 10. Which was very good too. Finaly he graduated one year later when he turned 17 years old and decided to work for the StarFox Team. Fox said yes, that he may work for them. The Team decided to make him an assistance and a back-up pilot. They celibrated his 18th birthday with a lazer tag war. Of course, Fox had won. But that didn't matter to Lucas. He enjoyed games. Lucas is still working for the StarFox Team till this day, and builds maps for Fox just as well as Peppy. Once and a while Lucas and Slippy will pull a prank on the Team.

Military Importance: CLASSIFIED...

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Guest superfox

Sonic R Canuis


Apperince, Wight fur with a brown streak down the middle

Eye color,Blue


Affiliated with: Friends with fox mccloud

Birth place,Corniea

History, His family was killed in the lilat wars. as a small child he was rasied on the streets of corniea. he traveld place to place family to family during the first 7 years of his life. when he was 14 he saw a arwing with no one in it and said to himself (wow i wonder if i can fly this) and without knowing who's arwing it is he got in and stole it then falco lambari come runing out " hey come back here Fox " fox come's runing out. falco say's " He stole my arwing" Fox say's don"t worry i will get it he probbly does not know how to fly it. ((Fox get's in his arwing)) Later. fox is next to Sonic fox said " if you land i will not tell" Sonic said if you can get me. the fly around. Then fox say's to him self (WOW) Fox says to Sonic " hey Kid i need to talk to your not in trouble. sonic said ok but if i do. Fox said ok follow me. Sonic does. when they land Sonic and  fox start talking Fox said " Hey kid  you have some skill who talt you Sonic says i was never talt And that was the first time i have ever been in a arwing. Fox said Do you have a family Sonic said ..... um ...i.i don't have one there all gone. Fox ((wow he has be through alot)) hey kid do you want Come with me and my son. Sonic said Sure i can't se the harm in that but.. Fox said But what. Sonic said Is it ok if i can fly in one of thoughs. Fox said to him self (( i must be out of my mind)) Ok. later Fox " hey what is your name? Sonic my name is Sonic R Canuis Fox Said How old are you Sonic said i am 14. ETC. later on the great fox Sonic meet's Fox's son Marcus McCloud and they become friends.

Relitives, Sonic has no known liveing family members.

Clothing, He wears a blue flannal and a whigt t-shirt Blue jeans and mattlaic combat boot's

he where's a pair of sun glass's on top of his head and he sometimes wears his comunicater.he wears a pink stone around his neck ( for the memory of his dead Ex-girlfriend)

Occupation: pilot

Body, middum build and very manuveraibal in the cockpit.

abbilitys, Very skilled at piloting the arwing. he spend's his time working on engine's and computer's.

Weapon's, He has a blaster And his bear fist's

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Name:Skit and #362

age:both 19

species:Skit is a Frill lizard, #362 is a green tree frog

Allied with:Corneria, Amphibis, Starfox.

Bios:Both Skit and #362 were abandon as babies in the same spot they are belived to be brothers.

Count Croaker the leader of the Amphibis forces found them and raised them himself.

Over the years they where trained to be elite soldier,But that dosen`t work out so well.

They both met Caiman lost when they were on a scout mission and became friends with him.

After that Caiman joined the Amphibis forces along his friends.

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