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Game of the Year Is Upon Us!

Ice Fox 111

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That's right, it's August 21, marking the release date of what will undoubtedly be the best game of the year:  Bioshock.

I haven't yet seen a single review for it that wasn't glowing...and many publications have given it a perfect score.

There's dispute among FPS fans revolving around which out of Bioshock, Halo 3, and Crysis will emerge as the best game. What do you think? I'm personally for Bioshock because it attempts to do many things that the First Person Shooter genre has never even touched. It even has a good story to it!

If you don't know what it is, you've probably been under a rock all summer...or you're a hardcore Nintendo fan!  :cop: And there's always Wikipedia if you want to know more about it:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioshock

I don't own a 360, so I'm gonna pick it up for the PC. What about you guys? Do you think Bioshock, Halo 3, or Crysis have what it takes to win GOTY '07?

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You should make a poll for this, Ice.

If it weren't for you, I'd have no idea about Bioshock, and yes, I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan.  :P

Is GOTY limited to just those three?  What about Brawl and Metroid?

You know, I saw a trailer for Bioshock on Spike the other night...it was actually an awesome trailer for an M rated game.

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I have no idea what to think about any of those games, because you're talking to another hardcore Nintendo gamer.

I've played a little Halo 2 before, though.  I'm not much of a fan of FPS's.  They scare me.

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I have my doubts about bioshock then again, maybe i should go by what I don't have... a 360. So i have basicly NO say in this lol.

Halo3.... FTW

BTW: Yes GOTY 07 is just limited to those three.... Im not too much of a nintendo fan, maybe if they put out a lot more mature games, and a good online support instead of games like "Cooking Mama".

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The only FPS I've played was Halo 2 and the Metroid Prime games.  :P *is another hardcore Nintendo fan* Yeah, I dun know much about any of those games.

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God guys, it's sad that the only FPS you've all played is Halo 2...just know that Halo isn't a real FPS, merely an average and overrated one (same goes for Metroid, except for the fact that it's boring rather than overrated). And I was asking which out of the three do you think is a better contender for GOTY, not necessarily what the GOTY will be...but I doubt it'll be a Nintendo game, in any case.

Now that I think about it, it was pretty retarded of me to start this thread in a forum full of insane Nintendo fans...but there are worse places...like AL.

Edit: Now that I think of it, because none of you are familiar with the games I'm talking about, why don't I show you? I won't embed them because I know how annoying that can get...

Here's a nice demo for Bioshock - http://youtube.com/watch?v=C5yUcQIaDkE

And a good trailer for Crysis - http://youtube.com/watch?v=z6-e1Ze_ATg

And an exceedingly over-glitzed trailer for a certain sure-to-be-mediocre FPS - http://youtube.com/watch?v=uCsdPszJLNQ


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Yeah well I for one can't wait for halo 3. Not because of the multiplayer, but the story line! I am a halo fan, what can I say? lol As for FPS's, I wanna get my hands on bf2142, fear, and GOW. (3rd person shooter) lol I love GOW! Especialy the chainsaw bayonet. lol

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The storyline....

There's a storyline? Sorry Puff, but after playing through most of Halo 2 and Halo: Combat Evolved, I umm...can't seem to find one anywhere.

But I do agree with you on GOW, I'm definitely getting that one for PC when it comes out. :P

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Psh Ice, then you haven't payed much attention if at all. You probibly skipped all of the cut scenes, just so you could ay u beat it a legendary. But not me, I read all of the books for halo and it has one hell of a story line. Better than the one in G.O.W IMO.

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Meh, I don't even know the story behind Gears, I've just played it a bit at the local community center. And as for Halo having a deep story...sure, it's full of cutscenes that elaborate on it and such, but they ultimately don't really go anywhere. I mean come on...

"Finishing this fight!"

I'd expect that sort of mediocre ending from a mediocre game...

And I pity you for reading the Halo books...waste of IQ points. :P

Oh, and I suck at Halo, just for the record. I can only beat the level "Halo" in the first one on Legend, and that took me all of 2 hrs.

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Soap Box time:

One of the reasons I quit playing PC games is the DRM crapware that comes with them now. Stuff like SecuRom, SafeDisc and StarForce.

These programs often install poorly written CD drive drivers that have caused problems, most notably the one used by StarForce. With some of these programs, merely having a virtual CD drive on your system for any reason will cause the game to not work.

And those are just the ones we know about. Let's not forget the crap Sony was slipping onto music CDs not too long ago.

I would say make sure any game you buy doesn't gave this crap on it.

Methods like Overburning were fine, but when you start replacing my CD Drivers, there is a problem.

These days, it is hard to find games that do not use DRM, but at least boycott StarForce.

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Let's not forget the crap Sony was slipping onto music CDs not too long ago.

Dear God, don't remind me...

same goes for Metroid, except for the fact that it's boring rather than overrated

You better hope Dwight doesn't read that line.

Meh, I'll tally up with Ice and say Bioshock is a good contender for GOTY.  If Nintendo games were to be in it, it'd be either Metroid or Brawl.

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These programs often install poorly written CD drive drivers that have caused problems, most notably the one used by StarForce. With some of these programs, merely having a virtual CD drive on your system for any reason will cause the game to not work.

Oh boy, don't I know all about that...SecuROM is the single stupidest thing ever implemented in PC games, and the bad part is that in some cases certain countries will get Sony's crappy disc-protection-of-death and others will not. For example, the game STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (a very nice game, if I do say so) was shipped in North America with no copy protection whatsoever, in Europe with SecuROM, and in CIS with StarForce. Needless to say, many Russians who attend the StarFox forums are quite pissed off at THQ.

I definitely agree with you in that PC games have their own set of problems...they did spawn that which is so wretched, unholy, and vile that I dare not speak it's name outside parentheses (Steam). On top of (Steam) being slovenly coded and poorly QA'd, they have done the unspeakable: botched the Bioshock (Steam) release. Every time you want to play it, you have to download 20% of the game (2.4 gigabytes). Needless to say, the people that bought it are flinging bovine waste at Valve's corporate building...

But on the positive argument for PC gaming: up until the release of the Nintendo Wii, games on the PC always controlled more fluidly. No exceptions.

If Nintendo games were to be in it, it'd be either Metroid

I'm sorry to bring such a blasphemous atmosphere to you guys' Nintendo-centered forum, but I do not like any of the 3D Metroid games whatsoever. They are paced so slowly, I had to play for over three hours on each title (Prime, Echoes, and Hunters) before I found anything fun...not to mention I'm not one for backtracking. Plus (excluding Hunters), the combat consists of merely locking onto enemies and tapping the A-button as though you were trying to achieve a hit-count of 400 on Corneria. Don't get me wrong, I like tapping the A-button as much as anyone (loved the Test Your Strength thingy in Adventures), but lock-and-fire just doesn't cut it for me right now.

Hey, look at it this way, I'm probably only person who's ever put down Metroid and yet played and loved as many Ninty games as I. You should all be thankful I can relate to you all as much as I can! :P

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Bioshock is shipping with SecuRom as well.

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I know...and the (Steam) version is shipping with both Valve's annoying daily online file verification and SecuROM.  :cool:

Really, is pissing off your customers twice in the same install really worth it?

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Well I got steam, and I don't really like it. It automaticly downloads stuff onto ur comp which shoots up ur ping no matter what ur doing. and it crashes alot. Well the same could be said about my comp.... Yep, I think I have to restart it now..... My start bar and app bars are transparent, and it is very slow. God i need my new comp!


Eh, screw it, i just shut down explorer. I'm just using crtl alt del for now

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The only way they'll stop using the crapware is if people don't buy the products and let the companies know why.

I'm a little softer on DRM on console games as if you don't heavily mod your console, it won't get in the way. At least right now it doesn't.

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Cool, I'm buying CS:S probably within a week or two, so...wanna have a quick man-to-man pistol duel in Dust2?

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Nighthawk? Don't you mean Deagle? Because that's the pistol all the CS:S vets use...

I personally pwn w/the P228 Compact...

Okay, let's go! :cool:

By the way, what's up with you all being so obsessed with Brawl? It really doesn't look that interesting to me.

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