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DZ Can't Sing Mario


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Cool Idea + recording absolutely zero rehearsal time = Craptastic!


And now you know why I don't sing! :shock:

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Not bad, how long did it take for you to construct this?

I'm still curious about your Slippy impersonation.

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That's...epicly...and fantastically...AWESOME!

I'm saving this to my computer so it can never be deleted.  DZ + Mario = Priceless entertainment.

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DZ, I have to ask, was that song inspired by Virt's acapella work?

http://virt.vgmix.com/index.php?page=arrange (bottom of page)

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That was really good.  I assume you recorded yourself several times singing the different parts, and then you put them together?  Clever.

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DZ, I have to ask, was that song inspired by Virt's acapella work?

http://virt.vgmix.com/index.php?page=arrange (bottom of page)

No, it isn't. This was just a random idea I got. Any similarity to another song is coincidental.

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