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Link's Crossbow Training

Star Fox Runner

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Hi y'all its SFRunner.

I was looking around on the forum Zelda Power, and I learned that the new Wii Zapper is going to include a pack-in game called Link's Crossbow Training. It involves Link using a crossbow in an arcade style shooter.

Here's a link to the info.


Tell me what you think, cause I think it looks awesome!

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It looks okay. I can not really get excited about it since its not a new full zelda game. It is probably just going to be a shooting game with legend of zelda pasted over it to look more appealing. But who knows, it might turn out to be cool.

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Hardcore Zelda fans are already angry at this attempt to "water-down" the franchise.

Don't you love it when people get mad over something they haven't seen yet?  I mean, look at WindWaker.  Everyone thought it was crap at first, then it was released, and it got tons of perfect reviews.

I hope this isn't an expensive addition that's only used for two or three different titles.

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Don't you love it when people get mad over something they haven't seen yet?  I mean, look at WindWaker.  Everyone thought it was crap at first, then it was released, and it got tons of perfect reviews.

Don't forget that a lot of people who hated it before it was released still hate it today.

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It is too bad that so many people miss a good game just because they are put off by the different graphics.

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Oh, let's just not worry about what other people think about whatever.  It's all depends on perspective.  I mean, we tend to get irritated about the Star Fox series getting watered-down, while people outside of the fandom think we overreact.

By the way, shouldn't this be in the Arcade?

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Forgot, posted it in the wrong spot.

Anyway, I'm getting it even though some people say it sucks, because if you just listen to what everybody else says, you usually miss out on something you would actually think is good.

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I'm not that fond of reading reviews before buying, myself.  The reviews are based on the interests of the people that write them, and those interests are not necessarily the same as mine.

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I'm not that fond of reading reviews before buying, myself.  The reviews are based on the interests of the people that write them, and those interests are not necessarily the same as mine.

Interestingly enough, though most game magazines are very much based on reviews, research has shown that next to no-one buys or doesn't buy games based on reviews.

I know I don't.

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