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Drawings- feel free to comment on them.

Dr. Wilopolis

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Just because hopefully since I've improved, I'll get a few more comments. Here's to hoping you guys like my drawings this time around! :compcrash:


Any thoughts?  :compcrash:

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Hmm, welcome back, your anatomy's looking quite a bit better.

This is just a pet peeve of mine, but could you put the drawing in the center of the picture and remove the rings of the sketchbook in whatever art program you have? It might just be me, but it seems to detract from the quality of your work. If you'd like I could give you a more in-depth critique if you'd like. I just have a tendency to not hold back and I've upset people in the past for it, so its hard for me to comment on anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ 'tis okay. XD I just like hearing opinions. I already know where I need to improve mainly. It's just I need more practice.



A char I've pretty much never drawn or used, Nash, the inventor. XD He's a husky with a penchant for inventing new stuff. Look out, though. He's got a mean streak. And an ego to match.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Huzzah for oddly hidden laser weapons!  :D



Fan arts. One recent and one not so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*bump for great justice*


Gentlemen, ladies, and miscellaneous anthros, Behold! Archibold the Arch-magus!

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Not bad, I'd be careful with the head and left hand (viewer's perspective) though, seems a bit awkward. The hair doesn't seem to exactly flow with the style of this piece either.

Keep practicin', dude. You'll do well.

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  • 2 months later...

D-D-D-Double post!

.....Alrighty, more stuff for y'all to gaze at!


It's a pic of a couple I hold near and dear to my heart~~

...Yeah, the tails... They suck. D: I should've been less lazy, and moved 'em over to the other side of their bodies. >.< And then try to make 'em bend more naturally. But it's one of my best pieces yet.

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...Yeah, the tails... They suck. D: I should've been less lazy, and moved 'em over to the other side of their bodies. >.< And then try to make 'em bend more naturally. But it's one of my best pieces yet.

Not too bad. Just make them poofier next time and, yes, try to make the curves more curvy.

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