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WWYD #10: Krystal...

Gene Inari

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It's about three A.M. outside of your house/estate/apartment/where-ever and you hear a loud thump outside of your window. Of course, your neighbor's annoying Pomeranian mutt named Tank is barking insistently at a blue patch of fur sticking outside of a bank of snow in your backyard. You step outside and dig into the snow out of a spin of curiosity, discovering, guess who, Krystal.

She doesn't seem too seriously hurt, a few bruises and perhaps a sprained ankle from the fall, but still. Though unconscious, she breathes steadily. On her wrist is a booming wrist communicator with a familiar male voice over it, asking for a reply.

Now depending on if you do answer it, and give the good news she isn't dead. You would find out that, due to a teleportation mishap, you would be caring for a hurt Vixen for some days--about three.

So, what would you do in this situation?

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Well, you've got to lend a helping hand no matter who it is. Also, I would let Fox know so he wouldn't worry so much. LMAO, Poms aren't annoying they're ky-oote With a capital K! :oops:

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Yeah, human or not, you should help those in need. And Fox should know given his relationship with her, after all, just because she met you doesn't mean she wouldn't want to get back to Fox.

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Why does this sound suspiciously like a good fanfic i know?

I would.... help her but not tell fox...

Yeah, and then you'd lock her up in the dungeon beneath your basement. :D

I would of course help her and tell Fox she's okay.  It's just the right thing to do.

And on my own time, I would totally freak out that Krystal is in my house. :D

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Correction. I would tell fox something. But not that she is okay....

"Krystal?! Are you okay? Can you read me?" Fox's voice thundered through the comm.

Puff tears the comm off of krystals arm. "Hello.... She has a nice coat.... That would look nice on my wall.... You could come get her, but then again Mr. Fox.... Your's would be a nice complement to hers...." Picks up a knife and cuts off some of her fur. "Yes... Very nice on my wall.... Look for the video of me skinning her alive on a internet near you!" Puff then stabs the knife into the comm and throws it into the trash. Then he picks up krystal out of the cold and unforgiving snow. Only to bring her into something even more painful and unforgiving. "Now then to get you fed and warm. We can't have my trophy's fur all frozen now can we? Ever heard of Armin Meiwes by chance?" He asks the unconsious vixen. *Manical laughter*

(Wiki Armin Meiwes for more gruesome details)

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Something I've noticed about you Puff....

For someone who hates Krystal so much, you don't seem to be able to resist the urge to talk about her body excessively....particularly her legs. (As in, "I'm eating Krystal's leg.")

Paging Dr. Freud!  :D

(Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm just making a simple observation...)

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Something I've noticed about you Puff....

For someone who hates Krystal so much, you don't seem to be able to resist the urge to talk about her body excessively....particularly her legs. (As in, "I'm eating Krystal's leg.")

Paging Dr. Freud!  :D

(Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm just making a simple observation...)


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Dude dwight... that right there was perfect! Anyways...... Thats where most of the meat is. The leg. Jeeze when was the last time you skinned and butchered an animal? BTW venison is best when you butcher it your self! :D!

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Sorry. I don't live in the Midwest, so I don't trap and/or skin my food very often.  :wink:

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Yeah, right. We also supposedly have mutated alligators in our sewers.

If we do, those gators had better watch out; the turtles may kick them out any day now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

annoying Pomeranian mutt named Tank

[/irony]  :oops:

Of course, after she's in the house, I would have to keep her inside indefinitely.  Otherwise, the world would be in utter chaos over extraterrestrial life.

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