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The MOST EVIL post... ever...


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post number:666 Hold on to your pants.. tails... what ever you think you have!

All that and I still think that Krystal is a lesbian that deserves to be spayed... and neutered. Yes I have my suspicions! Fox deserves way better than that piece of blue poopy donkey shizah. Fox can kill panther with one shot and he should kill Krystal as well. Now THAT would make a kick ass plot twist in the next sf game!

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I have not run out of ideas, it is just they are so graphic, i dare not post them!

Because if you did, we all would know how deep your love for Krystal actually is...

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A love hate relationship? Hm, it would be too easy to suppose you mean that you love to hate Krystal. The only possible explanation is that you hate Panther and Fox for having loving relationships with her.  :D

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I hate panther and krystal not fox. Krystal had no right to abandon fox like that. he even went on his knees and begged but she still said no. And if she did accept his apology she still went back to panther. I used to love krystal but now i have seen her darkside and I only live to see develop even darker. I cannot see her become good, as Fox withers away from her choice to be with panther. Fox is a badass, like chuck norris or even highlander. He don't need no "Special" women to make him feel alive. No he has many things to live for and a broken heart is not one of them. Krystal doesn't deserve a mighty hero like Fox McCLoud, savior of the lylat system, 3 times! (maybe even more)

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o_O :D:lol:

Holy crap! PuffNStuff actually made a semi-coherent argument! Yay! XD

In all seriousness, though, I think its a good argument. Certainly one that could be used in future games. Of course,  :D:D reuniting is just as good, so I'm pretty flexible.

Edit: Wait, I just realized something else. You act as if Ending #2 is canon. It isn't. None of them are. I always thought that Ending #1 was most likely canon, as it is one you're most likely to get, but still. We can't say if Krystal "went back to Panther". In fact, because so few of the endings have that happening, I really doubt that she did.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Actually, I think Fox sort of brought it on himself. See, Krystal just didn't go 'oh lol im leevin'. Fox basically kicked her off of the team, and she probably didn't know where else to go, so ran off to Star Wolf, probably because she was SCARED and had no bloody clue what to do. After all, she didn't know anyone else really besides Fox, and Panther was at least nice to her (if not disturbingly creepy), so she probably figured 'Well, at least he'll be nice to me'. So the whole thing is actually FOX'S fault, even though most people ultimately FAIL to realize it!

Oh, and yea. None of the endings are 'canon' anyways, and I doubt the game itself is anyways.

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I think Chiro-Chan's logic about Krystal leaving the team makes a lot of sense, but...

... My brain has been subtly forcing the plot of Command out of my memory for over a year now. Mainly because I don't wanna believe it's canon. >_< D--- you, Cuthbert!!

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Fortunately for the matter of Command, a game is only really cemented as canon if its plot is acknowledged as legitimate by a sequel. Until the next StarFox comes out, Command is just an interpretation--or nine--of what happened after the events of Assault.

As for Krystal and Fox, isn't it the fault of both of them? Fox was being naive to think he could take the kind of action he did in having her step down and thus deny his feelings, and Krystal was rather much begging for a bitter reunion by jumping on board with Fox's rivals. With all that said, I agree with Puff: Fox has much more to live for than pining away for Krystal. Whatever happened to that hopeful idealist Fox that went out looking for his father even when the odds were stacked well against him?

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Yeah but ya know, one has to be canon, so who knows? Maybe  :spam: WILL turn out to be a whore... besides, krystal is sooo stealing the spotlight away from the troo hero...

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Alright, THAT IS ENOUGH! This whole situation is starting to annoy me. Not one person is solely at fault here.

Fox shouldn't have gone and kicked her off the team, thinking everything would go off without a hitch. In my oppinion he kinda had it coming, haven't ya'll heard the old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn"? That doesn't mean I justify what Krystal did though. She shouldn't have gone off and started dating Panther, knowing that it would hurt Fox.

I really think Star Fox Command has shot the story line all to hell, so I blame the game. So can we end this saying "Its his fault", and "Its her fault" crap, because its both of them, and because of a very badly planned storyline.

P.S. Puff try and keep the sexual references out of the forum, if I want to hear that crap, all I got to do is walk into my school, I come here to get away from that nonsense.

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Well runner, I will respect your request. Even though it goes agaisnt what I believe in. I know that little choldren vist this sitew with their moms looking over their shoulders... >_> in which case, if you are reading this, YOU OWE ME MONEY! You know who you are... Anyways, (last bad joke ever btw) yeah you are right. Fox was at fault but he had her saftey in mind when he did. I am sure that you wouldn;t want to rish say... a panda because it is of a dying species. Consider that fox didn;t want to risk the only cerenian's life and end it all with her dying at his side. I say his decision was a noble one that was regretfully, replied to with scorn.

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To me, Fox asked her to leave (not "kicked her off" as many believe) because he was afraid some dreadful fate would befall Krystal like the one that had befallen everyone else he had loved up to that point in his life. He feared that she would die like his parents had. But this sort of thinking is incorrect because both his parents died not because of their inabilities to defend themselves, but because both had been betrayed in some way or another. So in fact, although Fox undeniably meant well, he was also underthinking the whole thing.

In short he was being neurotic. I like that. It reminds me of me!  :spam:

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Well, basically, it's a huge misunderstanding for the most part. And Puff, Krystal actually doesn't get that much attention in the series, though probably more than a few other people, but definitely NOT Fox. The reason why it seems like she gets all of the attention is because of those stupid fanboys. You should hate the fanboys, not the character. ><

I don't think Krystal started 'dating' Panther even. She was just sort of there. On Katina, her reaction to Panther is like 'yea whatever, now stfu'. And Runner's right. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is the best way to sum it up, even though it was all started because of Fox, and he ultimately screwed himself over, but sometimes he fixes things. So don't go around character bashing, it's not cool.

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I see where youre coming from, but I still stand by my opinion. Fox kicked her off to basicly save her race from becoming extinct. He made a sacrifice of his love just so that she doesn't risk her life. Then she goes and fights anyways. Risking the heritage of a dying planet just to show fox up. I still think Fox did the right thing. Krystal just did what anyone else would do. even though it was for her own good.

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This thread has officially been derail'd for the past... Umm... 11 posts? Well... I thinks it'd be a better idea if... you made the 'debate over whether Fox and Krystal truly love each other' elsewhere. Such as... Oh, I dunno... *points down at the StarFox General forum*

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