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G1 3D Transformers video


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It's the off-topic section. We can talk about anything here that doesn't break the rules.

And Dwight, what do you mean it's fake?

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This would suit my forum. All about Transformers, lol. The animation is awesome but some of the sound effects don't really fit in, IMO. Obviously a fake.

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It's the off-topic section. We can talk about anything here that doesn't break the rules.

And Dwight, what do you mean it's fake?

I mean it's a fake. It has all the tell-tell signs of a fake, including the most significant, that the media is completely ignoring the video. Trust me on this, I have many year's worth of experience detecting fakes from non-fakes. I was not fooled by the Psycol3r Nintendo ON video even though it is probably the convincing fake in video games ever. Similarly, I correctly called real Super Smash Bros. Brawl boxart when it was first revealed as a possible fake.

Tips for determining if something is real:

Doesn’t show unannounced info.

Art that is not just a compilation of previous renders.

Art style same as previously revealed art.

Comes from a credible source.

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