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No ROM trading [explained]

Guest Milton Thomas

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Guest Milton Thomas

The main reason we dont want ROM trading is because the Host may choose to shut us down for that and we dont want to take th risk. It also breaks copyright law since SF2 is property of Nintendo.

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Not to challange your decision. (Hosts can be picky. I almost had to move CHS once because I had files with the MP3 extension on the server)

But, I'm curious as to the legality of SF2's ROMs.

SF2 is Vaporware. Vaporware is software (or hardware) that is announced and advertised, but fails to be released.

Examples are:

The Analytical Engine (The very first Vaporware!)


Star Fox 2

Duke Nukem Forever

Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball

Mario 128

The SD Card adapter for the Gamecube

The question is this: Can a company legally protect Vaporware?

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Guest Milton Thomas

I pondered about it being vaporware, but vaporware usualy doesnt have beta versions that are allmost complete leaked out.

I think did use SF2 in a tournament in Japan so I'm not sure it quite fits the bill of being unreleased either. Though a version that timed out after 15 minutes was used to see who could get the furthest.

I also doubt Nintendo would do anything about the ROMs though, since they wont make any money off of protecting the game... unless they plan on putting it up on the Revo SNES download list.

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"I think did use SF2 in a tournament in Japan so I'm not sure it quite fits the bill of being unreleased either. Though a version that timed out after 15 minutes was used to see who could get the furthest. "

Are you sure that was SF2? I do remember something like that, but it was with SF1.

"unless they plan on putting it up on the Revo SNES download list."

I pray for this.

Though I'm almost positive that people will find a way to make ROMs run on the rev.

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Guest Milton Thomas

Oh, my mistake, after some research it was the first Starfox.

I also agree with people ending up being able to run their own ROMs.

If Nintendo does go through with the online ROM downloads we will most likely end up with someone writing software to pretend to be Nintendo's servers and offering their own ROMs to their Revo, unless Nintendo puts in some pretty fancy authentication. But perhaps I shouldnt give Nintendo any ideas with that.

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The REV will use SD cards as memory cards and extra game space. No server tricks needed. They just need to make the Rev's emulators think the ROMs are legit.

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Guest Milton Thomas

Thats true, if it does allow you to store them on a non-proprietary memory card people can just put them on those directly. That is much easier then if its stored on proprietary media or only playable when downloaded fresh from the server.

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