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Dash's bro's furry art


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I did'nt even know this until he told and showed me these one day..



and this one he colored but he did'nt send me. He had it as his MSN display pic so I print screened.


He showed me more but the original drawings not scans.

He is indeed very good and he's not even into furry art. These are like.. His 3rd or 4th furreh drawings. I wish he would draw Krystal :{..

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That's friggin' furry, literally. ^_^

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*Looks back at pics*

Wow. That's amazing! Not only is it anatomically correct, but it's also got great facial expressions.

I couldn't draw like that EVER.

I know people who'd pay to see art like this.


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Yeh hes very good at it :}.. Unfortunately he's not into furry art.

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He's great dude, I absolutey adore his art style.

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