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Corneria's General Hospital


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Welcome to Corneria's General Hospital, where I'm working part time!

In here we have the best doctors we could afford!

We treat every kind of wound or disease.

Yo ucan be either a patient or a doctor in any field of medicine!

I would be more especific about this place, but I'm in a rush!

By the way, since I'm treating Cornerians... am I considered a doctor or a veterinarian???

If you excuse me, I'm needed in surgery.

*Leaves with a butcher bloody knife in hand and white coat with blood. ^_^ *

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*Comes out of opperation room with a bloody butcher knife and a heart in another hand :shock: *

Does someone needs help?

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Well, I see everything is under control here.

*Patient comes out* Hum... Doc? I think that heart is supposse to be INSIDE me.

What--oh yea! That's right.

Sorry, got to go. Still need to finish-up with my patient.

By the way... I still don't know if I'm considered a doctor, or a veterinarian in Corneria? My patient is a husky, just so you know.

*Heads back in operation room, doors close, and screams can be heard. But... why?*

*Behind closed doors*

Patient- "That there's no what?!"

R_G- "Sorry, but there's no more sleeping gas. You'll have to awake doring your heart operation."

Patient- "Say what?!!"

R_G- "You heard me. Now, lets begin."

Patient- "This is animal cruelty! CRUELTY!!"

R_G- "Yea, sure, I'm a very bad person. No, here we go."

Patient- "No, wait--Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh."

R_G- "Oops... there goes my watch."

:lol::shock: :shock:

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*Comes out of operation room*

Hi everybody!

*People in hallway*Hi doctor Nick!

No! I'm... nevermind. I could have used anesthetics, but... some of the nurses STOLE it!

*Looking at some people to avoid mentioning names*

So... the operation went well. But the patient passed out right on the begining of the operation, so he didn't felt much pain.

Now, if you excuse me... I got a transport for Corelia to catch. So if there are any patients, someone take care of it.

*Leaves. As soon as R_G steps out of the hospital, everyone breaks in cheers*

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Well, that was bizarre. *remembers something* Eek! Gotta get to the operation room, quick! *runs off*

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  • 2 months later...

"if you come near me with that, Ill have to...RUN FOR MY LIFE, IDON'T WANT MY TONSELS REMOVED, HONEST!!!!"

*runs for his life*

"sowrds make poor medical eqipment...."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mithos Kionisu

*Walks in with a blaster wound in the arm, sees RL chasing DF and slowly starts to back out of the room*

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*Comes from behind MK, holding a bloody chainsaw and a hokey mask on*


Hello, how can I help you.

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