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what makes you angry?

Hatsworth III

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what makes you angry? it's simple to play, i post what makes me angry and alll the other pepole can post what makes them angry ex: what makes me angry? spammers."

and that's it.

what makes me angry? imps, expecialy the ones from castelvania.

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Something that makes me angry, how video game companies have huge rivalries, I know lots of people will probably hate what I'm going to say next, but imagine if you would, a system where the companies could co-exist and we get some Star Fox games, either new ones, or remakes such as 64 and Assault, onto a system such as Xbox Live arcade, with enhanced graphics, to play some really intense multiplayer over the intarwebz. However, if Nintendo could get an internet system that was as easy to use and as wide spread as Xbox's, I'd be even happier since I could have my online SF games, and it'd be in the hands of Nintendo, my favorite game company. But I hate how we have these great to play multiplayer games like that, but no way to play it online, have to have friends near you that enjoy old school games, which no one in California seems to appreciate, all has to be ZOMG NEW GRAPHICS or else its "crap", which I think is a crying shame, none of the more modern games can beat the good, solid gameplay that I remember being important.

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Guest Julius Quasar



Something that makes me angry, how video game companies have huge rivalries, I know lots of people will probably hate what I'm going to say next, but imagine if you would, a system where the companies could co-exist and we get some Star Fox games, either new ones, or remakes such as 64 and Assault, onto a system such as Xbox Live arcade, with enhanced graphics, to play some really intense multiplayer over the intarwebz. However, if Nintendo could get an internet system that was as easy to use and as wide spread as Xbox's, I'd be even happier since I could have my online SF games, and it'd be in the hands of Nintendo, my favorite game company. But I hate how we have these great to play multiplayer games like that, but no way to play it online, have to have friends near you that enjoy old school games, which no one in California seems to appreciate, all has to be ZOMG NEW GRAPHICS or else its "crap", which I think is a crying shame, none of the more modern games can beat the good, solid gameplay that I remember being important.

Well, on the topic of say politics, thats' a lot of things (including George W. Bush, Barack Obama, war, and Socialism), and in popular culture, again, a lot of things (apathy toward education, emos, and stupidity).

this ^

along with

-my ass**** parents,

-the fact I'm still broke and stuck living with my ass**** parents

-California State's government corruption, and decimated economy

-no girlfriend for me

-those clownhats who have those dumb

"My Child Is An Honor Student At [insert name here] Elementary School" bumper stickers

-trans fat ban advocates

-gun ban advocates

-Paris Hilton and losers like her






-people who keep talking about M.J.'s death (shut up already!)

-people who keep talking about Susan Boyle singing that song from Les Mis...

-"self esteem" workshops promotion...(you need to achieve something before feeling good about yourself)

-cyber bullies/trolls


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Yeesh this got political fast.

Also, I think this thread can get out of hand, so I think a preemptive lock is in order. Apologies.

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