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Sex sells the funniest things


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Sex sells. This is a well know phrase of business men everywhere. Use our stuff and get sex. It makes sence when you are selling things that are related, like undies or deoderent. However, sex is being used to sell some weird stuff. From crisps to furniture. I though it would be fun to share some of the funniest.

Burgers is a good one. A funny advert too. He puts the burger in the microwave, but it's his girlfriend that spins round turning into a half naked glamour model in the process.

Deoderent makes sence to a certain extent, but theres an ad on at the moment that is weird. Basicly, this bloke wearing brand name deoderent sees all the ladies in there underwhere, all glamour models naturally, and the ad ends with a woman using his deoderent on herself so he can see him in his unders. Lepord skin no less. Who goes to the shops in lepord skin undies? I don't know. A more interesting point is what if he walked past an old lady?

For me, the current champion has to be paint. Yes paint. Can't work out how paint gets you laid? Simple. Some woman looks in her naighboughs window while he pains (no paper on the windows because... anyway, she looks disaprovingly at him, so he paints the room again, and again, until he eventually get's the right brand and colour. At this point she goes over to his house anddoes the horrisontal monster mash. Of course! Why? I dunno, but I better buy some paint pronto.

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