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Star Wolf Theme


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Ok, i managed to filtrate the first second of the song to get the pause sound out of the way, and it came out pretty well.

Here's the link!

Remember that the first second was filtered, and may sound pretty shaky, and shortly followed by a slight clip. But apart from that, there is nothing else wrong. At least it's better then that annoying sound, right? :lol:

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I always thought the sound was PART of it, but this sounds better without it!

If possible, could you make it longer and speed it up to N64 StarWolf theme tempo? THAT would rule.

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Alright, i'll try. :lol: But i also noticed that the quality kind of lowered after i converted. Odd... but anyway, i'll do it right now.

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It did? I didn't see a difference... or maybe that's just me.

Well of course you don't SEE a difference. :lol:

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Check their FAQ, if they have one. If it isn't possible, then could someone lend me some hosting space for this?

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I could do it "host it" that is how much well I don't want money I's already got money just send it like in your e-mail

I have like 39 gig's of disk space left over I'll even throw a sub domain to it. it's new just see here look at the updates they'll give you more info

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I've done this as well. I did mine differently, though. The filter you used cut into the sound of the instruments. I was lucky enough to obtain dumps of the music from the game (I am contemplating ways to share MP3s without killing my bandwidth), but the Star Wolf one was corrupted. I took the beginning of that dump and copied it over a direct-record I did off of my gamecube.

I've expiramented with this theme alot. The N64 version is around 180 BPM. The SFAS version is around 120. That's a 60 BPM difference. I did go all the way to 180 with my tempo slider, but it didn't sound musically right. The instrumentation and style makes it sound unbelieveably frantic at that tempo. Also, the changes made to the audio had it sounding like mederate quality samples. O_o My fast version ended up at around 140-150. Which is, I felt, the fastest the arrangement could be played and still sound right.

Of course I'm not here to steal your thread so I won't be posting links to the file unless it's clear with you and if enough people want it.

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Sweet! Team Wolf-kun's band!

Actually, I tried playing SF:A's Enter Star Wolf in a fast-paced version using Windows Media Player.

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http://www.classicalhorn.com/hosted/sfasswfastnps.mp3 <-- My fast version

Once I get some classical saxophone sounds and a euphonium sound, I will be writing some band stuff. Star Wolf theme is on the list.

Then there's also the big SFAs medley that I want to do and get published (imagine your school band playing SF music!). Now, it isn't going to be a reduced in difficulty arrangement so I wouldn't expect middle school or Jr. High bands to be able to play it.

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