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Urban Legends


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Due the other topic I made being too political I decided to make a new topic about somthing less political but kinda like it urban legend they can be from anywhere at anytime let's here what u guys got to say

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Guest Julius Quasar

Bozo the Clown's Blooper:

Sometime in the 1950's, in one of the many regional sound stages, with one of many Bozo the clown authorized look a likes, there was a taping of an episode of Bozo the Clown, which was supposedly removed and destroyed/hidden, where the following occurred:

Bozo: "Hey, kiddies! I'm gonna pick 3 contestants from the audience, and give them each a spoon and an egg. Can you guess why?  That's right! We're gonna have a race! Each kid takes a spoon, balances an egg on the end of it, and holds it out in front of them, and the first kisd to make it to the finish line without dropping their egg WINS!"

*Bozo selects a girl scout, a farm boy, and a well dressed rich preppy kid for the race.  They take their place at the start, each of them balancing an egg on the end of their spoon, and holding them out in front of them.*

Bozo: "Ready..set...GO!" *Bozo fires a bang flag gun*

*The 3 kids race, but the preppy kid, "Timmy" (although his name is up for debate), drops his egg not more than 2 steps from the start line*

Preppy Kid/Timmy: "DAMN!"

Bozo: *Stops the race, amid all the gasps and shouts of "OOOH!" from the kids in the audience and the 2 competing kids* "Whoa! Hang on there! Whoops, someone needs a time out!"

*Bozo kneels next to Timmy, who looks mortified at his predicament*

Bozo: "Timmy, sometimes we get upset, and say things we don't mean, or shouldn't say.  But, there are magic words to make things right again after saying that.  Do you know those magic words Timmy?"

Timmy: "RAM IT, you stupid clown!!!"

*Bozo looks horrified, and the screen goes to a test pattern, and the kids at home who saw and heard that all cheer at that blooper*

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Burger King ball-pit tragedy:

In 1992, a mother in Santa Fe, New Mexico, picked her young son up from his first day of preschool. Having no time to cook and feeling that her boy deserved a treat, she took him to Burger King for dinner that evening. Because the child ate all his dinner, she let him play in the playground in the restaurant.

After her son went into the playground, the mother briefly left him to play so she could go to the restroom, but when she was done with her business, she noticed her kid was whining and scratching his arm.

Asking what was wrong, he just said "Hurt, mommy". Unsuspecting of anything dreadful, assuming that her son bruised himself in the slide or slipped in the ball pit at the worst, she let him continue to play for another 5 minutes.

They later headed home. About half an hour later, the mother noticed red spots and bruises on her son's arms and legs. Confused, she just guessed that they were minor injuries sustained in the playground... she had no idea of the cause of her son's bruises and the extent of damage done.

An hour later, the mother found her son dead in the TV room while "Sesame Street" was on the TV. Distraught by this horrific sight, she went into her room and sobbed her eyes out for the next 4 hours. Finally calm enough to try

to figure out the cause of her son's sudden death, she went back to the Burger King to have the custodial staff examine the contents of the ball pit. They found scorpions, rattlesnakes and used syringes allegedly left by a drug addict who was there 6-7 hours earlier.

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Burger King ball-pit tragedy:

In 1992, a mother in Santa Fe, New Mexico, picked her young son up from his first day of preschool. Having no time to cook and feeling that her boy deserved a treat, she took him to Burger King for dinner that evening. Because the child ate all his dinner, she let him play in the playground in the restaurant.

After her son went into the playground, the mother briefly left him to play so she could go to the restroom, but when she was done with her business, she noticed her kid was whining and scratching his arm.

Asking what was wrong, he just said "Hurt, mommy". Unsuspecting of anything dreadful, assuming that her son bruised himself in the slide or slipped in the ball pit at the worst, she let him continue to play for another 5 minutes.

They later headed home. About half an hour later, the mother noticed red spots and bruises on her son's arms and legs. Confused, she just guessed that they were minor injuries sustained in the playground... she had no idea of the cause of her son's bruises and the extent of damage done.

An hour later, the mother found her son dead in the TV room while "Sesame Street" was on the TV. Distraught by this horrific sight, she went into her room and sobbed her eyes out for the next 4 hours. Finally calm enough to try

to figure out the cause of her son's sudden death, she went back to the Burger King to have the custodial staff examine the contents of the ball pit. They found scorpions, rattlesnakes and used syringes allegedly left by a drug addict who was there 6-7 hours earlier.


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Bozo the Clown's Blooper:

Sometime in the 1950's, in one of the many regional sound stages, with one of many Bozo the clown authorized look a likes, there was a taping of an episode of Bozo the Clown, which was supposedly removed and destroyed/hidden, where the following occurred:

Bozo: "Hey, kiddies! I'm gonna pick 3 contestants from the audience, and give them each a spoon and an egg. Can you guess why?  That's right! We're gonna have a race! Each kid takes a spoon, balances an egg on the end of it, and holds it out in front of them, and the first kisd to make it to the finish line without dropping their egg WINS!"

*Bozo selects a girl scout, a farm boy, and a well dressed rich preppy kid for the race.  They take their place at the start, each of them balancing an egg on the end of their spoon, and holding them out in front of them.*

Bozo: "Ready..set...GO!" *Bozo fires a bang flag gun*

*The 3 kids race, but the preppy kid, "Timmy" (although his name is up for debate), drops his egg not more than 2 steps from the start line*

Preppy Kid/Timmy: "DAMN!"

Bozo: *Stops the race, amid all the gasps and shouts of "OOOH!" from the kids in the audience and the 2 competing kids* "Whoa! Hang on there! Whoops, someone needs a time out!"

*Bozo kneels next to Timmy, who looks mortified at his predicament*

Bozo: "Timmy, sometimes we get upset, and say things we don't mean, or shouldn't say.  But, there are magic words to make things right again after saying that.  Do you know those magic words Timmy?"

Timmy: "RAM IT, you stupid clown!!!"

*Bozo looks horrified, and the screen goes to a test pattern, and the kids at home who saw and heard that all cheer at that blooper*

DAMN, lol

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Furries. Any stats based on them are usually made up or inaccurate. eg. 99% of furries are straight and not into animal sex, 50% of furry art on FA is porn, and furries are mostly gay. 3 'facts' and none of them are in the regon of my personal experience.

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A midget, Dwight McIntosh (pron. "Macintosh"), was performing at a circus show at the Wabash County Fair in Indiana in 1990, and an acrobatic stunt went tragically awry. He was doing a stunt from a trapeze, but a misguided release led him to land in a hippo's mouth. The hippo's name was Hilda. Hilda was ill from stomach problems at the time, caused by a gag reflex that caused her to swallow anything that got in her mouth. McIntosh

fell into Hilda's mouth while she was yawning, and thanks to the gag reflex mentioned earlier, she swallowed him alive. Members of the audience, thinking it was part of the show, cheered wildly for poor Dwight in an applause that he would never get to hear. Only after circus staff and veterinarians arrived did they figure out what happened. Hilda had to be euthanized in order to remove Dwight's almost skeletalized remains from her stomach.

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did they take him out that same day, cause i don't think he would be almost skelatonized.

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did they take him out that same day, cause i don't think he would be almost skelatonized.

It's only an urban legend, but I'm pretty sure that considering that very few animals can digest bone (I doubt hippos can digest bone), digestion takes place over several hours and the response time of the circus officials, vets and forensic scientists, there might be some plausibility to the myth if it happened. Consider asking the MythBusters to handle this story, I'm not the most scientifically minded person on the planet.

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