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The Green Fox

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Are there any real life non-internet groups that people can join to discuss video games and get together and just have fun? If so, where are they located and how can you get involved?

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Are there any real life non-internet groups that people can join to discuss video games and get together and just have fun? If so, where are they located and how can you get involved?

none that I know of Gamers use the internet.
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I dunno, but chances are if you live in a town of at least 10,000 people, you might find a few gamers out of the bunch. Infact, if you think noone's thought of your idea of a gamer's pow-wow, then take the opportunity to make it possible to have a personal, real-life gamer gathering. It just might work :).

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I've thought about trying to set up a Guitar Hero club next semester.

How about a Rock Band Club instead? Everyone in my area looooves Rock Band. After all, there is Beatles Rock Band, so that's a plus :wink:.

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Oh hey, Now that i think of it, my friend hosted a gaming gathering. You just make some posts on the interweb, inviting strangers into some small buisnesses place, making a deal with the owner, and for a small fee per person, it = a fun time!! and it was alot of fun.

and Side note, I despise rockband/ guitar hero...

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Oh hey, Now that i think of it, my friend hosted a gaming gathering. You just make some posts on the interweb, inviting strangers into some small buisnesses place, making a deal with the owner, and for a small fee per person, it = a fun time!! and it was alot of fun.

and Side note, I despise rockband/ guitar hero...

guitar hero

hahaha oh, wow

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