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Favorite Movie Fights

Star Fox Runner

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Post your favorite fights from a movie. They can be funny fights, serious fights, or just plain AWESOME fights.

Probably one of my favorite fights is from John Wayne's "McClintock!" (A Comedy/Western) I like it because its not meant to be serious, it a hilarious fight. And its just one BIG brawl between two groups. Please check it out!


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Almost to many to list. I'll try to come with some of them.

Perhaps needless to include a warning that they all include some form of violence.

From the first "Transporter" movie with Jason Statham. So completely over the top, that one simply doesn't care if how unrealistic it is, it is simply bada**.


Another one, from the last Star Wars movie. The lines and acting were rubbish, but the fight scenes kind of cool.


When we're on the subject of Star Wars. The clone wars cartoon series had a couple of pretty cool battles.


There are a bucketload of other various fight scenes that I like. From Terminator, Rambo, the Predator and lots of others.

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Ok, when it comes to famous fights you have mention they live


and the burly brawl


but my favourite from the same film


There this favourite of mine from Sin City, mainly for how it ends

Bubblegun crisis also had some greats, but I can't find them.

My favourite clone wars fight scene is where grevous chances them through the city.

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So many to pick from. Hmmm...

I really like the park scene in Police Story 2. Very cool fight XD

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