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i have been thinking that we need more fun topic soo i decided to make a war topic this is just attack other pepole like doging bullets that stuff and we attack the next poster sound good well ill go first

fires 2 plasma shots from his cannon at the next poster

does this topic sound framiler :D

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*Escapes from shots fired by starfox45 and runs for a good sniping point. In the high tower of a rubled church on the rubled town, R_G finds his first victim, point to head and fires repeatedly at next poster.*

PS: Wasn't something like this half a year--or more--ago???

Probably got deleted.

Anyways... back to topic.

*Shots moving slowly towards next poster's head*

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does the matrix style and fires a demon bast note its a heat seeker to the next poster

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What a Hay!!!

*Jumps off the church tower just in time to escape the massive ball of fire created by the impact of the projectile. falls from the tower and lands on feet and runs to a rubled house, dondging enemy fire while explosions occur all around, and hides. From a broken window, R_G snipes next poster and fires.*

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grabs bullet and jumps in arwing get crushed in the window HOLY **** but flys around and fires a cluster bomb at the next poster

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What!!! Not again!!

*Runs from rubles and runs as fast as possible to escape the blast. running through the rubled streets of the Rubled town, R_G evades explotions and enemy fire! Keeps running till reaching a blown bridge and hide under it to escape Arwing. Takes out Bazooka and fires at next poster... if there's any besides starfox45*

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Say What!!!

I hate being the only one being shot at!!!

*Sees X-Wing and runs for it! Nuke blows up and R_G manages to escape the blast. Fires proton torpedoes to next poster.*

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goes demon again and fire the most dealyest blast imagiable whichj cannot be doged

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*Seeing that it is impossible to dodge such missile, R_G ejects from X-Wing. X-Wing explodes and R_G shoots at next poster with DH-17 Blater Rifle*

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come on are we a 1 man war defelts bulletand fires and trows a crab and it attactes to the next poater it will not come off for 3 more posts

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ahhh i threw a crab at myslef now it pay back does the super nova attack muahahahaha :wink: :twisted:

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Guest Dark Krystal

DK phases into another dimension and the attack goes through her as if she weren't there. "Interesting. It's a shame you cannot match the power of a goddess." she says. She phases back and creates a dimensional fluxuation around the next poster that will teleport them billions of lightyears away if they even move an inch.

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Oh-oh. This can't be good.


What a hay kind of place this is?!!

*Turns and sees giant T-Rex*

^_^ Hum... this must be to what my fortune cookie was reffering to when it said "You'll be teleported lightyears away and will find misfortune"

That was very speciffic!

*Runs from dinosaur*

This will not end like this!!!

*Pushes button on wrist-comp. which activates a bomb that blows the next poster... and, meanwhile... R_G keeps running from giant T-Rex*

Damn you DK! Daaaaaaaaaaamn yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu!!!

*Runs like if there's no tommorow... it for R_G, it might be so*

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DK phases into another dimension and the attack goes through her as if she weren't there. "Interesting. It's a shame you cannot match the power of a goddess." she says. She phases back and creates a dimensional fluxuation around the next poster that will teleport them billions of lightyears away if they even move an inch.
a godess muhahahaha a godess is no stronger than a demon summons the minos of hell and tells them to attack
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Guest Dark Krystal

DK yawns. "Really. Is that the best you've got?" she asks, banishing all of the incoming minions with Her scythe to an unknown dimension. "Demons are weak. Their simple pawns of greater beings, such as myself." she says, aiming her hand at starfox45, surrounding him with a draining aura that would transfer his very lifeforce to her. "Thank you for being my battery. I appreciate it very much."

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your battery thats it *summons the strongest blade known to demon man and god himself* i may not beable to defet u with magic but i know how to destroy a godessand that batrry part well no one can drain from me but any whay swings sword at the next poster

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*Arriives panting*

I... made it! Managed... to escape... dinosaur!!!

*Heavy breathing beind R_G. Turns and sees giant T-Rex*

Holly shoot!!!

*Tryes to run away but gets cut on the arm by Starfox45 and falls on river. Dinosaur attacks next poster*

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pittful dinosuar grbs t rex the t rex is serpirezed and i trow it to the next poster tsk pittful t rex

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