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Contemptations: Cole's Story

Guest Para Astaroth

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Guest Para Astaroth

(Spineshank:  Beginning of the End)

The irritation we're pretending not to show

Has replaced the motivation

That i had not long ago

I know that I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you forget it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you resent it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you repress it

I, I don't ever wanna be, never wanna be, NEVER WANNA BE!

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

Interrogation has replaced the trust we had

Your misguided accusations

helping me to turn my back

I know that I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you divide it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you deny it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you deprive it

I, I don't ever wanna be, never wanna be, NEVER WANNA BE!

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

I thought that we would find our way

I thought our life would be okay

I thought that you believed in me

but now it seems so far away

The life we knew before is gone

There is no compromising

The life you save will be your own

To find your inner senses

To find your inner senses

To find your inner senses

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone


Ever get the thought that you are always looked down upon...?  Well, heh..  That's how it usually is in my time; living with this damned clan called, 'The Nosferatu's'.  A band of night-dwellers that attacks like vampires controlled by Dracula himself.  Hell...  Sometimes I think they are vampires.  Always striking their prey at night and doing ceremonies every month?  I don't see how I'm coping with this crap...  And even disobeying one small order gets me in a world of trouble that gets taken too far.  Mostly I'm ordered to deliver a package to an unmarked destination but if I somehow deliver it to the wrong location, my clan lord seems to know where ever I am and what EXACTLY I'm doing, and sends out his retrieval team.

I tell ya'...  After getting back to that place....  was one experience...  I will NEVER want to up to live again...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

Chapter 1

Everything deemed important back whenever my elementary school days seemed like it was a brand new day of dredful insults.  I couldn't have made it here today without my close friend I met there and the guy I looked up to as a brother, Jarvis Malikov.  That day seemed like only yesterday as the pain I endured from the guys he use to hang out with; unbeknownced that it would be the clan I soon would be joining whenever I lost all I had to look after.

It was a regular day as I walked down the hall from lunch, just carrying my things in my bookbag and holding the straps on each arm with my hands on the inside.  I usually stared at the floor because I could trace my steps to my first class by how the tiles seemed to lead me to that class.  As I left the lunch hall, classmates were standing around talking and chatting amongst each other, girls giggling from gossip they spread so much of, and hoodlem rapper wannabees laughing and kackling like morons... Ugh, it never changes at that place at all.  I just strolled down the hall until the main bell rang and all of the classmates started passing by me and some slowly advancing away from me, bumping into me mostly.  I was coming up to my first class, Mathematics, and that's when I felt a big tug on my bookbag, then being thrown to the side,  away from the door with tremendous force that I slid until I bumped into the wall.

"Up," The low groggily voice chanted and I knew off the bat whom they were.  I just kept it to myself as I started to get up on one knee, only to be kicked back to the floor and snickering arose right after.  My bookbag slid off my back as I got up, my books and paper fell out, and I was grabbed by the collar of my jacket, then pressed to the wall; off of my feet and staring down at the teenage greaser holding me up with one hand, forearm pressed against my neck.  "Where are YOU going in such a hurry, chump?" he hoarsly asked and a jock behind him repeated the question, only to be told to shut up.  I answered back to him that I was going to Mathematics class, but I was cut off by the force pressing harder into my neck by his forearm.  "Wrong answer," he growled.  "What's the rush?"  I answered the same thing, and he pressed his forearm even harder.  My temples on the side of my head started pulsing into my brain and my hearing was dulling out.

Soon, he let go, grunting under his breath, but before my feet could touch the floor, a massive blow landed into my stomach so fast and so hard that all of the air in my lungs rushed out with a loud grunt.  My head was soon pulled up by my hair, staring up at the greaser and another blow landed, but this time into my chest; it felt more wider than a hand and larger than a foot.  I had to have been his knee.  Then, his jockies came up and held my arms back as he turned around, took a few steps away rolling his sleeves up, and cracking his knuckles.  "Ok..."  He said and turned to me with a smirk stretching across his muzzle.  "Let's see how long it will take to break you, little wimp."  His jockies were laughing like idiots as I struggled to get free; yelling to them to let go.  He yelled to me, "SHUT UP!!" And a blow struck the side my cheek, and my head thrashed to the side.  I looked up at the other classmates who were walking by, but they all just looked at me and shook their head in sorrow.  I looked back up at the greaser and his arm reared back for another blow; it struck the other cheek, thrashing my head to the other side.

"Two blows, huh?"  He chuckled out.  "At least he can last longer than most of the welps here.  Round two, kiddo."  Then, as though it were simultaneous, two blows struck my left cheek and down to my jaw, then a blow to my right temple; knocking my senses about.  My head swayed a little, but somehow I managed to keep it together and glanced up at the greaser with my head tilted to the side.  Soon, I felt a tickling sensation on my left lip and it ran down to my chin, and dripped off onto my pants leg.  Then, some trinkled down from my nose and I blew most of it away from my mouth; blood.  After he shook his hands frantically, more blows landed against my head, but mostly on the sides of my head:  One landed on the left side of my forehead, three to my right temple, and four to my left temple.  I basically just went limp as everything just went fuzzy and there was tickling sensations all along my lip, chin, head, nose, and along the sides of my head. 

"HEY!!!  WHAT'S the big idea, Frank???!!!"  a voice came from around the corner and then beside the greaser.  "Picking on the kids again as usually, huh?  Why don't you fight someone that'll put up more of a fight rather than this helpless kid???!!!"  The greaser cocked back at him by telling him that they need to be tough and see what life would be like, so they're setting an 'example' to us kids.  The voice shoved the greaser and soon they were yelling at each other.  Then, the jocks that were holding me down let their restraints go of my arms and soon, the floor was coming to my face... closer... and closer... and closer, until there was a low thunk, and I was out.  Everthing went blank.  No vision.  No sound.  No nothing.  Just black and quiet.

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First person perspective always makes it harder for me to empathize with BOTH the antagonist AND the protagonist BUT... that aside, you've done a good job of writing your prose.  My biggest complaint with writing on a Forum is the 20k character limit, since I typically do 8500 word chapters.  But I digress; your story was quick and easy to read in the way you write it in short burst chapters. 

I can't really make suggestions about adverb use, the "show instead of tell" rule of narration, or anything else, because this story is being told in first person perspective, and so all those rules are thrown out the window, since the character is being written to word things (or think them) in that certain way. 

So... I guess that leaves me with technique and not much else to critique.  You do good with your technique and style.  It's concise and flows into the next statement well enough to follow.  Look forward to learning more about the character whose eyes we're reading through ;) 

Take care!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

Chapter 2

It seemed like an eternity until I finally felt my hearing come together, along with my other senses; my sight was having trouble adjusting since I had taken a pretty good beating.  Well...  From what I remembered.  My sight soon was becoming more clearer and clearer as I focused on everything surrounding me.  Jarvis, along with a few others, were crouded around me and talking, but I could hardly hear them.  Sight soon became more vivid and I distinguish each person by their clothing and appearance.  It wasn't that hard to tell whom from who.

"Hey, little buddy,"  Jarvis asked me in a quiet and friendly tone.  I just looked up at him and started to get up, then I felt his hand press down onto my spine.  "No, stay down.  You're a little too banged up to stand up just yet."  He chuckled and muttered something to the people over to his right and they turned, walking down the hall, then disappearing behind a corner.  "So," he began as we exchanged glances.  "Is anything broken, fractured; anything?"  I cracklingly replied back that I felt fine, but I couldn't hardly open my right eye.  He assured me that I had taken a blow to my right eye and caused it to swell a little; I knew off the bat it was going to be a black one...  It was obvious from the start.

Soon, the guys he muttered to came back with a wet towel and he held it out to me.  "Put this against that eye of yours,"  Jarvis ordered, "There's still some dried blood stained on your fur and there's some on your clothing."  I looked down and saw that my clothes were basically soaked in dried blood.  I groaned under my breath, realizing I was wearing my favorite shirt:  A yellow turtle-neck with black lining along the sleeves, a trident start on the right chest cavity part, and what looked like a graffitized  stream flowing along the shirt.  The start was a grayish color, darkening to black along certain parts.  I pressed the wet towel to my face, then took it immediately off, seeing blood instantly on it.  Jarvis shook his head, "Ah-ah-ah!  Leave it on.  You need to have something cold to down the swelling a little before the nurse can treat it."  I nodded and looked off into my classroom, which had the door shut and my teacher discussing her lesson; I was missing an important part of it, too....

Soon, I was shaken on the shoulder, snapping me out of my flashback, and a Nosferatu clan member handing me a package.  "Here, Cole."  He said in a cold and grim tone, grinning down at me like some idiotic psycho.  "Take this to 'Vanessa Parkens Avenue', due south of the 'Lazy Bumz' arcade joint."  I immediately took it and quickly shuffled out the door.  "Oh, and do hurry back.  The lord wouldn't want a 'valuable' asset to be missing, now would he?"  He cackingly questioned, grinning so widely that the lining of his lips could touch his ears and showing his four silver vampiric fangs.  I just shook my head, turned away, and started off to my destination.

I walked for what seemed like four hours until I saw the 'Lazy Bumz' arcade joint, watching the locals walking in with their friends, family members, or by themselves as they joked and laughed amongst each other.  Ignoring them, I pressed on, flipping my hood over my head.  I was a breezy and chilly Tuesday afternoon as the sun was midway setting in the distance.  I glanced down at the package and pondered in thought as my curiosity kept growing.  What was in the package was some kind of knowledge I wouldn't know until it was opened. 

I then pressed on and turned around the next corner, upon seeing 'Vanessa Parkens Avenue', and vehicles were constantly zooming by.  The wind following them clashed into me, throwing my hood off and temporarily knocking me side to side.  I caught my balance, grunting as I looked up in front of me, and continued on to my destination.  I saw that the package showed a very descriptive address:  "1269 Vanessa Parkens Avenue, 38400 Larkensville, South Masatopia.  To:  Mr.  Darien Forca, From:  The Nosferatu Clan of Jericho."  Down below the address was our clan symbol, which looked like wolf fangs on top of an old, twentieth century human symbol of the...  errr...  'Nazi's', as they were referred to as.  A forbidden symbol, but the clan didn't want to hear the press' squabbling and ignored everyone else but themselves.

I knocked on the door of the house as I stood at the entrance; no answer.  I knocked several more times; no answer.  Then, I heard a distinctive cackle, whipping my head around as I saw the packageman that gave me the package.  "YOU!"  I choked out, shocked to see him.

"Yes, Cole, it's me.  What?  Were you expecting Mr.  Daren Forca to answer the door?"  He rang out with a volley of questions I couldn't stumble the answers out with.  "Well, just to cut this short and make this a scene, I'll just press this and say, 'goodbye, Cole Riderous':"  I saw him raise a trigger, flipping open the small hatch, and pressed the button.  Soon, the package gave out a earsplitting screech, followed by a blinding light.  Before I could react, the package grew too light and I felt like I was lifted off of my feet.

The delivery was a set up; plotted to rid me of my existence for an unknown reason.  From that day forward, I swore to be disloyal to the Nosferatu Clan and do as I must to get out of that god-forsaken clan.

..........It just turns my skin to see the sight of EVERY single vampiric member there.......  I didn't diserve this....  Nor do I know how I became a clan member....

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Guest Para Astaroth

Heh, thanks, Julius  :wink:

(Instrumental from this song from 0:40 - 0:50 plays for the first few paragraphs as Cole is describing what's going on)

Chapter 3

There was a blistering bright light for what seems more like an eternity than just a momentary moment; all I saw were just very dim events unfolding around me.  My senses were then thrown about but sight was blurry, although I could only see that blistering light.  I don't remember much from that moment but the sense of lightness of a feather flying through the air like a ragdoll and crashing into debris and such that I don't recall at all.  After my body soon came to a halt against a densly and rusting metal object, I went limp and the light faded to gray, then darker and darker, until there was only the dark blackness I see so much of nowadays.

Memories of past friends I met back in my high school and pre-college days became more apparent, vivid, and broad as they grew more into detail at their appearances.  First came my brother, Dain Riderous, followed by my two sisters, Alena and Karissa Riderous, and after that came my mother, Terrisa Riderous, my father, Carter Riderous, then the rest of my family:  Uncle Vallen, Aunt Conie, and the rest of my cousins and relatives.  Then, amongst them all, a familiar figure walked slowly out of the croud, splitting them apart, and standing in front of me from about 10 feet away.  His appearance grew clearer and clearer, until it became more apparent to whom it was and I stood there shocked at whom was standing in front of me:  My school days friend, Jarvis Malikov.

After his appearance was clear enough to distinguish his clothing he was wearing, it soon quickly faded and the family members I saw zipped passed me like super-sonic speed and there was a flash, followed up with sound exploding back to life to my ears; my sight blurry for a few seconds as I adjusted to my destroyed surroundings.  I stared down at my hands, which were tattered and cut, and then looked down at the rest of my clothing, which were also tattered, but also ripped and smudged with dirt and trash stains.  I tried to move, but my energy was drained tremendously, so I grabbed ahold of the large metal and rusting object I slammed into and pulled myself to my feet; I staggered about a little as I took deep breaths.  The object was none other than a dumpster that was partially dented with rusting parts all around it.  I simply let my grip go and pushed off of the dumpster and tripped over knocked over trashcans, soon knocking myself over in a daze. 

I summoned some strength and pulled myself back to my feet.  I kept myself pressed against the wall as my ripped and tattered clothing scraped the wall and I let my left arm go limp as I kept brushing against the wall.  Soon, I caught hold of the corner and peered around the corner at what was left of the city block.  As I looked around in some sort of trance, or amazed daze, I watched the large smoke clouds rise into the sky and the sparking flares of fire from inside buildings scatter to the wind like fairies from a fairytale land.  Light poles were popping as poppcorn in an oven, bricks and glass kept falling to the ground as buildings were torn apart, a massive massacre of civilians were all scattered along the road, inside buildings, and some hanging out windows and off the sides of buildings.  The only one that kind of made me cringe at the site was a civilian dangling from the top of a building about fifty stories high slide off the side and ragdoll all the way down, tumbling and tumbling, until she slammed into the top of a building with a loud CRACK, like that of a large tree trunk splitting, and then cartwheeling down to the earth with a low and distinguishing THUD. 

I stammered out of the alley I was unconscious in and walked into the road and looked around.  There were still several people alive in the area; blood running down the sides of their heads and down their faces as they looked around like childrens' toys.  Some of them were on the ground still unaware of what happened while the rest were walking around holding certain parts of their body, bleeding and staring aimlessly to the ground.  I could only look around at what the package the deliveryman from my clan gave to me did and stare up at the sky.  I was black, lighted up by the inferno raging around the city block.  I then looked down over to my right and saw what looked like the deliveryman that set me up.  I felt my face tense up, my body immediately turned to him, my feet then started moving, and soon I was slowly advancing towards him.  I shoved people aside and bumped against them as my eyes were locked onto that bastard...  I don't know how I knew him or what he did, but I just aimlessly bursted into a full out sprint; his sihlouette vanishing around the next city block.  I followed his figure around seven more blocks until I found myself outside the city and onto the city limits' bridge.  I stopped, gasping for air with my hands planted on my knees and hunched over, looking around frantically in search for the man, but soon was staring at the city behind me; I could only freeze in my spot as the image was like a photo implanted in my head.

The whole city was set ablaze with huge smoke clouds rising higher and higher, and the sky dark around the city, but fading back to it's peaceful blue tint away from the city and towards the rest of the city's sections. 

I lost the deliveryman, I don't recall anything of what happened beforehand, and I can only remember the faces and friends I once knew.  Then, out of sheer frustration that I have no clue why I was so, I drived my fist into the concrete ground, exploding on contact and lifting dust, debris, and what I didn't expect to see at all:

Electricity zapping and chaining up the bridge.......  How I obtained this ability?  Will I put it to good use?  Will it corrupt me inside and turn me into something I didn't EVER want to be?  Questions out of nowhere kept buzzing in my head without the right answers and soon I couldn't take it anymore; fists clenching tighter and tighter, electricity sparking and chaining all around my body, then spanning all around me, and then I let out a thunderous scream, sending lighting firing into the sky and forcing the earth to rumble beneath me.  The bridge rocked and moaned at the energy and force upon it.  I could also hear the water down below splash and swash violently against the tall, bulky beams holding the bridge up.  I finally held my hands out to the sides and bolts of lightning fired out from them, then chaining up the wires and beams of the bridge.  I soon started panting and electricity was constantly flowing all over my body from head to toe.  I looked down at them, clenched them, which made electricity flow violently, and looked up ahead of me.

..........................I only grinned at this and collapsed onto my knees, then fell over to my side.  I soon saw my vision blurring up again, my body relaxing and feeling like I weighed like nothing, and everything faded to black......  Passing out...  Comfortably...  Oh, so, so comfortably....  For some reason I didn't know why....

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Guest Matt macdowel

(Spineshank:  Beginning of the End)

The irritation we're pretending not to show

Has replaced the motivation

That i had not long ago

I know that I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you forget it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you resent it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you repress it

I, I don't ever wanna be, never wanna be, NEVER WANNA BE!

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

Interrogation has replaced the trust we had

Your misguided accusations

helping me to turn my back

I know that I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you divide it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you deny it

I, I don't ever want to be the one to make you deprive it

I, I don't ever wanna be, never wanna be, NEVER WANNA BE!

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

I thought that we would find our way

I thought our life would be okay

I thought that you believed in me

but now it seems so far away

The life we knew before is gone

There is no compromising

The life you save will be your own

To find your inner senses

To find your inner senses

To find your inner senses

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone

It's the beginning of the end

And I don't know where we lost control

It's the beginning of the end

And I know that I am all alone


Ever get the thought that you are always looked down upon...?  Well, heh..  That's how it usually is in my time; living with this damned clan called, 'The Nosferatu's'.  A band of night-dwellers that attacks like vampires controlled by Dracula himself.  Hell...  Sometimes I think they are vampires.  Always striking their prey at night and doing ceremonies every month?  I don't see how I'm coping with this crap...  And even disobeying one small order gets me in a world of trouble that gets taken too far.  Mostly I'm ordered to deliver a package to an unmarked destination but if I somehow deliver it to the wrong location, my clan lord seems to know where ever I am and what EXACTLY I'm doing, and sends out his retrieval team.

I tell ya'...  After getting back to that place....  was one experience...  I will NEVER want to up to live again...

maybe u can help me out with my game story!

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Your fanfics always feel like they should be screenplays to me, but that's a good thing! Reading your stories is like being in the middle of an exciting movie. Keep it coming!

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Guest Para Astaroth

Chapter 4

Shadows settled in; I could feel it's presence enveloping around my soul and taking hold of the very fabric of my existence.  As much as it felt 'soothing' to me, it just wasn't as pleasant to see as it was to think about.  I had to awake some time, but for now, I had to wait it out; enduring the rutheless suffering of seeing nothing, nothing at all.

Minutes seemed like hours while I was unconscious, but I eventually came to my senses whenever I felt another rumble along the bridge.  Slowly opening my heavy eyes, everything was blurry like fields of cotton had been blooming, and soon my vision became clearer as I gazed pierclessly at the city that had been destroyed and nearly leveled by the explosion I was caught in.  Plumes of smoke blacker than freshly spilt tar arose into the sky and darkened the area around the city, much like the hands of a demon holding a soul in it's very own palms.  I could faintly hear the cries...  The screams...  The agonizing, bloodcurling yells of civilians calling out in terror as sirens blared in the city; I just watched like a helpless soul was in Purgatory. 

I didn't come to my senses as to what happened since it happened so fast and I actually don't recall too much of anything before that blistering light blinded my judgement and vision, thus making it hard to remember anything beforehand.  So, I just gathered my witts and walked along the moaning and swaying bridge that I was soon awoken on by exhaustion.  Trudging along, the screams kept echoing and ringing in my head, plunging my thoughts away for brief moments of dispair and grief to feelings of hopelessness; wondering why these feelings kept eating away at me just kept having me lose selfesteem as a small child would have after their parents had told him, or her, that they weren't what they wanted them to be.  I ignored it to the best of my abilities to vanquish them and continued on my aimless path along the bridge.

I could see the sky exchanging the grim, evil clouds to joyous, freesome, fluffy ones while my glance was constantly changing; looking around at the pleasant and soothing city, which had tall buildings that made the clouds seem to be eating them whole.  Heh, such a vague comparison.  So, as I pushed on, I soon was coming on a downward path as my footsteps touched the firm and stim ground of cement from the sidewalk:  I finally reached the other side of the city.  But which section of it was in?  What is it's name?  I really didn't care.  I just wanted to get to some place and put on some more "comfortable" clothing; something that I could feel more relaxed and show my true self.

As my feet led the way and my head was angled towards the ground, cars would occasionally buzz by and either stop at stop lights or turn down streets in front of me.  This area of the city seemed more rural rather than the buzzing and spralling population of the city I just came from.  The locals would either just look at me like I was some fiend from a nonfiction comic book and others would just ignore me like I was one of the other people from the city.  For those people, I showed more respect to since they actually paid me more attention than the other idiots would, which wasn't much but it was enough.  A few would walk by and greet me with a nod or a rise of their hand; the others just rose an eyebrow and made a strange face while I glanced at them.

.............................Such a inconclusive city to be in at the wrong point in time................

I walked for what seemed as four hours until the golden sun in the distance was making it's final curtain call for the day.  After realising this, I walked on until dawn was fading away and found myself on the side of the road with other street-dwellers; poor looking bastards, to say the least.  Didn't have any common sense as to where they were.  They would fight over the slightest sign of food, even when it is only crumbs and partially eaten; almost made me barf seeing that.  Some would tap me on the shoulder and hold out their hands, making some grunting sound, but I shoo'ed them off.  I seemed to look like a more prosper being than the rest that were here.

I stared down at my hands for the majority of the night; fingers flowing with small sparks of electricity that illuminated just the clothing my hands were hovering over.  Feeling to erge to test the newly acquired ability I acquired, I rose from the sidewalk and walked off into an allyway and looked around to see a target I could fire at.  Looking frantically around and searching, I stumbled across an empty gallon jug, reeked of a rotton odor, could have been a milk jug, then I gathered empty metal cans that were tossed out in garbage bags.  I had to place my partially torn coat over my face because the smell was so gutwrenching and petrusive that my eyes soon were watering up.  As soon as I found what I needed, I threw them all down and collapsed onto the wall behind me.  Sighing under my breath, I stared down at them and just held my hand out in front of me; this caused a bolt to shoot out from it and blasting the jug a few feet away from me.

I just giggled at this and just started standing the other targets up on top of an old dresser out in the alleyway.  I fired multiple bolts out, which illuminated the area around me briefly, and they all shot out further than the jug did.  Satisfied, I stared down at my hands, examining them by looking at my palms and such, and then wanted to see if I could do anything else.  I clenched my fists, causing electricity to violently flourish around my entire body, I bared my teeth while grunting long and constant, then threw my hands to the air in a long, distinctive yell.

I expected to see streams of lightning fire into the sky...  But undoubtedly, there wasn't anything.  I stood stunned for a moment:  It happened once I obtained this new ability, but I suppose it refused to obey my command.  Lowering my hands in distrought, I frowned unconditionally and walked over to the wall nearest the dresser, and flopped down against it.  I was...  tired.  My eyes were becoming heavy for some odd reason and soon I felt my nerves tingle all over my body as I curled up, feeling more comfortable, and dozed off to sleep.

.............................................I never realised I was crying myself asleep until I awoke the very next morning...........................................

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Guest Para Astaroth

Chapter 5

I awoke the following morning with the sour taste of morning due in my mouth, the smell of decaying flesh upon my nose, and the feeling of filthyness as I got up, then brushed myself off with dirt on my clothing and what seemed like mudd, but with a distinctive odor to it; manure.  It took off my coat immediately and shook it off, slapping it against the brick wall I slept against, and pushed my arms back through the arm slots of my coat, then straightened it as I sighed dileriously to myself and began walking around the corner of the alleyway.  I could see only halfly opened garbage bags, food flowing out of them, garbage cans kicked over with dents that a forceful foot would have done, and a few people sleeping amongst it.  I continued on until I found myself blinded by the morning sun that rose above the horizon a little and shining it's golden embraces upon all.  It warmed my whole entire body since the alleyway was somewhat chilly feeling and the sun became my personal thermobaric heater until I had the whitts to go on.

Feeling a little better and wanting to test my abilities in this wonderous morning that had a small pleasing breeze along with the soothing warmth of the sun.  So, I began by leaping into the air beside a building and clasped onto the window ledge, pulling myself up and then jumping off of it, wall-kicking off the metal heater beside the window and grabbed onto the next window ledge.  I glanced over and above my left shoulder and saw that there was a small pipe running along the side of the building I was climbing up.  I wonder if it's sturdy enough...  So, I pulled myself up and reached out to it, but it was too out of reach.  But, hey, I have these new abilities, so let's try them out!  Coming to that I have the newly attained abilities of electricity, I began to ponder i thought of how I would get over to that pipe without engulfing it in lightning sparks; eventually I just shrugged and made an attempt to get over there.

Having a brainstorm, I placed my hands along my sides and jumped a little, shooting what looked like a small form of vibrations from my hands; no dice.  I did it again; still, nothing.  I tried one final time, but there still was nothing coming out.  I...  was disappointed, but I didn't let it get to me that easily.  I threw the feeling off and paced back and forth along the ledge, getting the variable speed I needed to leap across to the pipe.  I counted to myself as I paced:  one...  two...  three...  four....  five...  All up until I got to ten and thats when I lept over to the side of the window, leaning away from the pipe, then sprinting across the ledge, and pushing my weight off up it and soared over in the pipe's direction.  My hand was reared out in front of me, fingers spralled out and reaching out to the pipe in desperate need.  I kept encouraging myself as I flew over to the pipe, "C'mon!  C'mon! C'MON!!!", but it seemed that Lady Luck wasn't on my side:  My hands swiped at the bottom of the pipe as I glided past it in a downward-diagonal fashion.  I refused to give up so easily; my hands shot down to my sides again, and this time, I was gliding slowly upwards towards the pipe, until I looked up and I was staring directly at it beside me.  I simply grasped onto it as the gliding stopped, and my legs swayed back and forth as I wimpered to myself looking over my shoulder down at the ground that seemed several stories high!

Ignoring it, and pulled myself up and started climbing up the pipe and finally found myself atop the building.  I collapsed onto my hands and knees, crawling a few feet before flopping onto my stomach, and let out a sigh of relief.  I just chuckled knowing that I was save and sound on top of the building. 

I got to my feet and stretched my arms, legs, calves, back, and neck as I prepared to start my morning exercise of the day.  Hopping in place, I stared at a path I set with my eyes, as they, too, were wondering around the tops of buildings; I would start with the ones that met the height of this building only first.  So, without further to do, I ran and jumped off the ledge of the building I was on, spralled out then rolling onto the next building, hopping back to my feet and sprinting faster.  I wall-jumped up the building that seemed a little higher than usual, but I ignored it's height, and then pushed off the ground as I sprinted further.  As soon as I saw that I was a few stories high and without thinking I had lept off the ledge, I stared horrified down at the ceiling that I was coming down upon:  Closer...  Closer....  Closer...  And more closer...  Until I found myself landing on it with so much force that it caused me to roll around and slam into the ledge of the building.  I looked around, a little stunned, and patted myself down:  I was...  Uninjured!  Feeling this sense of accomplishment, I carried on with my exercise, grinning while I did so, and finally finished after what seemed like an hour, or two.

Little did I know that there was a dark shadow lurking atop the bridge I was on, spying on me and watching me EVERY move...

I never knew it was there and watching me.......  At all.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

(Thanks Julius an rainfyre!  Just to let you guys in on a little secret I've been holding for now, just be on the lookout for another fanfic by me.  Not going to say what it is, though :P)

Chapter 6

I stood on the edge of the building on the eastern part of the city, stretching after I got done since I still had a simmer of sleep still in me, and stared off at the sun glistening against the water down from the walls of the city.  I placed a foot onto the edge, which was made of cement, and crumbling, then placed my left arm onto my leg and just smiled at the sun reflecting off of the water.  It seemed more like watching a movie through water since all the boats out at sea were constantly zipping by or slowly traversing through the water, blaring their loud but low horns.  Heh...  Call me weird, but I thought it looked pretty cool.

After I got done gazing at the sun-glistened sea, I pushed off the ledge and jogged around in circles for a bit to loosen myself up; my legs had a little cramp down at the calves and my shoulders were tensing up.  I waved my arms around in a rotary motion and stopped jogging to stretch my legs out.  I placed my feet side-by-side, then bent over touching my toes as I counted in my head to ten, then spread then, and leaning over to my right, grabbing my calves and pushing inward, couting to ten, switching to my left and doing the same, and finally placed my hands down inbetween my legs to the warm concrete ceiling.  After I got done stretching, I hopped up, hopping in place, and flapping my arms and hands to loosen them up as well.

Feeling the urge to get moving, I sprinted towards the edge, placing a foot onto it at the same time, then pushed off, not realizing I was hovering ten feet away from the building and then falling to the earth.  I thought about hovering, like I did by the pipes, but decided to do something else more funner; something that I would enjoy doing for a few times falling off the top of a building:  I curled up a little, holding my hands out in a half-clenched fashion, electricity suddenly zapped and my hands, all the way up to my elbow was engulfed in lightning, and then I slammed both of my hands to the ground as soon as my feet landed.  A wall of energy mixed with lightning surged away from me what seemed like thirty feet in a loud, rumbling explosion.  Cars were blown away with bolts zapping all around them, stoplights and street lights exploded and knocked over, and the ground around me had a small crater that was about two feet deep and five feet wide. 

I got up staring at my hands as electricity flowed and zapped all around my body.  I had learned a new ability called the "Lightning Drop," as I referred to it.  It was a pretty decently done move since it was my first time doing it, but it did form the excitement I wanted.  So, I just flapped my hands and the electricity popped, and stopped flowing around me.

I saw people that were originally living in the area unaware of anything happening around them and soon I started hearing a comotion off in the distance; not a small murmur or mumbling, but more like yelling.  Mixed in with the noise were small explosions, gunfire, and glass shattering.  What could be going on around there, I thought to myself, so I had to take immediately action.  Wall-jumping up onto the railroad tracks around the next street, I was hovering just inches from the tracks as electricity flowed again around me, but loudly and soon, as I lowered my body forwards and arms held out behind me, I soon saw myself racing along he tracks at what seemed like a stock car's speed.  I could soon hear the shots of the people getting louder and louder to the point I could see small smoke clouds arising around corners.  I stopped.  I looked around me and saw that the city was erupting in a large riot with the city police being pushed back into the city.  I couldn't see how the police was being pushed back since they had rifles and handguns while the citizens had nothing.

......................I was surprised at what I saw next...................

Out of nowhere, four tall men cloaked in white skeletal designed coats which had their hoods covering their faces to which were black pits, warped in like they were sent through a time machine.  They had eeriely weird, groggily screeches that would split the eardrum, and soon they were surrounding the police, which were backed into a corner.  They hunched over, groggily growling with what seemed like electricity as well, and then throwing their hands into the air with their groggy screams.  I saw...  four massive shockwaves with energy flowing from the ground, and destroying the ground coming towards the policemen.  The concrete was thrown about, knocking off walls and shattering, and rumbled towards the policemen quickly. 

I had to do something................!!!!

I jumped off the buildings, then zipped around the guys in the skeletal coats, and then landed in front of the policemen, whom were astonished to seem me land out of nowhere in clad with a dark brown coat with yellow patches on it and a hood over my head.  I held my hands out in front of me as I waited for the bolts to get near me and then crossed them in front of my face in a defensive fashion with my feet planted; left in front and right in back.  I yelled to them that I would take care of this and to run; they did so like obediant slaves...  So ironic.  Soon, the bolts were upon me, I could feel the heat emitting from them which was pretty hot, and the waves slamming into my body.  It seemed like I was being plowed by three large dumptrucks as my body was pushed to the wall.  My clothes were slowly ripping off and I opened my eyes to see those guys in coats still having their arms raised and screeching.

It...  REALLY got on my nerves....

So, summoning a LOT of my energy, I began to push off the wall and slowly push the bolts away from me, deep and powerful step by step.  The bolts were then pushing harder against my arms, which caused my feet to sink into the ground and explode beneath me.  I wasn't going to let anyone defeat me so easily, so I yelled as loudly as I could with electricity flowing all around me, then engulfing my body in it, bolts flying all over the place and causing spot lights to explode and destroying generators inside the area.  I slowly placed my hands out in front of me and was holding the bolts in place.  I could see that the guys in the coats were giving it their all, but I was giving in more than they were.  The blood vessels on the sides of my head were pumping more and more, and I could soon hear my own heartbeat through my ears and decided to give them their presenst back.

"HERE!!!  HAVE YOUR PRESENT BACK!!!  IT WASN'T A VERY GOOD HOLIDAY GIFT!!!"  I yelled to them, knowing it was a corny comeback.  I yelled even louder this time, making the electricity around me flow even more violent, and the bolts were retreating backwards.  I then reared back, planting my foot to the ground, then leaned forward and yelled sending the waves roaring back to the senders.  They sounded like the engines of jets roaring through the sky as they were soon upon the guys in the coats, and they all exploded loudly at once; dust and smoke engulfing the areas they were standing.  I had won, but there would be more that I would have to defeat.  But, I felt more exhausted than usual since I let out more electricity than usual, and then collapsed onto my knees and placing my hands to the ground in front of me, gasping for air and sweat dropping from my chin and forehead onto the cement ground below me.

The exhaustion taking over my body was too great, so I just let it set in.  My body limped down and I was soon staring up at the peaceful sky above me.  The clouds were moving so slowly and a pleasant but gentle breeze blowed against my ripped clothes and fur.  It was oh, so comfortable, and soon I saw the policemen I once saved hovering over me asking me if I was ok, but I only grinned and my eyes shut almost without being ordered to.

....................Out like turning off the light in a room........................

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

Chapter 7

When I awoken in what seemed like an ambulance, surrounded by people with teal colored masks and uniforms, peering over me from every direction and checking specific spots on my body, I could only stare at them as my body felt as though the masses of a god were pressed upon me, thus forcing me to not move the slightest.  I also felt a somewhat pressure on my frontal body, looking down, and seeing a sheet of rubber placed over me; I guess to prevent my electrical powers from oversurging. 

It seems my days in this city are just getting worse by the second:  First, I'm being set up by my own clan; then, I am wondering the streets like a worthless hobo in the ghetto; after that, I am saving policemen from four cloaked men by sending their own beams back at themselves; finally, I'm sitting in an ambulance being transported to some out-of-this-earth location and being subdued by a sheet of rubber strapped over me.

.......................Hmph!........  How redundant.....!

(Continued when I have time)

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Pretty sweet, hope you continue soon! And can you give us a hint about your next fanfic?  :)

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Guest Para Astaroth

(The next fanfic has a character with purple hair.  Thats all I'm giving out :wink:)

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