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The orginazation of the Lylat System...


Is Solar a planet or a star?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Solar a planet or a star?

    • Planet
    • Star
    • i vote lylat as a fictional star

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LOOK AT THAT SHIT!! its a freakin mess....

sure it makes the game flow, but no way that system could ever actually exist.

Corneria- a planet thriving with life and calm blue waters FARTHEST AWAY FROM THE SUN?

kinda the same with Venom, but the whole pollution thing would kinda rise the temp by trapping gases, kinda like venus does..

but thats my topic for discussion, i dont wanna loose the "playability" factor of Corneria first, Venom last kind of style...

but there must absolutely be ORDER!!! in the SNES titles they made it seem like corneria was the center of the system and not Solar, WHICH IS A FREAKING SUN FOR GOD SAKES!!

oh well, its in the air. feel free to disucss, :D


let us disscus life on each planet, or the styles of the way cities should look. should Corneria stay the same as the series? venom has a new face lift thanks to Dash in starfox Command, what does the once polluted planet look like now?

personally i prefer the air  :falco:  :facepalm:


Use the edit button, please.



it still feels like its not real... we need structure, planets need an orbit, perferrably around a sun like Solar...

a MASSIVE planet might work too, since thats why our Sol System gravitates around the Sun, because it has higher mass...

im kind of a nerd like this, but it really brings some sense of belivability into the game....

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  • Thomas Draco


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Guest Julius Quasar

you're not a nerd, that's all pretty cool, actually...:yes:

and I hate to admit, but the "organization" of the Lylat System in SF-Command was one of the few things I didn't hate about Command.

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@Julius Quasar, oh belive me, i am a nerd! im the kind that takes it with pride :D

i absolutely love Sci-fi things (except for "SCY-FY" ORIGINALS... those are just god awful..)

im mostly a game fanatic! call it copywrite infringement but i too, am a Video Game Nerd :D (love that guy  :cool:)

anywayz back on topic... i probably should edit the picture so we can remember which planet is which... or i could just post them all individually with some info on each one...

the idea of this is of course for my fan-fic, i need to know the routes characters could actually take, which would also depend on the time of the year and such thanks to the revolutions of each planet to give it a feel of ETA (estimated time of arrival) so as to add more detail into the surroundings because theyre gonna be there for longer or to keep it short and sweet cause no one had time to take it all in.


Use the edit button, please.


my mistake, i will pay more attention in the future :D

ooh, you know i just thought of something...

VENOM IS FREAKING HUGE!!! it could have its own orbit of planets :D

it might be cool to split the Lylat sytem in half, Solar having the warm planets while Venom has the cold planets and sectors. im really gonna have to get the creative juices flowing to pull that off, but say during corneria's rotation around solar is the reason its almost on the opposite side of venom and venom's planet's rotations are all closer to solar. it would help explain the starfox 64 layout..

but using a planet in place of a sun is almost unheard of... which is why the lylat system would be so unique  :P

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Guest FoXXX

The planets near Solar seem to be very hot places, Katina is like a desert, Macbeth looks like garbage, and Titania is a desert too. So maybe Corneria being farthest away from Solar is the way it's suppose to be? Idk lol...

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while i admit they tidied it up in starfox command...


it still feels like its not real... we need structure, planets need an orbit, perferrably around a sun like Solar...

a MASSIVE planet might work too, since thats why our Sol System gravitates around the Sun, because it has higher mass...

im kind of a nerd like this, but it really brings some sense of belivability into the game....

Okay first of all Unless  Lylat is  a binary system  Corneria or any planet of lylat DOES NOT ORBIT SOLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Solar is a un formed gaseous planet Lylat is what the planets should orbit not solar. it's called the Lylat system because the solar system orbits the sun Lylat!
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I did dive into how I believed how some of the planets were when I started writing my fanfiction. Primarly Macbeth, which is Wolf O'Donnells homeplanet in the story.

As we allready know, it's an industrial planet. I envisioned the planet is ran by an oligarchy of powerfull factory owners, the government being to weak to oppose them, and the rest of the planet lives in something similar to the east-block collectives before the fall of the Soviet union. Basically the worst of both communism and capitalism ruled into one. During the Lylat wars, it became an important ally for Venom in arming up its enourmeus war machine.

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Realistic Astrophysics in Star Fox? You ask too much. :roll:

On a more serious note, the reason for the layout is that golden oldie: Game Design. They wanted to make an easy to follow map so that players know where they are in terms of game completion.

Also, please do not double-post. Instead, use the edit button to add to your post if you wish to add more and no one else has posted.

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Guest FoXXX

Realistic Astrophysics in Star Fox? You ask too much. :roll:

On a more serious note, the reason for the layout is that golden oldie: Game Design. They wanted to make an easy to follow map so that players know where they are in terms of game completion.

Also, please do not double-post. Instead, use the edit button to add to your post if you wish to add more and no one else has posted.


Who cares how the Lylat system works :)

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Okay first of all Unless  Lylat is  a binary system  Corneria or any planet of lylat DOES NOT ORBIT SOLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Solar is a un formed gaseous planet Lylat is what the planets should orbit not solar. it's called the Lylat system because the solar system orbits the sun Lylat!

soooo.... that would make Solar more like Jupiter than a sun? i always belived it to be a sun... btw, if solar isnt a sun, then graphically its not a system at all... i dont see this Lylat star you speak of... hell i guess ill have to make that too or something >:(

@asper, i like this :D defiately might use this... see this is why i started this topic  :wink:

Realistic Astrophysics in Star Fox? You ask too much.

funny guy is funny :D of course thats why it was built this way, but i belive that this COULD have Realistic Astrophysics (nice vocabulary!  :wink:) we just need to try very VERY  hard....

@FoXXX, why do you think i started this topic in the first place huh? OF COURSE I CARE  O_o im nitpicky like that...

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Solar is indeed a planet. The SF64 guide calls it an M-Class Dwarf star, but everything else calls it an underdeveloped planet, including the SF64 website.

And yes, I did use the word "Astrophysics," but only because it is shorter than "planetary alignment and orbits." I don't like it when people use big words for the sake of using big words (IE, sci-fi fanfic writers calling clocks chronometers... It's a damn clock. In fact, a chronometer isn't even a "clock" but rather a high-precision stopwatch so it isn't even a correct use of the word). That said, when a big word turns a several word phrase into a single word, I'm all for using it.

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Solar is indeed a planet. The SF64 guide calls it an M-Class Dwarf star, but everything else calls it an underdeveloped planet, including the SF64 website.

And yes, I did use the word "Astrophysics," but only because it is shorter than "planetary alignment and orbits." I don't like it when people use big words for the sake of using big words (IE, sci-fi fanfic writers calling clocks chronometers... It's a damn clock. In fact, a chronometer isn't even a "clock" but rather a high-precision stopwatch so it isn't even a correct use of the word). That said, when a big word turns a several word phrase into a single word, I'm all for using it.

so am i right in speculating that it is similar to Jupiter?


here is nasa's description on Jupiter.


here is nasa's description of the sun.

Since solar is so hot that not even metal that can withstand temperatures of 9000 degrees (:slippy:) can stand to stick around for too long, it would make sense to assume that the planet is mostly hydrogen thats developing a similar chain reaction that the sun goes through..

how awesome would it be to put a Great Red Spot on Solar? a giant ass fire storm? or should there be some solar flares? tons of awesome things to speculate :D

and thats why science fiction is so damn awesome  :P

and yes, i will try not to use big words just for the sake of using them.. maybe if andross appears in my series somewhere, then maybe he can use them to sound smart.. note that this can happen inderectly such as some kind of video recording..

@DZComposer, do you like anime at all? if you do, have you ever seen fullmetal alchemist? if you havent i advise you to go here :D http://www4.funimation.com/video/?page=show&b=280, love this show to death  :lol:

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This is the best info on Solar we have:


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personally, for the setup of the Lylat system, i would use solar as the star, http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Solar but the idea of a planet failing to fall out of it's genesis state due to the nebulas is an interesting idea. Still, if it started out in the games as a star, than it would be too impossibly huge to be a planet. You can always go the way of bringing the two ideas together, if Solar and the nebulas formed before the other planets, than the planets could have fallen into rotation around it (you`d have to make up some pseudo-science to make this work, but that`s the fun part)

After that, I`d just place them in rotation around Solar in order of average temperature. You`d have to get creative with the orbits tho, since they`re so close together in temperature. And then where would you put the asteroid belt...?

This is such an excellent question! If you want, I can track down the starfox rpg rules that are playable with D&D Future, they do a pretty good job of describing the planets and such, it might help you.

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personally, for the setup of the Lylat system, i would use solar as the star, http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Solar but the idea of a planet failing to fall out of it's genesis state due to the nebulas is an interesting idea. Still, if it started out in the games as a star, than it would be too impossibly huge to be a planet. You can always go the way of bringing the two ideas together, if Solar and the nebulas formed before the other planets, than the planets could have fallen into rotation around it (you`d have to make up some pseudo-science to make this work, but that`s the fun part)

After that, I`d just place them in rotation around Solar in order of average temperature. You`d have to get creative with the orbits tho, since they`re so close together in temperature. And then where would you put the asteroid belt...?

This is such an excellent question! If you want, I can track down the starfox rpg rules that are playable with D&D Future, they do a pretty good job of describing the planets and such, it might help you.

okay  so now the lylat sytem is now the Solar system  it cannot Be a star nor the center the center of the system MUST be the star called Lylat unless  lylat is a binary system  otherwise the lylat system is NOT the lylat system.

heres' how I see the orbit

Center:Lylat the star.

middle Solar (By putting solar in the middle we create heat for the outer planets like corneria and such.

I think what we are seeing here is a Starmap used specifically for games..

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i cant see that a solar system HAS to be named after it's central star. Maybe the word Lylat had some kind of extremely important meaning to Lylatians, and they named their system that a long time ago when they first gained the ability of space travel. It's a workable idea.

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yeah our sun is called sun... you dont see us calling it the Sun system...

case in point we call our system the Sol system... there is no real naming rite that the name of the system has to coincede with the name of the star...

@Fira-Astrali, i LOVE how much those D&D nerds go into topics like this! PLZ post something on that thing you mentioned!!!

and i would agree that solar should technically be a sun, since looking at the map, it is in the center, but the game doesnt call it a sun... its real confusing..

man astral physics is hard  :?

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yeah our sun is called sun... you dont see us calling it the Sun system...

case in point we call our system the Sol system... there is no real naming rite that the name of the system has to coincede with the name of the star...

@Fira-Astrali, i LOVE how much those D&D nerds go into topics like this! PLZ post something on that thing you mentioned!!!

and i would agree that solar should technically be a sun, since looking at the map, it is in the center, but the game doesnt call it a sun... its real confusing..

man astral physics is hard  :?

lol sweet. i think i website that has it has gone down, but its one on of my comps i just have to go through it. Aso for Solar no being a sun, that's where you throw in some awesome psuedo-science about Solar being in a constant genisis state and interactions with the X,Y, and Z nebula making it super-dense or something, enough heat to warm the planets, and enough mass and gravitational pull to keep the planets in orbit.

That's just my opinion tho. I like pushing the envelope  :D

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I wanted to bring this topic up too, but I didn't do it yet.

Here's my orbital setup of all the planets in the Lylat System (Note: this is based mainly off of planetary data and not the game maps):

Star: Lylat (0 AU, with AU being the distance between Earth & the Sun)

1: Solar .1 to .25 AU (It's up in the air with Solar, but I think due to in-game facts, the Japanese Guide, and the facts that rocks don't appear on stars, that Solar is a molten planet near Lylat.)

2: Fortuna .75 AU to .9 AU (It's a jungle planet, which could mean it's nearby to the star.)

3: Sauria 1 AU (Sauria has various feaures, like Earth, so it makes sense to put it at 1 AU)

4: Corneria 1 AU, on the same orbit as Sauria (like the Trojan Asteroids on Jupiter's orbit)

5: Aquas 1.2 AU

6: Zoness 1.2 AU (On Aquas's orbit)

The Asteroid Belt could fit between 1.3 AU and 1.9 AU

7: Katina 2 AU (It's desolate from the looks of things in Assault. Kinda like a Earth-Mars hybrid.)

8: Macbeth 2 AU (Katina's orbit.)

9: Venom 3-4 AU (It probably pretty far out, plus just because it's a gaseous rocky planet doesn't mean it's a Venus clone. Those could be methane clouds for all we know.)

10: Fichina 3-4 AU (On Venom orbit) This one is a duh.

Also, I'll add this one:

11: Palpetoon 7 AU (Edge of Lylat System, warmed by both Lylat and it's companion star, as seen in SF2 title.)

As for the Sectors, they just float in orbit with Katina & Macbeth.

Well, that's my hypothesis, generated from researching planetary astronomy, every detail of info in Star Fox, and plenty of boredom.

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@thomas Draco, it seems pretty sound, i would like to see the D&D one as well so i can make a comparison...

it takes away a few of the planets in the gameplay aspect of Corneria first, venom last. but there are plenty of planets inbetween, besides, my fanfic isnt going to be a game.......

or IS IT??? dundunduhhhh...

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I agree with Fira. That the system is called Lylat doesn't mean that's the name of the central star. Lylat could be the name of the deity most of the systems population believe in. (I've wanted to make a topic dicussing Lylat's religion(s) for a time now. But it crosses to much with the forum rule that says no discussion of religion.)

I'm looking foreward to seeing what she can come up with after looking around a little.

Thomas Dracos hypothesis is also quite good.

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Guest FoXXX

I agree with Fira. That the system is called Lylat doesn't mean that's the name of the central star. Lylat could be the name of the deity most of the systems population believe in. (I've wanted to make a topic dicussing Lylat's religion(s) for a time now. But it crosses to much with the forum rule that says no discussion of religion.)

I'm looking foreward to seeing what she can come up with after looking around a little.

Thomas Dracos hypothesis is also quite good.

Fox McCloud is the messiah :D

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@foxxx, BLASPHEMY!!!!

lol, i think it will comprise of %20 christian

%30 of jenova's witnesses (the great reunion XD)

%12 fayth

%38 lylatians

and %10 jewish XD

of course this is slightly off topic, were talking about the science of planets here not about personal religious beliefs (if you must know im christian, but i love science!)

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personally, for the setup of the Lylat system, i would use solar as the star, http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Solar but the idea of a planet failing to fall out of it's genesis state due to the nebulas is an interesting idea. Still, if it started out in the games as a star, than it would be too impossibly huge to be a planet. You can always go the way of bringing the two ideas together, if Solar and the nebulas formed before the other planets, than the planets could have fallen into rotation around it (you`d have to make up some pseudo-science to make this work, but that`s the fun part)

Except that established canon says that Solar IS a planet, NOT a star. The wiki you cite is wrong, as it sources the SF64 player's guide, which is wrong on this subject (one of very very few things that that book gets wrong, but wrong is wrong.). The final nail in this is when Solar was referred to as a planet in-game in SFC.

The wiki acknowledges this, but then ignores Game Canon in favor of Documentation Canon (Game Canon > Documentation Canon, always), and falsely claiming that all other sources call Solar a star. SF64 European storyline says planet. Japanese Storyline says planet. US Website says planet. German Lylat Wars says planet. SFC says planet. It's a planet.

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Guest FoXXX

Except that established canon says that Solar IS a planet, NOT a star. The wiki you cite is wrong, as it sources the SF64 player's guide, which is wrong on this subject (one of very very few things that that book gets wrong, but wrong is wrong.). The final nail in this is when Solar was referred to as a planet in-game in SFC.

The wiki acknowledges this, but then ignores Game Canon in favor of Documentation Canon (Game Canon > Documentation Canon, always), and falsely claiming that all other sources call Solar a star. SF64 European storyline says planet. Japanese Storyline says planet. US Website says planet. German Lylat Wars says planet. SFC says planet. It's a planet.

Kinda like Aquas, just hot :)

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