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Krystals 'Rights'


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Some random Gmod player has become an internet smash after a renoman fan claimed he misused the character in a crappy Gmod video he made. The guy claimed many things, the most stupid one being that the character has rights.

The full story here


While I have preferences about certain characters, I don't think anyone fictious has any kinds of rights. It's not like someones life is being ruined by the video.

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Yeah. That was pretty hilarious.

By the way, the only people who have rights when fictional characters are involved are their creators. It's called "copyright."

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Guest FoXXX

Yeah. That was pretty hilarious.

By the way, the only people who have rights when fictional characters are involved are their creators. It's called "copyright."

^This lol

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Fictional character have no rights.

Fans of characters have no rights over those characters.

That said, I happened upon that video just today randomly. Though it has some funny parts, it's mostly just a way to make Renamon look like a jerk before savagely murdering her. That's disrespectful to anybody, fictional or not. And though a fictional character has no feelings of their own, people who like said character may be offended just as anyone would be offended if their child or spouse was portrayed in such a way.

And also, Dragoneer is wrong. Renamon is not a whore. A whore is a woman who does sexual acts for money. There's no reason to believe she ever did that in her fictional universe, and she certainly didn't do that in real life since she doesn't exist.

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Though it has some funny parts, it's mostly just a way to make Renamon look like a jerk before savagely murdering her.

Did you read the description? It was a response to the message he received after he posted a particular video.

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Just watched the video, and I actually found it quite entertaining. Lot of distastefullness, but after watching a couple of seasons of Metalocalypse like I've just done, one doesn't really bother about such things anymore.

Like Mr. K sums it up, he's in full right to make and publish the video like he already has done. He's in full right, but not obliged.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Fictional character have no rights.

Fans of characters have no rights over those characters.

That said, I happened upon that video just today randomly. Though it has some funny parts, it's mostly just a way to make Renamon look like a jerk before savagely murdering her. That's disrespectful to anybody, fictional or not. And though a fictional character has no feelings of their own, people who like said character may be offended just as anyone would be offended if their child or spouse was portrayed in such a way.

And also, Dragoneer is wrong. Renamon is not a whore. A whore is a woman who does sexual acts for money. There's no reason to believe she ever did that in her fictional universe, and she certainly didn't do that in real life since she doesn't exist.

^ this

...if you don't like it, don't view/read it [again]...

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Did you read the description? It was a response to the message he received after he posted a particular video.

Yes. Did you read MY response?

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I'm confused.

People are claiming someone claims Renamon has rights?

But where is/are this/these post(s) making the claim? I admittedly didn't read through all 5000+ comments on the video (I have better things to do with my time), but I didn't see it on the FA thread or video description. I saw plenty of references to it, but not the post itself...

All I get out of this is that some people don't want Renamon depicted in certain situations and complain about it when she is, not that people are claiming she has rights.

I obviously missed something here.

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Actually, Starfox have a brief appearance in the 8th episode of the Gmod Idiot Box series made by the same guy.

Yes, it's the barrel roll joke. Starts at around 7:00.

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I'm confused.

People are claiming someone claims Renamon has rights?

But where is/are this/these post(s) making the claim? I admittedly didn't read through all 5000+ comments on the video (I have better things to do with my time), but I didn't see it on the FA thread or video description. I saw plenty of references to it, but not the post itself...

All I get out of this is that some people don't want Renamon depicted in certain situations and complain about it when she is, not that people are claiming she has rights.

I obviously missed something here.

It is in the video description. It goes as follows:

"Anyway, this video was spurred by a particular private message I got a few hours after GIB: Episode 8's release:

Hello there DasBoSchitt.

I just wanted to inform you that I watch all of your videos, and I love all of them; while some are less funny and humorous than others, they all seem to play out well and fair on my end. While I cannot deny that I am a loyal subscriber to your channel and your "Garry's Mod Idiot Box" series is a brilliant video collection, I have some problems with your work. Now that I've gotten past all the sucking up and admittance of my love for your videos, it's time I presented this "problem" to you. The whole situation about you not hating furries, yet hating Renamon, is a paradox; by stating your hatred for Renamon in the "Tagged" video, you have also state a vulgar abhorrence for furries as well. Me and a collection of furry enthusiasts have agreed that it would be in our best interests if we asked you to cease and desist the use of Renamon in your videos, unless it is in a positive demeanor.

While I cannot deny that Renamon IS a child's film star, we all love and respect her as if she were a real, living and breathing person. Back when I presented this issue to my group, they were all completely unaware that you had ever posted anything harmful to the name of Renamon, and did not believe me at first; so I provided them the video as evidence; they were amazed at the result. As further support, we've contacted other furry support groups (Specifically Renamon based) and asked them for their advice and they fell in line with me, and my organization's thoughts and concerns. Anyway, the point is, a lot of people don't want you downsizing the name of Renamon. If you would be so kind as to stop posting videos with bad things concerning Renamon, we would be greatly appreciative.

A list of the things we do not want Renamon involved in:

Sexual Activities

Unnecessary Violence

Sexual Innuendos


Vulgar Language


Disobeying the Law

Thank you for your time,

(Name and group with-held)"

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Guest FoXXX

A list of the things we do not want Renamon involved in:

Sexual Activities

Unnecessary Violence

Sexual Innuendos


Vulgar Language


Disobeying the Law


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Guest Matt macdowel

there right ransoma and fictional chararters have rights. *cough only in there worlds cough cough*

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Giving a fictional character "rights" is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of since candy flavored cigars. This guy's overreacting more than SpongeBob to, well, everything. If Krystal wants rights, she can get them in her own fictional world.

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Guest Matt macdowel

Giving a fictional character "rights" is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of since candy flavored cigars. This guy's overreacting more than SpongeBob to, well, everything. If Krystal wants rights, she can get them in her own fictional world.

true true true unless the fictonal chararters WERE REAL!


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...we all love and respect her as if she were a real, living and breathing person.

I assume this is the offending phrase?

I don't quite see it as an assignment of rights. It still just sounds like fanboy bitching to me. :/ (as someone who's done a fair amount of fanboy bitching myself, I know what it is when I see it. :P)

I honestly don't know what is more pathetic. Bitching over fanart (I don't remember ever consciously reaching that low), or the fact that there are "Renamon based" support groups. O_o

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I assume this is the offending phrase?

I don't quite see it as an assignment of rights. It still just sounds like fanboy bitching to me. :/ (as someone who's done a fair amount of fanboy bitching myself, I know what it is when I see it. :P)

I honestly don't know what is more pathetic. Bitching over fanart (I don't remember ever consciously reaching that low), or the fact that there are "Renamon based" support groups. O_o

Yeah. I mean what next. A group of people who like animals flying space ships? ...

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Guest Matt macdowel

Yeah. I mean what next. A group of people who like animals flying space ships? ...

thats already been used. Starwars

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Guest FoXXX

I assume this is the offending phrase?

I don't quite see it as an assignment of rights. It still just sounds like fanboy bitching to me. :/ (as someone who's done a fair amount of fanboy bitching myself, I know what it is when I see it. :P)

I honestly don't know what is more pathetic. Bitching over fanart (I don't remember ever consciously reaching that low), or the fact that there are "Renamon based" support groups. O_o

Krystal is worth bitching about :D

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