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Sega Genesis/Megadrive, anyone?

Guest DRL

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Ah!, the Sega... It takes me back to when I had my 10th birthday. I had several sega consoles before. but that one was special. A sega genesis 3, complete with turbo controllers and everything.

There are many games I can think of.

For example, I happen to own a Sonic the hedgedog original cartridge, and I can say that I spent countless hours trying to beat it. I could not believe in the end when the guy said "Try again".

And I loved Target Earth!. In fact, I have a sprite gallery (currently under construction) dedicated to it.

Does anyone loved a Sega Gen/Meg game? Today they are not much, but they were great back then...

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i've had a ll seg consoels except the sega saturn.....

anyway i  sometiems play the genssi on a emulator on my computer....fun somtimes. i miss the old sonic cartoons and games.

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I used to play Sonic on that thing!

Annnddd, I loved the beginning of each Sega game - SSSEEEEEGAAAAAA!!

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I used to play Sonic on that thing!

Annnddd, I loved the beginning of each Sega game - SSSEEEEEGAAAAAA!!

Oh yeah that was just GrEaT!

There were also somes games who did something with the SEGA logo.

I can only remember now of VectorMan and Earthworm Jim (and come to think about Jim, the music in the first level is so great that I HAVE IT IN MY PC!)

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I miss my Sega Genesis, thing died on me, luckily though, I have all the Sonic games for PS2. I wish I had a Sega Saturn though, first FPS AvP came out on that thing, and it was completely different from any of the others, and many consider it the best game for the Saturn.

Also, why did no one give the Dreamcast any love? I still have mine and play it too. (Sega Marine Fishing ftfw baby!)

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Also, why did no one give the Dreamcast any love? I still have mine and play it too. (Sega Marine Fishing ftfw baby!)

Well, I heard it was because the Dreamcast had 2 processors (was dual core) and at the time it was like something too... "Alien", and little people knew how to efficiently code in dual core.

About that, the sequel to Target Earth (Or "Assault Suit Leynos"), ASL 2, was released only for the Dreamcast. Wish I had one...

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Oh yeah that was just GrEaT!

There were also somes games who did something with the SEGA logo.

I can only remember now of VectorMan and Earthworm Jim (and come to think about Jim, the music in the first level is so great that I HAVE IT IN MY PC!)

I like vectormans sega logo he shuts it down lol POWER TO THE ORBOTS!
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Still have my Genesis model 2, I've been playing Desert Strike, Streets of Rage, and Sonic 2 on and off for awhile.  :)

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Still have my Genesis model 2, I've been playing Desert Strike, Streets of Rage, and Sonic 2 on and off for awhile.  :)

Well, I still have my Gen-3 model (althrough it is a bit... "Pathched up"  :wink:)

I have the full 'Strike' Collection: Desert, Jungle, and Urban Strike.

Earthworm Jim I & II (Althrough I do not know if these count because they are my brother´s)

Dune, the battle for Arrakis... to name a few.

By the way I am such a fan of target Earth that I finished extracting (most of) the ships in the game.

Maybe I should later post the picture here?

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Well, I heard it was because the Dreamcast had 2 processors (was dual core) and at the time it was like something too... "Alien", and little people knew how to efficiently code in dual core.

About that, the sequel to Target Earth (Or "Assault Suit Leynos"), ASL 2, was released only for the Dreamcast. Wish I had one...

Dreamcaste wasn't too bad sadly it's sonic games ruined the series forever after adventures.
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Dreamcaste wasn't too bad sadly it's sonic games ruined the series forever after adventures.

Like I said it was not bad, in fact, it was by far the best 2D console to exist for a long time. However, Dual-Core was something a novelty back then, and thus very few people knew how to code a game in for such hardware.

And for me the classic Sega Genesis Style sonic is the best. It was like Mario, but instead of jumping it was running... Yet it had the same thrill, for some reason.

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