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StarFox: Atrophy Among the Stars

Guest First_rate_slacker

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Guest First_rate_slacker

Disclaimer: Starfox characters Nintendo

Orignal characters First_Rate_Slacker AKA Swift the Slacker

In the event that a character is used that was made by SOMEONE ELSE, I will state it before the chapter.

Author's Note: This story hasn't been released to the public yet, so I want to see what people think before I continue to write the next couple of chapters.

Regardless of the public's responce I will, however, release this prolouge and the next chapter. [possibly the one after that as well.]

Author's second note: This fanfic is balanced towards story-telling and diolouge, more than the actual action. Rest assured there is a lot of exploding junk in this fic, but to me a writer the plot always comes first. If I have to cut a space battle a little shorter than I expected to further the plot then I will.

The prolouge and the first chapter have mostly story-telling and the intros of important characters. [Or so I have it planned] If all goes according to my plan then there should be a lot of the "good stuff" in later chapters.

Just a warning for those of you who don't like that type of fiction. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Now onto the story.


Star Fox: Atrophy among the Stars


The liaison between the Cornerian Armed forces and their many allies had been firm for several years. It was noted that many of the other Forces hadn't taken a large role in protecting their partners. But the choice to amalgamate their power into one, "The Galactic Defense Force" was made so that actual interfierence within another planet and/or system's affairs wasn't common.

Unless of course the situation was, in fact, so dire that the need to unify resources and military strength occured. Thanks to Starfox, affairs such as the Lylat Wars and Aparoid Uprising never reached that kind of intergalactic distress.

But in the System of Naw-linair had been having an extreme uprising of warfare and battle. the chances of peace without armed action at this stage was highly unlikely.

So as a result "The Galactic Defense Force" arranged a meeting to discuss the current situation. Corneria, representing the Lylat System, of course, sent General Pepper as their representative and the meeting had begun, first with a debate on how to quell the problem.

"Obviously these rogues have no respect for the peace that the Naw-Linairians have been able to keep over the past millenia." The first representative, from the Sar-Narthian System, spat out in anger. His people and the Naw-linairians had always conducted steady trade and because of the war the Sar Narthians were experiencing a steady economic drop.

He continued rather annoyed, "I for one say that we nuke their homeworld and get on with our lives!" Many whispers and grumbles were heard throughout the meeting room.

"Nuking them," retorted the Gotranian System's representative, "will only cause galactic panic, the people won't be very happy with our rash and recless decision." The Gotranian System is very peaceful they don't tend to contribute armed protection as much as they do alternative methods of peace. Every meeting, they've always opposed the use of weapons.

Several more whispers and small conversations erupted around the meeting room. General Pepper tried his hand at a solution, "The Naw-Linair region has been taken over by about 78%, the use of the asteroid mines and other important resources has been lost, it is known commonly that they are the prime contributers of Mobo-tiranium, the most durable substance know to us all."

He stopped to chew on his lolly-pop, it was a bad habit that he had but he couln't stop eating them. To most it was highly unprofessional and rather silly to see. "If our enemy gains full access to these mines and gains the ability to construct armored weapons from the Mobo-tiranium, then I fear all may be lost." He paused as if waiting for someone to question his logic.

"A nuclear attack is something I would call, a definite plan "B", instead I say we declare war on this new foe and eradicate it slowly but surely. But keep in mind that all asteriod mines MUST be protected at all costs." He ended his proposal and waited for any comments. The first from the Gotranian representative.

"This enemy, while not as numorous as our own force, is far more skilled in terms of battle. Not only that but their armada has ten times the fire power than any of ours put together, we'll need to use more then just our sheer strength alone to end this. We'll need an elaborate plan..." She paused for a moment.

"General, your System has been through several wars in the past century alone, and during the last few decades the most, you've delt with Andross several times and the team that has won you many of your battles, Starfox, they may be needed now more then ever." She sighed, "I fear though, that even with them, it may not be enough."

The representative from a small system, Hentriss, stood and nodded, "This is true, relying on them to fight off Andross was one thing but this foe is far greater in contrast. We will need more pilots of a similar if not greater calibur."

"I agree," Pepper nodded solomnly, "but pilots like that don't come cheap, most are just in it for the profit I fear this may take a large chunk out of the Defense Force's budget."

"Whatever the cost, we won't be beaten by these rogues!" The Sar-Narthian representative roared, "I absolutly refuse to admit defeat to them..."

"Then if everyone else agrees..." Pepper trailed off as many nods and other acknowledgements were given. "It's settled, this threat shall fall."

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