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New Vehicles?

That Guy

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Hey guys. So I was thinking about this when I was writting my script. What kind of vehicles, other than the arwing or wolfen, would you like to see? I mean, there is the landmaster, which I thought was pretty badass, and the blue marine wasn't too bad either.

...so what you guys want?

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One of these


I'd definitely love to see one of em in StarFox! Mebbe a ground version of the Great Fox.

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Hey guys. So I was thinking about this when I was writting my script. What kind of vehicles, other than the arwing or wolfen, would you like to see? I mean, there is the landmaster, which I thought was pretty badass, and the blue marine wasn't too bad either.

...so what you guys want?

Defintly some form of walker. How about a Cornerian fighter?

I agree with asper MORE TANKS  with specific roles Like  the Raptor or  my LandLynks

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I agree with asper MORE TANKS  with specific roles Like  the Raptor or  my LandLynks

That tank I posted is quite special in fact. I actually think that something similar to it is the future of armoured warfare. A quick, small, one-man tank with a modular weapon systems.

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yeah  ,but personnalY i think hover tanks are the way to go after we transition from tracks.

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yeah  ,but personnalY i think hover tanks are the way to go after we transition from tracks.

hover tanks  like colony hover tanks?
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yeah  ,but personnalY i think hover tanks are the way to go after we transition from tracks.

Hover crafts are still many, many years into the future. And will probably be quite fragile and unsuitable for heavy armoured vehicles for even longer. The tank I posted can be built with todays techology. Heck it IS built with todays technology.

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