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Ripped SNES textures


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I wrote a little program and dumped the 3D texture graphics from Star Fox and Star Fox 2.  Sorry, I couldn't find other flat bitmap graphics.  These have no palettes, so I dumped them as false-color images, with darker colors being lower palette color indexes, and lighter colors being higher palette color indexes - the darkest black should be transparent.  If someone can find the various palettes that can go with these, that would be sweet. ^^



This is the Java source code of the little program I whipped up, saved to FXBitmapDump.java:

import java.awt.image.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

import javax.imageio.*;

public class FXBitmapDump {

        public static void main(String[] args) {

                try {  int length = args.length & ~1;

                        for (int index = 0; index < length; index += 2)

                                main(new File(args[index]),

                                        new File(args[index + 1]));

                } catch (Exception e) {



                } System.exit(0);


        public static final int[] PALETTE = {

                0xFF000000, 0xFF111111, 0xFF222222, 0xFF333333,

                0xFF444444, 0xFF555555, 0xFF666666, 0xFF777777,

                0xFF888888, 0xFF999999, 0xFFAAAAAA, 0xFFBBBBBB,



        public static void main(File romFile, File pngFile) throws Exception {

                InputStream in = new FileInputStream(romFile);

                int height = (int)((romFile.length() + 0xFF) >> 8);

                BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(

                        0x200, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

                int[] pix = new int[0x200];

                int value = -1;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {

                        Arrays.fill(pix, 0);

                        for (int x = 0; x < 0x100; x++) {

                                value = in.read();

                                if (value < 0)


                                pix[0x000 | x] = PALETTE[value & 0xF];

                                pix[0x100 | x] = PALETTE[value >> 4];

                        } image.setRGB(0, y, 0x200, 1, pix, 0, 0x200);

                        if (value < 0)


                } ImageIO.write(image, "png", pngFile);



[Pruned to save disk space]

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I like SF1´s characters the most.

I like SF2´s 'tactical-map' gameplay,

althrought SF1 is cool as it is.

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I like SF1´s characters the most.

I like SF2´s 'tactical-map' gameplay,

althrought SF1 is cool as it is.

Oops, wrong thread.  When I said "Which do you like most?" I thought I was replying to the Dermot's MIDIs thread. XD

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Oops, wrong thread.  When I said "Which do you like most?" I thought I was replying to the Dermot's MIDIs thread. XD

Uh, sorry then... Well still,

they are cool textures, are not they?  :lol:

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Uh, sorry then... Well still,

they are cool textures, are not they?  :lol:

Yes, they are indeed. :3 I just wish I knew how to extract the other bitmaps...they aren't stored in SNES or SuperFX bitmap format (at least not raw - they must be compressed somehow).

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Nice job getting these! Too bad you couldn't extract the palettes, they don't look too good in black and white. The images are pretty small aren't they? Were they that size when you pulled them, or did you scale it down?

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Very nice work Dermot. I agree with SFR, it is a shame they aren't in color, but it is still great to have none the less.

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I have a great love for beta content from games, thus my user name. And I see some beta stuff in here, like the portrait of the whole Star Fox team down there with the SF2 stuff. Quite awesome. :D

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I have a great love for beta content from games, thus my user name. And I see some beta stuff in here, like the portrait of the whole Star Fox team down there with the SF2 stuff. Quite awesome. :D

I still want to find the palettes. X3 SNES palettes are usually stored in the same format for almost every game, but it's a matter of finding those exact 32 consecutive bytes.

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This thread... was two years old.

Holy bump-force trauma, Batman!

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Yup, Vydrach is on point with this one; this is quite a large dredge. :lock:

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