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Who here thinks Wolf sucks?

Guest Remus_Lemures

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Guest Remus_Lemures

Hey everyone, it's your friend, Remus Lemures. I started this topic to round up all of the people here at StarFox-Online who hate and abhor Wolf O'Donnell, that filthy, disgusting, criminal whom Fox McCloud actually looks up to. Ugh!

This is the lounge for all who hate this stupid wolf. Lets all get together and talk about our reasons for hating this criminal filth.

- Remus Lemures

My reasons for hating this guy, simple. He's a no-class, filthy, abhorent, criminal...ughhhh guy, and I don't believe that my favorite character in all of StarFox...looks up to this guy as a role model. That just makes me SICK. But if the guy who created StarFox created them that way, fine then. That's completely fine.

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... I think he's awesome... so... I guess I can't join the club of flamage.


you're probably the only one who hates him

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I hate him too but only cause of the way he looks in assault. I also hate how fox looks in assault too. I hope they make them look better in the next game cause the foreheads have got to go.

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I dislike Wolf for most of the reasons you listed, but I don't hate anyone; I only hate actions. He's a criminal and a mercenary (for the wrong side). He is cocky, too. But he did come through for everyone in Assault. You have to give him credit for that, though I think that the game designers over played that a bit. I think that if we should be hating anyone, it should be Pigma. He's basically worse than even Andross. He's a turn coat. He probably assisted in the death of James and he thought it was funny. He's quite twisted. At least Andross had a plan. Pigma is just a violent evil person, if there is such a thing.

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wolf's da bomb well no not really but he's alright


That made me chuckle.

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Guest Remus_Lemures

People, people, people! This is supposed to be a lounge for flaming on Wolf, not a place to discuss the good and bad things about him. Now, I need the people who really hate Wolf to the cores of their hearts to be here. I thank you. By the way, Harry Potter Four just came out today. Beh. Meh.

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Remus_Lemures drawled on and on about....

People, people, people!

This is supposed to be a lounge for flaming on Wolf, not a place to discuss the good and bad things about him.

By the way, Harry Potter Four just came out today. Beh. Meh.

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Wolf does NOT suck!!!

He just need some improvement in the graphics, that's all.

I bet if he were real--dream on--he'd be GREAT... just don't get too close to him, or even look at him--who knows if he likes humans or not--saying that because I'm a human, even in this kind of forums (anthro. furry, or however you call them!!!

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I don't think he sucks. He's got a neutral role (in Assault, anyway), which makes him both your friend and enemy. I think it's an interesting element to the game.

As a character I'm not too fond of him, but I don't hate him. He'd probably not be the nicest or most law-abiding of people, but I'm pretty sure he just goes by his own code of ethics.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate him too but only cause of the way he looks in assault. I also hate how fox looks in assault too. I hope they make them look better in the next game cause the foreheads have got to go.


"Now that i got that out of my system.

And other than FOREHEAD I agree with Inuyasha.

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Guest triforce45

I can't say i hate wolf but in assault man they really screwd him up. In starfox 64 he looked sooooooooooo much different. I don't know why nintendo changed both his voice, and his look. I guess we will never know why they changed him. o_O

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Wolf Roxxorz my soxxorz, and this topic has metamorphosized ten-fold from what it started as.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Zohrra Ka

I know this topic is old but I hate the rule about dregding anyway I HATE WOLF in vs mode because he's to powerful and I have added up all the stats and here they are from lowest to highest at the lowest is................ krystal with 15 stars next up is 2 and they are.........................flaco and peppy with 18 now for the top 3

in 3rd place.....................slippy with 20

in 2nd place.....................fox with 21

and first and most hated by me is...........................................................

.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................wolf with a cheatin 23 which makes 3 5s

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So, if he wasn't as powerful you would like him, in Assault?

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